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Who has tried an Ouija board?

Did it work for you? Share your experiences.

- I'm thinking of trying one but i need to learn more about it before i do anything.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes they work as I have first hand experience. As far as it being "just a game" you can make one yourself, so just because they are marketed as a games doesn't mean that they cannot be used to contact unseen entities.

    While in college about 15 years ago a friend and I were invited into a dorm room with about 4 girls who had been "playing Ouija" in there for the past few nights and what I experienced that night changed my beliefs in how our universe works as it completely blew all of my beliefs out of the water.

    Here is what happened besides just the planchette moving about the board:

    Someone asked for the entity (named Kevin) to turn on a lamp by flicking the thumbswitch on its electrical cord. At that point one of the girls held the cord in her hand with the switch dangling about 5 CM from her hand to allow "Kevin" to flick it on. I could not believe my eyes as I watched the lamp cord swing about below her hand as if a cat or a dog were pulling on the other end. (No she was not moving her hand and nothing visible was pulling on the other end of the cord which was plugged into a wall socket) That was *freaky*.

    They also had "Kevin" lift a telephone receiver off a hook while two girls lightly placed their fingers on top of the receiver. (No they did not wrap their fingers around the receiver so as to pick it up themselves in anyway whatsoever)

    I had been drinking a can of Pepsi that night and suggested that "Kevin" move the can. I set the empty can down on the floor then one of the girls and I gently touched the top of the can which proceeded to rotate beneath our fingers I then asked if it could levitate the can beneath our fingers and it did just that. I can recall what it felt like as well. It felt like static electricity similar to what you get when you rub your hand on a television screen (CRT) immediately after turning it on or off.

    Personally I would avoid having anything to do with those boards, as you can never be sure what you are dealing with. It's currently beyond our level of understanding. I don't know what those entities are, what they want, what they do, or where they come from but I will say that they absolutely unequivocally exist and it's probably best to avoid them. I would be curious to know the answers to these and other questions, but unfortunately, everyone seems to have a different answer and there are so many hoaxers, and wacky "professionals" out there with crazy off the wall unsubstantiated "explanations" that the real story will probably never come to light.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm amazed that this question keeps coming up, thanks Matt you've rekindled my faith in human nature, I like your avatar, I've met the man himself and invariably put a link of his into all paranormal questions.

    To answer your question Kayla, I did try a ouija board a couple of times, it was about the same time that I still believed in father christmas and the tooth fairy, and that's the truth.

    The ouija board was patented by the Maryland Toy Company in 1892 and that's all it was meant to be, a toy, any bad or evil experiences are brought about either by the imaginations or the prancster intentions of the participants.

    As Matt has said, the movement of the Planchette is caused by the ideomotor effect and this is easily proven, if for instance you blind folded all the participants before the start of the session and then had an independent observer taking notes of the 'messages' you would find that they would be completel non- comprehensible gibberish.

    If there were such things as spirits and demons, surely they would be able to guide the participants, it's almost prehistoric thinking.

  • Matt
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I have experimented with the Ouija board many times. Not once did it truly work. Spirits, demons, etc. do not exist. It would be physically improbable for a board game to connect to the "spirit world" (which also doesn't exist).

    The reason you get answers like, "Don't do it" is because nearly all the people who have said this have never actually used one. They read a story online and become afraid of it without ever trying.

    The ones who have used one are probably religious and paranoid. They believe these things they "talk" to are evil and existent.

    The Ouija board is a board which contains all 26 letters and the words "yes" and "no". The planchette is moved because of the ideomotor effect, the unconscious movement through your fingers and arms.

  • 1 decade ago

    ive done ouija board so many times its not funny

    im only 15 they've all told me i have a gift they werent specific about it they sed i have good energy and vibes and i think differently to other people and so they like me or a re drawn/attracted to me.something about my mind is gifted or whatever.

    things you should know: bad things can happen whether you want them to or not, be polite when speaking to a spirit, if a demon comes to you ask if they intend harm in any way if they say yes or threaten you ive always just threatened to banish them and they cower away,ouija board is not as bad as people make it out to be, you need atleast 2 people to have their finger on the glass for it to work and often with people that are more spiritual than others the glass moves alot faster

    i did ouija board last nite with a mate and we had some candles in a jar out of know where a peice of the glass jar flew off and hit my mates hand we freaked out and when we asked what happened the spirit sed its name was bex she was 12 years old and she accidently tripped over my jar and broke it because she was busy staring at my mums

    algoods though i recomend trying it at nite you get more of a thrill especially in candle light :)

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  • i have used one but the only thing i can say is dont be stupid when u use a ouija board

  • Sparx
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    it works better if you have at least 1 other person. the more people, the better chances of communicating with something. you'll swear that someone is pushing it. I've spoke to a few spirits or whatever through a ouija board. after all it is just a game.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yes i have best beloved and they're fine and work well. They are also quite safe providing you learn how to open AND close the board properly. This will keep you safe from malevolent spirits (Tricksters).

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I tried it and talked to a few demons nothing bad though since I'm a luciferian but there are always spirits that can try to hurt you so at the end remember to say goodbye or you'll probably leave open some portals.

  • 1 decade ago

    Matt said it best.

    It's really just a waste of time.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would advise strongly against it, because when you do it you dont actually know who your talking to, and those ouiji boards sometimes attract negative entitys or 'spirits.' Also, sometimes these spirits can psychically attack you, and sometimes attach onto you. Please, just dont do it. Its not worth it.

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