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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Do most Conservatives: A) believe they're not racist, B) acknowledge that they're racist but try not to be,...?

Do most Conservatives:

A) believe that they're not racist,

B) acknowledge that they're racist but try not to be,

C) acknowledge that they're racist and think it's OK


Why when I asked this question of Liberals everyone pretty much answered B?

24 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    D) I'm not racist... I hate everybody equally

    Source(s): me, a republican
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    No, I'm not sure you're right on this one. That doesn't mean that racism doesn't exist. Racism is a learned behavior based on false notions. Example: While in the military, I met a woman from S. Dakota. She had lived in a small town and had never seen a black person except on tv (until she joined the military). She had no racist attitudes toward blacks because she had never come in contact with blacks growing up. Her parents had no opinion of black people one way or the other because they didn't have any contact with black people either. So, lack of contact basically left her with no preconceived notions dealing with real life. It was surprisingly refreshing. Most of her contact with non-whites had been with Mexicans and Native Americans. Fortunately, she lived in a community where people were just people. She was genuinely confused by some of the racist attitudes she did encounter later in life and used to say "I don't get it!" Granted, this is rare, but it happens.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In the last Presidential election the worst racism was displayed by Democrats, during the Primarys.

    Racism coming from the Hillary campaign - in the words of one of her advisors: "If you have a social need, you're with Hillary. If you want Obama to be your imaginary hip black friend and you're young and you have no social needs, then he's cool."

    In the early stages of the campaign, it was Clinton’s cadre who kept playing the race card. In New Hampshire, Clinton’s co-chair, Billy Shaheen, accused Obama of being a drug dealer; then there was the photograph of Sen. Barack Obama in Somalian garb leaked to the press by Clinton’s staff.

    In the aftermath of the South Carolina primary, former President Bill Clinton compared Obama’s victory to those of Jesse Jackson in 1984 and 1988. His message was clear: Obama was a marginal, black candidate.

    Then came the disgraceful remarks of Geraldine Ferraro, who could not, and would not, shut her mouth. “If Obama was a white man,” she charged, “he would not be in this position." And she was adamant and unapologetic amid the resulting outcry. "Every time that campaign is upset about something, they call it racist,” she proclaimed. “I will not be discriminated against because I'm white."

    The Democrats should be more concerned with the racism in their own ranks.

  • 1 decade ago

    Most conservatives are NOT racist AT ALL!!!

    But, as with Democrats, some are racist and not know it.

    Some (both Republicans and Dems) sometimes know they have some racism but try not to be (my aunt, a Republican - and some of my co-workers who are democrat)

    And there are some who know they are bigots and seem to think that is ok. (A co-worker's husband (democrat) and a guy I know from California who is no longer allowed in our house (who is a Republican))

    There is bigotry on both sides of hte political fence.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I'm a white male Republican who hired a black man on a feature film crew last week, and trained a black man the week before that. I also worked for an Asian-American on his documentary crew last week and part of the week before. I also hired two women onto that crew, one of which is a grip, which is a particularly male-dominated field (and my own,) if you give a sh!t.

    Tell me something. When was the last time YOU hired someone of a race other than your own?

    While you're pointing fingers, why don't you try looking in your own back yard?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, if you don't believe in multi-generational welfare payments, you are racist.

    If you don't believe in free health-care for illegals, you are racist.

    If you think street signs should be written in English, you are racist.

    If you think "affirmative-action" actually leads to more racism and racial resentment, you are a racist.

    If you believe that people should only live where they can afford to live, you are a racist.

    If you don't feel bad for a bunch of people who refused to evacuate a flooding city, and you don't believe it was the Fed's job to escort them, you are a racist.

    If you have anything negative to say about a politician who happens to not be white, you are a racist.

    If you are worried about Islamic terrorists, you are a racist.

    But, at least you are RIGHT!

    FDR is always heralded as one of the Greatest Democrats. FDR sent thousands of Japanese Americans to internment camps during WW2. And he appointed an ex-Klansman to the Supreme Court.

    Bush has a handful of suspected Islamic terrorists in prison for questioning, and he's guilty of "racial profiling".

    Source(s): history and politics.
  • 1 decade ago

    Why is it that most of the people on here that throw the word racist around are white liberals?

    It makes it sound like you guys feel you need to protect a race of people that aren't even asking for your help. I rarely hear people of color say please mr liberal you are so awesome I need you to save me.!

    You guys are the ones doing the disrespecting.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Seriously, where does this stereotype come from? Is it because we don't like Obama? What, you think we don't like Obama for something as trivial and stupid as the color of his skin? We have so many reasons to dislike Obama and his policies that are much more significant than his race - what makes you jump to this conclusion? Personally, he could be caucasian, hispanic, asian, antarctican - I still wouldn't like him or his policies.

    Please, don't make gross generalizations. It makes you look like a tool and you will be eaten alive by the majority of users on this site.

  • And this question is coming from a democrat.....I'm not surprised.

    I'm not racist. Im Italian and Mexican, my boyfriend is black and my son is mixed . I grew up in a mostly black neighborhood. I have friends of all sorts of races and backgrounds.So quit making stupid assumptions

    Grow up, your only reinforcing what people already hate about liberals.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You don't leave any options except racism, do you. What does that say about you? This is called playing the race card, kapeesh?

    How is that logic differ from: Are all Democrats

    A) paedophiles?

    B) paedophiles who are in rehab?

    Pretty silly of you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    D. Most tire of liberals playing the race card at every turn. However, it is understood that liberals playing the race card are devoid of true sustainable arguments. It is all liberals have left, no doubt when they are swept from majorities in 2010, they will play it again

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