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If men and woman are truly equal...?

Then why are most of the patents and science PHD's being awarded to men? even during the years 2000-2009 where gender equality is seen as non-existent?


You are truly a fool if you don't think that men contribute to philanthropy.

Norman Borlaug a scientist singlehandedly has done more for the poor in third world nations than all the woman Philanthropist's combined.

Update 2:

So is finding a cure for disease,finding ways to go to outer space,finding alternative energy resources, etc... not a form of charitable work?

Because I can assure you that there are plenty more MEN involved than woman.

Update 3:


Not but it does prove that men are better at being doctors and that woman should not be allowed in medical school. By putting a woman in medical school you are denying a spot that could have gone to a male.

15 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Absolutely. Women are not our equals, period.

    Source(s): Truth.
  • 1 decade ago

    I think men are more inclined to have a scientific bent than women are. More men than women are interested in science, and have a talent for it.

    However, I don't understand your argument that women should not be in medical schools. I think women make up about half of all doctors in the UK now, and if women were suddenly barred from medical schools,I doubt there would be enough men to take up the places. You don't have to be a scientific genius to be a competent doctor.

  • 1 decade ago

    Are they really awarded to men or to large corporations? Was the real inventor a man in each case or could it have been a woman working for a male CEO?

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You're confusing equality with equivalence. Feminism is about achieving equal opportunities for both sexes. Feminism is not about proving that men and women are identical.

    Heck, if men and women were identical, I'd have a penis and you'd have breasts. And wouldn't the world be an extremely bizarre place?

    The answer to your question is not easy. This may be due to biological or cultural facets of femininity that makes a woman less likely to purse a PhD in a scientific field or become an inventor. Or there may be cultural obstacles still in the way of women who want to do either of these things. Or maybe there are cultural or biological facets of masculinity that make men more likely to pursue either of your conditions, or there might be cultural pressures for men which cause them to wind up with one of your two conditions.

    But seriously, gender equality is seen as non-existent during the years 2000-2009? Really? Did rape and violence against women decrease during these years, and someone failed to inform me? Are women receiving equal pay to their male counterparts now?

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If men and women are equal than why are male tennis players payed less than female ones?

    Seriously we are biologically diferent than women, but those diferences doesn't make one gender superior to the other one. We are equal in that we are humans and we should be valued as an individual and not a gender. Everyone should be able to aspire to be anything they want to be and think whatever they want to think. It doesn't matter if a man wants to be a chef, and it doesn't matter if a woman wants to be in the front line. Why the sexism? We shoud not put laws based on what you think to be right, we should let each individual do whatever they want to do with their lives, unless it hurts them physically or emotionally.

    The best female contortionist is always going to be better than the best male contortionist, and the best male powerlifter is always going to be better than the female, the best female ballerina is always going to be better than the male, but the best male runner is always going to be faster than a female runner.

    I used to be as sexist as you, but I've changed a lot in the past months. Man+Woman= human, and all humans should be given equal opportunity and we are never going to be the same, not even sharing the same gender will we be the same.

    Source(s): My brain
  • ...
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Nothing to do with men being smart over them or vice versa but it is the men's and women's brains function differently.

    Dr Richard Restak, American neurologist:

    "It seems unrealistic to deny any longer the existence of male and female brain differences. Just as there are physical dissimilarities between male and females . . . there are equally dramatic differences in brain functioning".

    Let us just concentrate on the differences in recalling ability between man and woman. Sex differences have been noted in the comparative memory of men and women. Women can store, for short periods at least, more irrelevant and random information but men will organised the information in some coherent form, or has specific relevance to them. This male advantage in seeing patterns and abstract relationships - what could be called general strategic rather than detailed tactical thinking - perhaps explains the male dominance of chess, even in a country like the U.S.S.R, where the game is a national sport played by both sexes.

    Harvard University President Lawrence H. Summers created a maelstrom when he suggested recently that innate differences in sex may explain why fewer women succeed in science and math careers. He has since apologized for any misunderstanding his remarks may have caused. But is there any truth to the idea that men's and women's brains are, in fact, different?

    On average, men perform better than women at certain spatial tasks. In particular, men seem to have an advantage in tests that require the subject to imagine rotating an object or manipulating it in some other way. They also outperform women in mathematical reasoning tests and in navigating their way through a route. So, man is more likely to be more confident in his testimony than the woman so she needs another woman to boost morale.

    A study of male and female students (aged 18-25) has found that men's brain cells can transmit nerve impulses 4% faster than women's, probably due to the faster increase of white matter in the male brain during adolescence. It has, of course, long been suggested that women are intellectually inferior because their brains are smaller. A study involving the intelligence testing of 100 neurologically normal, terminally ill volunteers found that a bigger brain size is indeed correlated with higher intelligence and in this case perhaps memory.

    An imaging study of 48 men and women between 18 and 84 years old found that, compared with women, men had more than six times the amount of intelligence-related gray matter. On the other hand, women had about nine times more white matter involved in intelligence than men did. Women also had a large proportion of their IQ-related brain matter (86% of white and 84% of gray) concentrated in the frontal lobes, while men had 90% of their IQ-related gray matter distributed equally between the frontal lobes and the parietal lobes, and 82% of their IQ-related white matter in the temporal lobes.

    Source(s): My blog about muslim women: Men and women aren't equal but deserve the same fair treatment. Women risk their lives to give birth to babies yet they don't boast about it. Why should we men think that we are superior than them?
  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds reductionistic. I don't believe men and women, on the whole, are unequal. Research indicates, for example, that men experience more stress, aggression, depression, disease, inequality, and not to mention die sooner, than women. Does that sound equal to you? We're two different sexes, it would be asinine to try and make men and women exactly alike.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would consider this a legitimate question if I hadn't looked at any other questions tonight and seen that you've been trolling all night in this section claiming your hatred of women, yet still answering questions. And if you are serious, based on all your answers and this question you are a sick misogynist and you need help, thanks for the 2 points

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Equality doesn't mean equlivilency. Just because there are 500 male doctors somewhere, it doesn't mean that for women to be equal to men, there should be 500 female doctors. idiot.

  • Scatta
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    If men are superior then why bother asking anything on a forum that women participate on, unless you are looking for reactions, rather than answers?

  • 1 decade ago

    maybe we just haven't bothered picking up science yet? unless you want to believe it's biased

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