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  • IHOP or Waffle house equivalent in Canada.?

    I'm writing a book that takes place partially in Canada. Do they have IHOP or Waffle House as pervasive as they are in the US? I need a 24 hour diner for a scene.

    10 AnswersOther - Canada8 months ago
  • Does recording utilities etc for a home business on taxes violate the matching principle?

    I recently started doing my own accounting, and while im not a cpa yet, I still have some understanding of accounting. Should I prorate my utility usage throughout the year to stay in line with the matching principle of accounting or should I only record these expenses at the end of the year when I do my taxes?

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance5 years ago
  • Can some one help me remember the name of a book i read?

    I read it a long time ago. It was part of a trilogy i believe. The main character is part of a group of people that were known for their horses (called something like kahn's?) , and the antagonist group was known for their ability to conquer and their special swords which seemed to have smoke trapped within the blades. The swords were supposed to be unbreakable and were aptly made to break other swords. I think the Main protagonist's name started with J. I really want to pick the series back up, if anyone can remember the name.

    This book is definitely high fantasy and wasn't part of a mass market series like goosebumps, and from what i remember it was around 300-500 pages long and i read it in at the public library around 7 years ago, but i don't think it was a new book at that point. maybe the author's name started with a T, but the original part of my question is all i 100% remember.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • at what point does it become difficult to walk in water?

    I'm writing a book and I'm not sure at what point water becomes difficult to walk through. I'm thinking ankle deep would still be easy to move through.

    3 AnswersTrivia9 years ago
  • portable smith-corona typewriter and the ribbon is out of ink. Are there replacement spools i can buy?

    I just inherited my great grandfather's Smith corona portable typewriter. I'm super excited about getting it working and just got the couple of keys that were broken fixed and now i need a new ribbon to actually type (it's probably 20-50yrs old). I found calculator ribbon at Office depot, but the spools are about half the size of the ones that are in it right now, so i don't know if those will work. will they? and if not where could i get a spool that will work?

    7 AnswersOther - Hardware9 years ago
  • are there anymore quests after you save vette's sister?

    I just saved her sister from slavery and i have her affection maxed out (10k/10k) and im level 39. she also had her collar removed. is there anything else?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • why are there so many people that look to just start a fight?

    Case and point "why do reich-wingers love Aryanzona so much?" There's no real question there. All it does is... well nothing constructive. It's just trying to push a dagger into anyone who's conservative. Why don't we have a real discussion of the law and a discussion of reason, not mindless instigation?

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How can people believe conservatives are racist?

    Let's look at the facts, shall we? Republicans lean conservative. Democrats lean liberal.

    Lincoln freed the slaves. What party was he from?

    Woodrow Wilson segregated the federal government. who was his party?

    Andrew Johnson and Eisenhower signed the Civil rights acts. Do you know their party?

    And i dislike speaking ill of the dead but i cant really get around it. Robert Byrd was a member of the KKK, and voted against civil rights. WHat letter stood next to his name?

    These are the two most note able examples, but there are more (i invite people to show this).

    SO who's fault is it that conservatives are labeled racist? the schools for teaching it? the media for spreading it? or politicians for using it as a stepping stone to win against conservatives?

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • I've messed up royally?

    This past summer i made it seem like i didnt want to be with my GF anymore. This wasnt the case, but i misunderstood her body language and she hardly wants to talk to me. I get the feeling she doesnt know why she's staying, and i dont know either, but since she is i'm going to try and pull her back before she decides to run away.

    A lot happened over the summer, and i did a lot of things wrong. I've apologized over and over, but it doesnt help. before the summer, we both felt head over heals in love with each other, but now it's all messed up. I've tried talking about it and explaining my thoughts and saying everything i did wrong and it's my fault it's this way but nothing helps.

    Can someone please give me some advice? please dont give me the "if oyu love someone let them go" line, i know we arent there yet.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • can autocad simulate conditions?

    I'm a student and i just finished designing a balsa wood bridge using what i've learned thus far in autocad, and now i want to test a load on it if i can but i dont know how. So is there a way to simulate conditions on autocad, and if so how?

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • When did slavery become immoral?

