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Who keeps calling people racist for disagreeing with Obama?

...other than Y!A trolls and left wing hacks? It certainly isn't Obama himself, anyone in his administration, anyone in Congress (that I'm aware of) or even any mainstream political pundit whose work I've read (and 75% of what I read is left wing). But it can't be NOBODY, because if that were true then conservatives wouldn't b**** about it ALL THE TIME, would they? I mean, every other "question" on here is somebody whining about being called a racist. Who keeps "playing the race card"? All I see are people playing the "playing the race card" card.


Mary Jo: That's funny - I thought the House passed a resolution (not a censure) characterizing Wilson's outburst as a "breach of decorum and degraded the proceedings of the joint session, to the discredit of the House". I don't remember the part that said "oh, and he's a big fat racist for disagreeing with Obama".

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Liberals bring out the race card. We criticize Obama's POLICIES and don't mention race because that's not part of the discussion. Race has nothing to do with the reason we don't like the pathetic, arrogant, clueless LIAR!

    Source(s): Obama is not my fault!
  • 1 decade ago

    So I am guessing you don't watch MSNBC? They are the biggest culprit. But I have seen it on CNN as well.

    And didn't Jimmy Carter just say something to that effect?

    - -

    Cynthia Hardy was on the Chris Matthews show last week.

    She was saying when Wilson yelled "You lie" that was racist! Two other comments she thought were racist were "I want my country back." and "I dont' want the president indoctrinating my children"

    This lady said "I fear we are headed towards a very racially polarized climate in this country and Joe Wilson's comment serves to further define that divide."

    She sited some hypocrisy from the far right, especially with the school speech (Bush and Reagan both spoke to the school kids) In her mind, the only reason for that hypocrisy would be racism. The fact that people are hypocritical over politics all the time never occurred to her.

    Olbermann has made a point of accusing the protesters of all being bigots. he spent an entire segment on the subject.

    And Rachel Maddow has made similar claims.

    And one guy in the morning stated his suspicion that the words "socialist" and "Communist" have become code for the N word!

  • 1 decade ago

    The House Democrats (Pelosi and gang) - look no further than yesterday's censure against a Rep for speaking.

    edit: Racism was exactly the subtext and overtly so. From the Atlanta Journal-Constitution:

    'You lie' a sign of bigger race issue, Ga. congressmen say

    ..... In advance of Congress’s official censure of Wilson, U.S. Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Lithonia) told Fox News that people will put on “white hoods and ride through the countryside” if racial undertones are left unchecked — an apparent reference to the Ku Klux Klan. Johnson hinted that Wilson’s remarks were indicative of the racial undertones that have swelled since Obama’s election.

    Rep. David Scott (D-Atlanta) also suggested that Wilson’s remarks were indicative of racial undercurrents. ... “I think certain things have been tolerated to allow a disrespect of this president because he is an African-American,” Scott said in an interview....

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Jimmy Carter

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    An inbred, masochistic peanut famer from Plains.

  • Don B
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    some that oppose Obama are racist and it is plain to see.


    the right wing pushes the story that we think EVERYONE that differs is

    and I don't know a single person that feels that way

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Its the democrats silly.

  • 1 decade ago

    If they walk like a racist, talk like a racist, and look like a racist, they're a racist. And if they walk like a troll, talk like a troll, and look like a troll, they're a troll. Seems to me it looks like you for calling people names.

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