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What breed of dog do you own? What's your dog's story?

I got my Ellie from a puppy mill. She had been born in that awfull place and would be still living there if it wasn't the human society stepping in and bringing the poor puppies and their mothers.

Ellie had such a horrible life! She was dug up in dog poop, with urine on her feet, cramped in a cage with more 9 puppies, and she could hardly move. She was kept in to be one of the "reproducers", though she has a white paw that can be seen as a bad thing to some poodle breeders. But those idiots don't care! They didn't brush her, and her collar was so stuck to her skin that they needed to do a surgery to remove it.

Ellie was six months old when she was rescued. When me and my family entered the room to see the rescued puppies for adoption, we had a nasty suprise. There was a huge crowd surrounding each cute little puppy. Ellie was neither cute or small. She was really ugly and no one wanted her. Her fur had fell because of all the poop and pee on it, one of her eye was completly blue - she had been beaten - and she couldn't even walk, because she had never walked before! But as soon as Ellie looked up to me I saw love and forgot everything - took her home, gave her a bath and she licked me all the way through. I fell in love with Ellie and her curiosity - 2 years after, she looks like a little puppy, exploring everything excitedly. She is spayed, of course - she even had some ovarie problems after being a mom with less than a year of age.

PS. Yes I do hate tready toy poodles. Well Ellie is really huge! And I don't make her wear fluffy "pom-poms" because I think that they look gorgeous with natural fur.

Here is she:


What do you think about Ellie? (lol... I just wanna see you say how cute. ah ah.)

STAR if you love your dog!!!

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ellie was lucky to of found you, she looks lovely, I like the last picture were her nose is all curly.

    I have two dogs. My first ever dog we got from the RSPCA. We'd currently been looking for a Border Terrier but had had no look so decided, one sunday afternoon, to take a trip down to the shelter. They brought at 3 dogs. The first two were terrier mixes, very feisty, lively and curious, but neither were bothered by our presence. The third dog they brought out was scrawny, timid and looking sorry for him self. But we took a shine to him, or rather he took a shine to us. My family and I were all sitting on the floor in a circle, he came around to each of us to say hello, then came over to me, sat himself on my knee and stayed there for the rest of our visit. The next day, my mum went up to put down a £10 deposit.

    He had kennel cough so had to remain in kennels for a further 2 months. Everytime we went to visit him he would get so excited and pleased. He stayed with us and never once attempted to escape if someone accidentaly left the kennel door open.

    His past was unknown, though he was around 6 months when he came into rescue. He was found abandoned in a skip- the name Skippy was very tempting. The little pile of bones soon became my best friend and we've been inseperable ver since.

    My other dog, Fern, is a Field English Springer Spaniel. We bought her from a breeder, so she has no story. Her sire is a FTCH and her mother is a house pet. We got her because we wanted a friendly, medium sized, high energy breed that loved the water. She is a family pet but I also do some gun dog work with her.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That story about Ellie just about made me cry. :(

    I got my Hooch from a shelter on a long-term foster basis which means I have him for an unspecified period (over a year so far) and they pay for his vet care, not that he needs to go often.

    His previous owners brought him in because they had around 8 kids and just could not cope with him and a family. At only a year or so old and un-enutered he was absolutely full of energy, completely up the walls apparently. He was too strong for the woman to walk him. The woman at the shelter says that she was absolutely hysterical when they had to leave him so he was obviously loved.

    We also think has also been abused at some point as he was incredibly nervous - loud noises, people holding p their hands like they were going to hit him (they weren't), etc., all made him cower and shake. He's a lot better now.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have a Boston Terrier she was a rescued dog. She was the one that had the puppies. The people that owned her had her crated for 4 yrs just to have babies. She never was allowed to play, bark, chase balls, just act like a dog. I had her for 6 mths before she started noticing things. Her head was in a cloud. The first thing she noticed was a cigarette butt skipping through the parking lot. Then she noticed a butterfly flying. a yr later we had a landlord that had a 9 mth old lab and the lab would drag her all over the house by her collar. she got where she would jump off the back of the couch on the back of the lab. She's come around and she's a fantastic dog!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ellie certainly isn't ugly! She looks very sweet.