    Before you jump all over me about being a racist, let me say: I AM NOT RACIST! I believe slavery to be an immoral thing and would never take a persons freedom. Freedom is one of the values i hold most dear.

    To elaborate on my question, when and where did the movement to end slavery begin? From what i can tell, slavery has been practice about as long as humans have existed. The Persians had slave warriors, the Egyptians had slave workers, It was common practice after a war the conquering Nation or tribe or army to make slaves out of the conquered. So when did this practice fall out of favor?

    20 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do people understand...?

    That the Founding fathers feared and despised big government, and the constitution and the tenth amendment were design to tie the hands of the federal government and keep it out of the every day lives of the people? They wanted people to have the most control over there lives as possible. this means keeping domestic decisions like gay marriage, abortion, bail outs, health insurance, and so many other big issues In the people's respective states. DO people (liberals, conservatitves, Rush Limbaughs, etc.) not understand this? Or do they just want to blatantly ignore the principles this country was founded on?

    16 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do americans want to pay for the minimum plan under H.R 3200?

    This is copy paste from the bill. Do you want to be paying for all of this? If yes, you agree that you are taking responsibility for drug addicts (see 6 and 7). All insurance plans, public or private, would be required to have these in their plan.

    MINIMUM SERVICES TO BE COVERED.—The items and services described in this subsection are the following:

    (1) Hospitalization.

    (2) Outpatient hospital and outpatient clinic services . . .

    (3) Professional services of physicians and other health professionals.

    (4) Such services, equipment, and supplies incident to the services of a physician’s or a health professional’s delivery of care . . .

    (5) Prescription drugs.

    (6) Rehabilitative and habilitative services.

    (7) Mental health and substance use disorder services.

    (8) Preventive services . . .

    (9) Maternity care.

    (10) Well baby and well child care

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Does anyone realize the difference?

    I see many people bring up the fire department and police and even roads as a defense of Obamacare. Do you realize that none of these (with the exception of high ways because of the constitution) are established or run by the federal Government? that's why NYPD is named that, as is the RRFD (round rock, TX). all of these are city run and funded right? there's no federal mandate for these things.

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If i'm wrong about socialism...?

    what is it? what about my definition was wrong?

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why am i a racist...?

    Why am i racist if i call obama a socialist because of his belief in a redistribution of wealth by the government? To prove my point that he is, socialism as defined by Webster's New World Dictionary is "a theory or system of ownership of the means of production [i.e. a person's capital or wealth] and distribution by a society rather than by individuals." Tell me how my assertion to his socialist beliefs, something many of us in high school all agreed was a wrong choice for an economy, makes me racist.

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Isnt the civil rights movement counter to everything MLK Jr. stood for?

    It seems to me that everything that's happened after desegregation is racism in the opposite direction (blacks hispanics etc. need to have x,y,z thing to be better than x,y,z whites). I thought MLK Jr. wanted people to all be equal and no one's skin color should enter into the equation. and yet it is still a big part of the equation apparently.Why is this? I'm white, but i've never worried about the color of my skin until i applied for college. when i did a scholarship search, it asked me to indicate an ethnicity, and my searches dropped from around 2000 to 100 and some change (it dropped to below 50 when i indicated my sex too). It seems to me that for all the "progress" we've made in the 100 some years since the civil war (or as my father calls it "the war of northern agression" because there's no place in the constitution that says states can't seceed), we've only changed the flow of racism (white>colored to colored<white). Please correct me if i'm wrong.

    So isnt this all counter to what MLK Jr. stood for?

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How many murders are committed with a legally obtained firearm?

    According to the FBI ( of the 14k homicides in 2007, 10k were killed by a firearm. so how many of those murders were committed with a legally obtained firearm? Please site sources, i don't want to know your speculation, i can come up with my own.

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • what happens if i type the security code wrong?

    i think i may have done this by accident when i was buying minutes for a tracfone. the phone got the minutes, but i haven't seen any activety on my credit card for this. did i accidently charge another account or is it just taking exceptionally long to go through? I did this transaction 3 days ago and it usually shows up immediately or the next day.

    2 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago