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tom92117 asked in TravelUnited StatesPhoenix · 1 decade ago

Shopping at SAS Fabrics on Indian School Rd. in Phx. Would like some info please?

I'm trying to re-make my canopy for a 10 x 10 gazebo that was obliterated by the monsoon winds. It takes about 13 yards of material and places like JoAnn's Fabrics charge around $14 per yard for tan polyester. That can be quite expensive.

I have heard about a place on Indian School Road called SAS Fabrics that advertises material for $1.00 per yard. But before I drive 40 miles I would like to hear from others who have shopped there. Do they have large bolts of material or is everything in small pieces? Is the place organized or will I have to spend hours rummaging through heaps of material? I tried calling them but the phone person has an accent and is difficult to communicate with. So can anyone else in Phoenix help me out?

The place is on Indian School Road and is around 12th-16th street.


Also I do not want to buy a complete replacement canopy because they use velcro to attach to the frame. The velcro is sewn directly to the parent material and in high winds they tear very easily. I've created a new design which is much sturdier and will last 10 times longer.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I went to SAS on Indian School Road today...1st time. They had some cheap prices on a lot of fabric, buttons, zippers, wedding dodads, thread, etc. You had to really pick through the fabric to find lots of yards of the same fabric @ the $1-$2 range. The rolls and bolts with more fabric had higher prices but still cheaper than say a JoAnns. The sign outside said Air Conditioned but inside were the swamp coolers. When I called to get directions the lady on the phone was pleasant enough and the lady who helped us when we got there was pleasant enough also. All in all, I would go back to look for specials. Hope this helps.

    Source(s): me...I went there
  • kbk823
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I was just at SAS a few weeks ago. While some of the material is available for $1 per yard, most is more than that. Only the closeout tables have the $1 per yard (lovely things like safety vest orange tulle, holiday print cottons, etc). Most of the bolts are organized by fabric type, but even then, you'll find haphazard piles of bolts in different spots. Its very popular with students and crafters.

  • 1 decade ago

    I've been to SAS...they must have moved I thought they were closer to Dunlap. Anyway, they have large bolts of fabric, I believe that it is all closeout stuff that regular fabric stores couldn't use. It's been awhile since I've been in there, but as I recall they had sections like material for upholstery, fake fur, lace, and it's not will probably be able to find something.

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