    My dog came from a puppy mill as well. He was transferred with his two other siblings from another state to a small shelter near us. My dad had originally been looking for a German Shepherd as a new addition to our family, but when he saw my dog, he knew he was the one. My dog was 7 months at the time, big, lanky, with legs too long for him. He is a Setter mix. Genno was very shy at first, he didn't eat unless we were watching, could barely finish a walk (my dad had to carry him home) and he loved to sneak into the bathroom after someone showered and fall asleep on the bath mat because it was so warm. He's currently sun tanning, like he does everyday.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Aww Ellie is gorgeous. I've had so many dogs in my lifetime that I'll just tell you the stories of my current two.

    Well first there is Cora. She's my diva. She loves to get petted and scratched but only when it suits her and will walk off in the middle if she's bored. She'd been kept in terrible conditions and raised by an owner who couldn't even be bothered to walk her. We got her when she was nearly a year old and she's developed quite a character since then as you can tell. I'm glad that she's managed to after what she went through.

    Then there is Cooper. He's my baby. Technically, we got him for my second son (he's autistic) but we share Cooper. He's such a goofball it's hilarious. He'll sleep in the bath and tries to get 5 balls in his mouth at once. Thankfully, he didn't have to go through what Cora went through. We got him as soon as he could leave his mum and he was seen as the runt of the litter so no one wanted him.

    Unfortunately, I have no photos of my dogs on the computer yet as we've just moved. I'll have to get some uploaded at some point.

    I forgot to say they're golden retrievers =]

  • iSNAPE
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I have a boston terrier and a Chihuahua

    The boston terrier I purchased from a breeder, however no on wanted her because she has a condition called wall eyes (her eyes face more to the wall than they are supposed to, you can see the whites it is the opposite of being crossed eyed) but the instant that I saw her I knew that she was the one and just fell in love. She is now four months and growing so fast, she is just so happy.

    The Chihuahua I obtained from my cousin. Her friend has gotten the dog but then had a baby and was just going to let it roam the streets, we took her in a fell in love. She is so spoiled and happy. She is now going on 4 and absolutely loves the baby (puppy)to death.

    You have a great story it is amazing

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I had a Border Collie named Shasta who used to obsessively jump at the ceiling fan. She actually ripped one down that was in my parents room because she got up on the bed. She would especially jump when I played the song SexyBack by Justin Timberlake. Either she loved that song or really hated it. I never figured that out. Now we have an Mini Australian Shepherd named Lacey she probably weighs maybe 20lbs, and one time a Black Bear came up the hill behind our house and she chased it into the woods barking and even once she came back so would not stop barking. She is also terrified of Clowns. We went to a parade and there were clowns and she was hiding under our chairs and growled and barked.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    My dog is a german shephard/lab mix that i rescued from a house of some people that i knew, they didnt treat her very well. she was always on a short leash....Standing in her own poop. Hanging herself over the fence trying to get away. So i took her home at 8 months. She is now a super happy 4 yr old. We had a few issues with seperation anxiety and no training. But she is the most perfect dog now...

    Source(s): Certified Veterinarian Assistant
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Awww, shes so cute.

    My dog is a 2 year old Westie/Maltese mix, that we bought for 200 dollars. We got him when he was 7 months old. The lady that owned him was an old cuban lady that had ordered him along with two Chihuahuas, He had barely any hair on his hair from the other dogs biting it. He was covered in fleas. He had never been on walk. Was not potty trained or trained in anyway. His nails had never been cut.

    Know his is a very lovable dog that loves to go on walks. He goes to the bathroom outside and knows a bunch of trixs along with dance!! He is amzing. His name is Westie!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Your story is so sad but what a positive outcome

    Own a shih tzu we rescued him from being put down when we arrived at the shelter we saw a person carrying a shih tzu

    i went to stroke the dog and they said don't please he is aggressive and will bite i said he looks so cute

    they said hes not cute and were taking him to be put to sleep i said you cant do that

    any way after long discussions they let us take him on the grounds that if he showed any aggression we were to have him destroyed

    We took him home phoned a trainer let him settle in for a week and then got a trainer out to look at the dog and see what they could do with him

    they said they could help him and the trainer and my dog and i all worked together

    the result the dog does not bite he does not growl he is 100% trained and it was the best decision i have ever made

    The trainer worked out from working with the dog children has teased him,one child was so badly bitten she needed surgery

    My dog had 10 homes before we got him and he is now a happy dog but he does have a lot of medical problems we have spent £3500 so far and i do not regret it one little bit

    Jasper has only 1 eye the other was removed because it burst and could not be saved

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