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Describe your personal religious experiences of God?

If you have had a personal religious or spiritual experience in which you saw, heard, or otherwise felt the presence of God, please describe what it was you felt/heard/saw. What were the circumstances during which you had this experience? What were you doing at the time? How did you know it was God?


I'm looking for details. If you see signs, what kind of signs? If you feel his presence, what does it feel like?

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Here's my story, I was raised to believe God existed, I really thought it was the real deal. I never questioned why there was no proof for his existence or why prayers never did anything. A few years later, I did question it and realized "None of this is possible in the real world."

    The end.

    Source(s): Logic
  • Bonnie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I was married to my ex-husband. I found out, by no fault of my own, that I had an STD.The one I had could not be cured by man. I was angry at God at the time because I didn't understand how He could let this happen to me. I was an obedient servant,I was a good wife, good mother, I was a good Christian altogether,I thought anyway, I did my best. So, in my anguish I prayed from10:00pm-till about 1am or so. I was crying and asking God why was He punishing me for something I didn't do. I had never even thought of cheating on my husband. He was abusive in every sense of the word. I told the Lord that I knew this was not going to be my punishment and when I woke up the next morning it would be gone and never come back. It was completely dark in the room. My room filled up with light,no it was not car lights.I was home by myself too. I felt such peace, and love. I actually could fill Him wrap His arms around me. I knew everything was going to be alright. I woke up in the afternoon and it was completely gone. They have done blood test, etc. I am still healed and that was almost a decade ago.Praise God. I have other things as well. But I will wait for another opportunity.

    Source(s): personal experience
  • 1 decade ago

    Back when I was a Christian I asked God to give me a sign because I wanted to ask this girl out but I didn't know if it was the right thing to do. Out of nowhere a man asked me if I had ever heard the world of god. I was stunned! Here I was asking God for a sign and there it was! So I went to that girl and I asked her out.

    She said, "No."

    Huh, what a sucker I was. Either God has a wicked sense of humour or he doesn't exist. I decided on the latter.

  • 7 years ago

    Described in my book, Craven Image (humor--the filming of an occult movie) I was listening to Pharoah Sanders playing tenor sax when I realized, For there to be justice in the world, life must be Eternal. A meteorite shot through my head and my next thought was That means there must be a God. A jolt of energy passed through my body and I knew it was true.

    Attachment image
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  • 1 decade ago

    These personal experiences of God are what led me into disbelief. In thinking about what I had this relationship with, and listening to other people share theirs, I began to see that each of us was having a relationship with an imaginary friend who had the same opinions on everything as we did, even when we differed. What I mean is, I was pretty pacifist and open minded, and so was the God I had a relationship with. On the other hand, fundamentalist friends of mine described God in fiery, judgmental terms. Intellectual friends described their experience in philosophical ways, less educated friends saw God in pretty simple, cut-and-dried ways.

    Well, maybe you see what I am getting at. I began to see we just believed in big versions of ourselves. It was just imaginary.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well i dont have any but i can tell you some. My sister was in cuba with a church group and a guy said "God is with us, I can feel him in the wind" and a huge gust of wind gushed by. She said it was the coolest thing ever. Also My grandpa was close to dying on leukemia and he fell asleep and had a dream where he walked up on a platform with a light beaming through the clouds. A big voice then said "It is not your time" and he lived.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Read about the lives of the Saints if you want to learn about personal religious experiences. St. Francis of Assisi is very popular, he had spiritual visions, and the stigmata. St. Benedict of Nursia is said on more than one occasion to have raised the dead.

  • Yuu
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    mindfulness, a hollowing experience then you will know that we human being are just a drop of water in the ocean, but the ego is stopping us from thinking this way, if you have expereince some mediative state then you will know how it feels like, it is very close to the so called god

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    After I worship God, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, by cooking and eating pasta, I know that HE is real because I can feel Him in my stomach dear.

    Peace and PArmesan !


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    While I was sleeping yesterday night, god was ranting and raving like his fundie followers. So I took a 9 iron and shoved it up rear end. That quieted him down.

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