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  • who really knows what shia sect says about Prophet Mohammed and Ali ?

    he also claimed that in Iran shia sect says that first one is Ali who is son in-law of prophet mohammed, second one is prophet mohammed. I mean, they believe that if prophet mohammed did not come to the world, Ali would be prophet of the islam.

    I mean that if there is misunderstanding of islam in Iran, God may justify war on Iran. because, according to Islam, Prophet mohammed is the first and he is not compare with anybody. So , shia sect seems tobe astray in Iran. there is no this kind of definition in islam

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Who really knows how is characteristic of Iran society ?

    few months ego, I talked someone who went to Tehran that is capital of Iran. he said that there is women who wear headscarf and there is also modern women who do not wear headscarf . does it true ?

    1 AnswerPolitics1 decade ago
  • do you agree that compromise is the best way between Iran and the USA ?

    Iran monopolized oil and revolutionary mullah class got too much power. if Iran democratizes its regime and if it privatizes its oil, there wouldn't war. but, mullah class is selfish and they don't want to lose their power. I think, the US must do soft power for democratization instead of war. You are just think how much the USA has technological military base. but, this region is not easy area. the USA may lose its superpower if there would be war. You are living America, but this place is really different

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • if the USA goes to war on Iran ?

    Iran can use nuclear weapons over the US's soldiers or not ?

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • does the USA have power to destroy Iran ?

    or Iran can be destroyed easily as Iraq ?

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • is there detant between Iran and the USA ?

    I'm teaching you what is going on this region. so, this tittle is the part of Turkey, Iran and the USA. you know, in the cold war, both states Soviet Union and the USA came to war, cold war turned in to hot war. then, there had begun to detente between two states. because, both states did not do hot war. both states had already known what would be in the world, if nuclear war turned into hot war. anyway, now, same reason is going on between Iran and the USA. Again, Turkey is mediator between both states. at the end, Iran and the USA will compromise each other. Iran will keep itself in capitalist world , the US will happy for this. but, this will take long time, again we have to wait.

    1 AnswerPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why the USA wants to more Turkish troops in Afghanistan ?

    if the USA likes kurds whose leader Barzani and Talabani, also pkk terrorists, why the USA did not ask them more Kurdish troops in Afghanistan ? divide Turkey, betray Turkey, then asked more troops , then ask , economic sanction on Iran..

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • which hot war, the USA won without Turkey ?

    Turkish soldiers have deep willing to sacrifice themselves in the war. Look at Korean War, the US soldiers fallowed Turkish soldiers. I mean, firstly Turkish soldiers attacked to enemy. now, the USA wants to more Turkish troops in Afghanistan and Turkish Army is second army of the NATO, the first one is the USA. anyway, I hope , the USA will see its mistake soon. we have to wait ..

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why the US is afraid of PKK attack in the North Iraq ?

    if pkk attacks the USA in Iraq, that means second vietnam for the USA. because, suicide bombers come from Sunni Arabs and Shites. so, pkk says safety oil trade or divide Turkey that is the reason why the USA sold Turkey. actually, the USA does not care about kurds. but, the USA is afraid of pkk terrorists. have you ever consider if the USA divides Turkey for Kurdish state, there would be third world war ? have you ever consider power of Turkey ? can we allow this ? Turkey is not resemble some Arab states that those were established as artificial. have you ever read Turkish history ?

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • who abused Kurds ? pkk or Turks?

    PKK was governed by Abdullah Öcalan, killed kurdish little babies , mothers, elders. Have you ever heard what pkk has done Kurdish population. you have only listened one side and they have propagated Turks killed kurds that is wrong. Turkey has only killed pkk terrorists. do you know what pkk has done in this region drug trafficking, black market...

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • every countries have to copy or establish federal structure of the USA or not ?

    does it a kind of fascism ? why Turkey has to copy federalism which is forced buy the USA, for Kurdish autonomy or independent Kurdish state in Turkey. the USA wants to this because of safety oil trade. Although, Turkey is ally with the USA, the USA sold Turkey for this interest.

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • why the US wants to establish Kurdish state in eastern parts of Turkey ?

    Kurdish identity is not pure identity that mixed Turks. However, nowadays the US's governmentality constructed political discourse of Kurd with American journalist in Turkey. so, patriot people, like me became fascist according to them and they call themselves democrat...anyway, my question , can you allow any islamist movement who wants to establish islamist state in your soil or can you allow them independent in your soil ? I know, the US is based on federalism, so you can think different than me. but, Turkey was established nation state that means central government. your state history belongs to yours and our state history belongs to ours. nobody has to the resemble or copy any country's history and structure

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • if you stay in here two or more years what I said about PM Erdoğan ?

    however, the US was happy for his administration, and somebody said to me shut up. I said he has two face, he is doing takiyah and he wants to destroy secular structure of Turkey. however, the US wanted to see short run interests and helped him to destroy secular opposition. now, secular opposition is in the prison without reason, or guilty. they are guilty just because of secular ideology.

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • who was responsible to advocate PM Erdoğan who came to power ?

    and now he is so powerful and destroyed all secular things..

    moderate muslim network has been turned into jihad network

    1 AnswerPolitics1 decade ago
  • do you think the US will rescue Turkey from PM Erdoğan?

    or the US can say perish if you want !

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • do you think the US will rescue Turkey from PM Erdoğan?

    or the US can say perish if you want !

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • what is going on in Turkey ?

    why Turkey said no sanction for Iran?

    1 AnswerPolitics1 decade ago
  • was ipek died ? what happened her ?

    where is she ? I m very uppset

    1 AnswerTurkey1 decade ago
  • is Kara Kedi a member of Hamas ?

    Tanju, İpek and others , you know me how I have been introduce my country and you know me how is my political discourses. anyway, yesterday, she insulted my question, and reported me. now, there is no my question because of her. so, you cannot see how she used insult words. I asked her , why I have to take permission from you to ask question ? she said yes, you have to ask me. anyway, my friends ( tanju, ipek and others) please warn her , as who is she ? thanks

    9 AnswersTurkey1 decade ago