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So now it's racist to show ACORN is corrupt?

ACORN says they are going to sue the film maker who has exposed their corruption and FOX News for airing the films. They also claim that the film maker is racist and that was his motivation for "doctoring" the films.

When did it become racist to expose corruption? How much more of this kind of crap will we have to endure during this administration?

Will Obama ever say that ACORN "acted stupidly," or are those words reserved for WHITE police officers?

Where is the racism, really?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because of the race card being pulled on this subject and CNN calling the Tea Parties 'racist' and the NAACP calling for a boycott of the state of South Carolina because of Rep. Wilson's comments I decide to look up something....this is what I found...

    Type in black organizations and see what you get-----pages on pages will list Black organizations

    Then type in White organizations - !!!! you don’t get any! You get ONE site that tells what the KKK WAS!

    This is a list of a FEW of the Black organizations web sites:

    also check out the other tabs on this site:

    Black Advertising Agencies, Black Banks, Black Insurance companies, Black Investment Firms, Black Newspapers, Historically Black Colleges & Universities, African American Scholarships & Internship Opportunities The Village MarketPlace

    Now call me racist? All of these organizations are for the purpose of promoting race...they are fighting for Americans but for only black americans...tell me this isn't racist...please

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it's just a reflex for these people now. As in, they will state their arguments, and then add "also, what they did was racist," out of pure habit.

    Ironically enough, ACORN's hissy fit over this only exposes how corrupt they are. They are attempting to silence the accusations, both by firing the employees caught on tape (this does not exonerate them-if anyone has ever worked for an organization that recieves federal money, they know that they are responsible for what you do on their time, and, by g-d, you know that they know it...ACORN is, at the most favorable, criminally relaxed about the employees they pay your money to), creating a distraction with all this squawking, and suing (although, as the first guy pointed out, they may have a case).


  • 1 decade ago

    The 'race card' is losing steam - I'm fully expecting them to drag out the "God card" and the "victim card" on Acorn - "how un-Christian it is to attack an organization that helps so many poor people".

    They should be indicted under the R.I.C.O. act because they are more corrupt than the Mafia! However, since their roots go all the way through Congress right up to the White House, I doubt if there will even be an investigation. - sickening!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    a million) acquaintances with the racist Rev. Wright - you recognize, I believe many components of Rev. Wright. He is familiar with the actual usa, and is not afraid to disclose it. 2) acquaintances and go alongside with Tony Rezko, a guy charged with bribery, funds laundering, cord fraud and different countless crimes. - Hmmm.. I dunno, have not researched this one as lots. 3) He worked heavily with William Ayers the better half and toddlers terrorist who co-based "WeatherUnderground" a thorough left-wing anti-war team in the 60's and 70's. - it quite is an outright lie.. He did not artwork heavily with him. you're stretching the certainty there a lot. 4) Obama have been given a furnish to assist ACORN and became into counseled via ACORN. ACORN is the balloting team who's now being charged with voter fraud in 13 states! in basic terms is going to instruct you techniques undesirable the Obama/liberals want to win! - Yeah he supported ACORN, in spite of the shown fact that it does not propose he advised them to commit "VOTER REGISTRATION" fraud.

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  • 1 decade ago

    But if a pair of investigative journalists went in to the RNC and tried to get advice on how to commit voter fraud... the Libs would be praising them as heroes. NBC, especially, would be running THOSE videos 24/7.

    You know I'm right here.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have been waiting to hear them say that the 3 times they were caught on film and the 14 states investigating them is racially motivated.Charlie Rangel said the investigation into his taxes was racially motivated.Looks like when all else fails the Democrats will use the race card.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Candidate Obama to ACORN: You Will Help Shape the Agenda

    This video below is from the Heartland Democratic Presidential Forum in December 2007

    The woman asks Barack Obama if these ACORN nuts can count on him to sit down with them in the first 100 days of his administration.

    “Yes, but let me say that even before I get inaugurated, during the transition we’re going to be calling all of you in to help us shape the agenda,” replied Obama. ”We’re gonna be having meetings all across the country with community organizations so that you have input into the agenda for the next presidency of the United States of America.”

    And the nuts went wild.

    You might recall that back in February ACORN was trespassing and illegally entering homes because they considered themselves above the law.

    You might also recall that during the election last year, ACORN was under investigation for fraud in a dozen states or more.

    You might also recall that just last week, hidden camera revealed ACORN advising an undercover pimp and prostitute on how to commit tax fraud in a number of ways, how to bring illegal alien under-age girls into the country and claim them as “dependents,” and more.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think they're going to sue because the filmmakers violated the 2 party law that's in Maryland. Meaning both parties have to know they're being video taped.

    Linda Tripp had this same problem when she recorded Monica Lewinsky. If you remember all that drama. Since she was in Maryland at the time, and didn't tell Monica she was being recorded, the recording was illegal.

  • 1 decade ago

    They are doing anything they can to discredit the source. The actions of the ACORN workers are indefensible, so they cry racism to try and deflect from the real issue of their blatant corruption.

  • 1 decade ago

    Racism is loosing it's power. Most people are not racist. Most people know that. When you use a word like hate, racism, homophobic at every imagined occurrence, it looses it's sting.

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