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How can people believe conservatives are racist?

Let's look at the facts, shall we? Republicans lean conservative. Democrats lean liberal.

Lincoln freed the slaves. What party was he from?

Woodrow Wilson segregated the federal government. who was his party?

Andrew Johnson and Eisenhower signed the Civil rights acts. Do you know their party?

And i dislike speaking ill of the dead but i cant really get around it. Robert Byrd was a member of the KKK, and voted against civil rights. WHat letter stood next to his name?

These are the two most note able examples, but there are more (i invite people to show this).

SO who's fault is it that conservatives are labeled racist? the schools for teaching it? the media for spreading it? or politicians for using it as a stepping stone to win against conservatives?


Andrew Johnson was Lincoln's running mate/VP, thus a member of the republican party. The johnson you're thinking of is LBJ (JFK's running mate and VP)

Update 2:

I believe in conservatism in the old fashion way. I think they would be more closely tied to libertarians and the tea party *ducks the immediate backlash from liberal tea party haters*.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Let's see *why* people believe that conservatives are racist:

    1) Tea Party.

    2) Obama-hating 24/7.

    3) White superiority complex. (Quite popular in the South!)

    4) Rampant xenophobia.

    5) Sexist--especially against women of power. Or women in general.

    6) Fear of Hispanics.

    7) Fear of Muslims.

    8) Fear of African-Americans.

    9) Fear of liberals. (Don't want to forget that one!)

  • 1 decade ago

    I'd say a little of all 3 reasons. After all, what do these new generations of kids know about actual conservatism ? Reagan was the last real conservative in charge. So kids and maybe even thier parents are largely ignorant due to liberal bias in media, school and politics.

    Problem with the left wing though is that they can't be intellectually honest. they will lie to thier mothers if they thought it would help them win the day. Lincoln was no more a liberal than JFK was. They might have been given to the idea of liberty, but we all know liberals don't believe in liberty. Liberal ideology is all for government control and limited or controlled freedom and liberties to the populus. Lincoln never supported that.

    As for a democrat president signing the civil rights legislation, the only rejoicing the left can do is that he didn't veto the bill. It was a republican congress that passed the legislation after much democrat party opposition. Perhaps some of these left wing light weights should study a little harder, since I know history is'nt thier strong point.

    People do'nt know who Conservatives are, they only know what they've been told about conservatives. Most are lies and distortions and worse yet, these people aren't even smart enough to to challenge thier pre-conceived idea's.

    Doesn't matter what leftist think, that's the facts. Even on Y/A you can see the bias of someone saying something that is backed up with history and facts, but they will down thumb the answer they don't like.

    Libs never have been good at facing the truth.

  • 5 years ago

    Conservative does now not imply Republican, Liberal does now not imply Democrat. When the media yapping pinheads can snatch the potential that's reality, then we will be able to all comply with disagree,whilst it's wanted. I have identified lack of know-how and get together ideology to the severe from each camps, I have additionally identified a few cons that have been in opposition to Jesus and libs that have been for Privatising the Military, it's the identical historic track and pony exhibit each 25 years it alterations a bit.

  • Dina W
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Al Gore's father along with Byrd voted against the Civil Rights act.. Byrd even filibustered for 14 hours straight..

    And where policy is concerned..

    Look at high population black area's.. They are terrible places to live or raise children, and they have also been Democratic Strongholds for over 30 years..

    The Republican Strongholds.. are doing very well, without many people using government assistance, and being murdered by a gang member....

    Yet for some reason the Black community keeps voting for the party that is completely screwing them over.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I know everyone likes to mention Robert Byrd, but how many Klan members do you seriously think vote democrat?

    I'd guess the number is quite small.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    lincoln was from a time when republicans were liberal. learn your history.

    Actually, Johnson, a democrat, signed the civil rights act

    Robert Byrd repented for his racist past a long time ago. There are conservatives who have not.

    You need to brush up on your facts.

  • You're kidding right? Are you seriously that stupid?

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