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Lv 6
? asked in HealthMental Health · 1 decade ago

Is my daughter bi-polar or just plain mentally ill, pls. serious only.?

I will try and make this as short as i can.

My daughter which is in her early 40's has always been very controlling, she pitches one sibling against another because she is mad at the one. If any of her kids talk to that person , she will not talk or have anything to do with them.

She has also put a padlock on the frig when they were younger, she tells them exactly what she wants for b/days, holidays etc. and if she doesn't get it ( by the way , these are costly items she asks for ) she has a puss on her and won't talk to any of them. These kids are leaving one by one but they still come back to see her and she still does the same thing. She has had sex in the bathroom when the kids were smaller and they told me they can't sleep because she would moan and make noises with her b.f's. This was when they were about 12 to 14 yrs old. She is a true TAKER and when she gets what she wants , well, the hell with you

She has even tryed to turn the against me.

I am glad that my grand kids are leaving one at a time. They have jobs and can support themselves but she has twins at home , age 17 . They can't wait to leave either.

What do you think is wrong with her? She was not raised in this fashion and had both her parents, she is an only child and spoiled rotten when she was younger.

I know that there is not much i can do now but, she needs help, i think??

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    By the sound of it she may be bipolar and not being properly treated for it. Has she been diagnosed?? If she is bipolar...she is mentally ill. Is she on medication or any kind of treatment. Sounds like a Bipolar person who is not on medication or wrong medication. If that is the case then things will not get better, in fact they will only worsen until she gets the proper treatment & medication. If it is to the extent that it is affecting her life and the lives of others and she is refusing medication...she can be put into an in-patient program. However in order to do this she has to agree to it..if she won't...& you feel it is necessary you, as her mother - since she is not married - can file a petition on can get what you need from your local hospital/institution/or organizations.

    EDIT: There are different types of Bipolar...(Bipolar I, Bipolar II, Bipolar III, Bipolar NOS, & combination)each having different characteristics...Just because one Bipolar person acts a certain way...doesn't mean they all act the same.......(for those who are bipolar & don't act in this way).

    If you are not sure she has a mental disorder...find out. But one thing...for sure she needs psychological help.

    Source(s): My sister is bipolar...& I can relate to a lot, but not all, of what is listed above.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    With bipolar, you see very obvious characteristics like sleeping 14 hours a day for weeks or months on end, and then sleeping only like 2 hours a day for weeks or months and don't need more sleep.(mania doesn't happen as often or for as long as depression, usually). You see people hardly talking at all when depressed, alternating with talking a mile aminute and can't shut up when manic. When depressed, they may cry and cry and be suicidal and rarely leave home. When manic, maybe a party animal, and spend money they don't have and have sex all the time (even for people who are normally prudish). This sounds like selfishness, personality issues, whatever - I don't know. Doesn't sound bipolar.

    Source(s): I've had bipolar for many years
  • 1 decade ago

    This doesn't even sound remotely like a bipolar individual.

    It sounds like a spoiled brat with a bad attitude in need of a swift kick in the ***.

    Do some research on these things before you start pinning random mental disorders on people. If you had gone to her and told her you think she's bipolar with no proper evidence to support this theory, she would be pissed and offended; and with every right to be so.

    A little research goes a long way.

    Good luck.

    Source(s): Diganosed Bipolar.
  • Pinkyy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    it does not really sound like bi-polar disorder although i could be wrong...does she have abnormal highs and lows? i am guessing she is just a selfish person unfortunately. she could have what is called only child syndrome. many only child's grow up thinking the world revolves around them and they do not learn the concept of sharing with others at a young age so it effects them in their adult lives. she could need help but help will only benefit her if she wants it. you can only help her if she realizes she has a problem and she wants to fix it. good luck

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  • 1 decade ago

    There is nothing in this description that sounds like bipolar, or any other mental illness, honestly. It sounds like a really bad attitude. That doesn't mean you should blame yourself. No matter what you do children still develop their own personalities.

  • 1 decade ago

    Unfortunately, I think she was a spoiled, only child. She's all about her, and that's because she thinks she is more important than everybody else.

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