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Why is the President commenting on Kanye West? Does he feel he must comment on all Black people in the news?

Seems every time a Black person gets in the national spotlight Obama has something to say about it. Remember the Black college professor and the white cop? This time it's Kanye. Obama may need to be told that as the nation's first Black president we don't expect him to offer up op pinions on all matters involving anyone Black.


You didn't comment on the other example I used. If Obama follows his own precedent he will be inviting Kanye and Taylor to the White House soon for beers in the garden.

Update 2:

Yes after being asked a question he did comment on the cop and call him a racist. Of course later he appologized and admitted that the Cop wasn't a racist and that he had commented without knowing what he was talking about. So who do you think came off as a racist in that event? Could it be the man who holds the most powerful job in the world and called a public servant a racist before he knew anything about the event? He pre-judged the man that is the very definition of prejudice.

Update 3:

Jimmy B:

I don't think it is jumping off the deep end to be concerned when the President uses the power of the office to call a police officer who was lawfully carrying out his duties a racist. Even if the President later appologizes I still think it shows a lack of judgement that is scary in a President.

Update 4:

Georgia Peach:

You are right that he is human. You are wrong that he can speak his mind like you and me. He is the President and with that office comes incredible power that requires restraint of tongue and clear judgement. The two examples I am citing are indicating a clear lack of both.

Update 5:


So the President admits he spoke too quickly and apparently made his comments based on his hate of white Americans and his racial prejudice against white police officers and you think we should just be happy he was a man about his apology? Maybe you are the one not thinking too clearly about this.

Update 6:

Classic! So now Colleen you want to call me a racist!? If you don't agree with Obama you must be racist right? The only times I have disagreed with the man are the times he has been wrong. It has nothing to do with race. He even admits he was wrong, yet his followers call anyone who disagrees with him a racist. That in itself is the real racism. I didn't always agree with Bush either but no one called me racist for that. Are you out of ideas and have to now throw in the racist card?

Update 7:

BRAVO! to Mean Carleen for bringing some common sense to this discussion.

8 Answers

  • Ben J
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It was an off the cuff comment which Kanye West deserved. I don't think he needs to comment on the negative aspects of any persons behavior whether black, white, yellow or green. As a President he is free to speak.

    If only Mr. West had some talent and intelligence.

  • 1 decade ago

    In the statement about Gates, before the President commented he stated to a certain degree that he would be bias because they were friends. The President's personal comment was unwittingly mentioned in from of the media and he apologized for his statement.

    The issue with Mr. West was a twitter deal by an aid. The President didn't officially release a statement nor present it to the media.

    In either case, both were meant as side comments, one was said in front of the media and the other was released through twitter/hearsay.

    One thing you have to understand, given our history in America anything anyone of us does that gains media attention impacts the group one way or another. Every black person cheered when Obama won as if they were elected to the White House themselves. So if Kayne acts a fool it impacts all of us. I live in Chicago so we are all like,"He ain't originally from the Chi. He moved here!" (I'm exaggerating a bit). The same thing will go if Mr. President screws up....minorities will be F#@$ed in America. Not only that, he's also from Chicago and we're already getting a bad rap from rouge politics.

    Let the President have his opinion, he's just saying what we in Chicago are saying and have said. It's unfortunate, he had a little snitch around when he said it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Folk that against Obama are going to find fault with just about everything he says about everyone so your questions is not surprising to me.

    If Obama had said what Kanye did was not a big would have jumped on him for that for defending the antics of a black lunatic against a pure sweet white woman.

    Obama may be president of the U.S. BUT he is a human first and in this country ...humans have the right to opinions you can even look it up.

    I do not think for one second that you are a racist but I do feel your entitled to your opinion...just as I and everyone else responding does...even if you don't agree it is what it is and we should all keep it moving......

  • Most of the answers you are getting sound like an application for one of the Anointed Ones CZAR positions...A lot of sucking sounds...

    What Mr. O'B needs to realize is that he is the President of the US and EVERYTHING he says is going to be noted....Then Again he may already realize that and is using this time to spread his opinion and when the $hit hits the fan claims privacy or off the record...Which sounds a lot like Chicago Mob Politics...

    Buy the weigh, if you don't identify yourself as a Leftist liberal at the very beginning of ANY statement about The O'Bama You WILL be labeled a Racist by these ever vigilant Wavers of the New Liberal Battle Flag..."RACIST".....Also it is the Ace in the Hole when they have no recourse in an argument.....I.E. Their losing the argument...

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Your premise is silly because President was having a casual, off-the-record conversation with some reporters and the topic came up. He didn't hold some news conference and make an official statement about Kanye. Jeez, get a grip.

    Edited to add:

    He commented on the cop and the professor because he was ASKED A QUESTION at a news conference. You really aren't thinking too clearly about this.

    Final edit:

    Obama admitted he was too hasty in his judgment. He was man enough to admit that. You on the other hand have wasted pixels with a silly premise in your question and are currently searching for a way to make your criticism not seem as petty and inaccurate as it was. Obama admitted his mistake in saying what he did about the police situation when he was ASKED about it and Obama did not do anything at all wrong when he commented casually about Kanye West. It wasn't an 'official' comment and he didn't go out of his way to make a statement on the subject. There isn't any real common denominator in the two situations except for the one you're dreaming up. So, get over it.

    He did not admit he made his comment based on 'hate' of white Americans because he obviously has none. It had much more to do with his being a friend of the Professor. He is also 1/2 white. Really, you need to get a grip. First step would be to admit that your question was bogus to begin with by deleting it. It was pure garbage and indicative of your own race based conflicts. Time to get real dude.

    One last time:

    Your question was completely inaccurate to begin with. You are the one that focused on race--read your own question friend. Why did you feel you needed to comment on Obama and blacks? You distorted the situation and tried to trace some line of similarity between Obama's response to a question at a news conference and his off-hand comment that was in no way official to a few reporters he was shooting the breeze with in between interview appearances. Seems to me you are the one so focused on race. Then when it is pointed out, you start going on about Obama's alleged racism. It is rather obvious to me what you are trying to do. You are really posing a phony question and trying to make some alleged argument about race and Obama instead of doing something positive and constructive. It is to my mind a rather pathetic activity. Admit your problem and delete this garbage and try to do better. Have a good day :)

  • 1 decade ago

    Why is it when the President says anything about anyone, a certain group of people jump off the deep end about it? He is human and is allowed to have views. If he commented on all the black people in the news he would not have time to do anything else.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why is it when anyone says anything about the President, a certain group of people jump off the deep end about it?


    Rock star Obama knows where his fan base is!

    He has to keep his face on the covers of teen and gossip magazines.


    Source(s): Obama is tape recorder playing Pelosi's messages.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    hes human, he can speak his mind just like you or I.

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