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When did slavery become immoral?

Before you jump all over me about being a racist, let me say: I AM NOT RACIST! I believe slavery to be an immoral thing and would never take a persons freedom. Freedom is one of the values i hold most dear.

To elaborate on my question, when and where did the movement to end slavery begin? From what i can tell, slavery has been practice about as long as humans have existed. The Persians had slave warriors, the Egyptians had slave workers, It was common practice after a war the conquering Nation or tribe or army to make slaves out of the conquered. So when did this practice fall out of favor?


I dont support slavery in any form, nor do i support rape. I was looking for the historical point where people decided slavery was a wrong practice and began outlawing it. Great britain had slaves for many years, and it's empire used slave labor untill a certain time. I dont know when this was, history books that i've read never give a year. I've only read one so i'm looking for an answer not to be demonized.

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The Pope was the first to have black slaves. This is one reason why Norte Dame would not give Obama an honorary degree.

    That is a hard question to answer. The difference is those that had slaves were of royalty. In America, Blacks had to be servile to ALL WHITES, no matter how imbecilic, poor, retarded, status (as convict). Blacks were not allowed to testify against whites, so if a white person did something in front of blacks and he said a black person did it, the black person went to jail.

    Later on there were also slaves (that were white-always treated better) but because they were indentured servants because something that they had done, steal, etc or their family had done that was criminal or as to pay back a debt.

    Blacks from Africa was picked because of the identifiably of their skin and they resistance to western diseases. Indians could not fight them off well and because indians are fairer that one generation away they could be fair enough to be able to run away and mix with the other white ppl.

    As far as when did it stop being accepted by the moral majority in America would be 64 Civil Rights Act.

    Now, don't get me wrong there are places in the south that blacks should never be in.

  • 1 decade ago

    I suppose that there were anti-slavery factions in every civilization that had slavery as a institution. Ancient Rome (who kept meticulous records of legal debate and historians wrote about all facets of society) had many powerful people that were troubled by the slave industry... but most ancient people of prominence had to accept the reality of that industry in a world ruled by conquest.

    Typically, slavery ends when the economy can sustain itself without that industry. In the ancient world of clashing cultures vying for resources slavery was essential for that competition. Today (in the industrialized world anyway) trade supplants resource competition and that makes borders much more permanent.

  • rich k
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It hasn't, they just changed the name to "Human Trafficking" and carried on. Slavery, especially sexual slavery, is still a thriving business just as it has always been, even in the United States. Simple supply and demand dictates that as long as there are people willing to buy slaves, or a reasonable facsimile thereof, there will also be people willing to sell them. This also means that the weak or powerless will always be potential victims. Check out "" among others, or just google "modern slave trade".

  • 1 decade ago

    The Persians, The Egyptians, Romans, Ethophians, they all once had empires as well and they no longer have them. I guess you really cannot build your foundation off the suffering of others. Slavery was also a weapon of war, just like rape is a weapon of war...Most decent people would disapprove or you would be stating that is is okay for middle easterner to take hostages and behead them, to blow up our building...Because it was all done before so why get so bent out of shape about 9/11 or when our soldiers are tortured, beheaded and burn up.

    America was the last to abolished slavery amongst industrialized nation, moreso to keep UK off their hinds who really wanted to take over the US and would havve gotten the backing if the US would not have decided to end it themselves.

  • 6 years ago

    Slavery is only "immoral", when practiced by immoral and cruel people!(such as MOSLEMS!!) Otherwise, Slavery is in many ways MORE humane than many forms of current wage slavery!...

  • 1 decade ago

    Well you know, I don't think the slaves ever enjoyed it. Perhaps it might work if you were to imagine yourself as a slave, toiling relentlessly away forever and for nothing, and see how quickly it might fall out of favor for you. In other words, the more people you beat mercilessly, the more people, both beaten and not beaten are going to find it rather distasteful.

  • Pfo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    In making their case against England, American colonists made the case that certain rights should be granted to every person regardless of their background. 100 years later, this case was applied to slavery and the idea started losing support.

  • 1 decade ago

    • end of slavery; 1810-1830, 1834 in Britain, 1863 in Holland

  • 1 decade ago

    It began with the Civil War in the United States. Before that, every country, including the U.S., had slaves and saw nothing wrong with it, though there were individual people who did argue slavery is immoral.

  • CRFI
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    When slaves were not useful anymore.A worker is cheaper and as a worker can buy goods, it was better for the market.

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