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Is "God" his name, or his title? (Jewish/Christian)?

Like for example the President of our country. "President" is a title, and the title is capitalized, but President is obviously not his name.

The question comes from discussing with a Jewish friend why some Jewish spell God as "G-d"? He said it was out of respect in not writing out His name. This kinda reminds me of Harry Potter and "he-who-must-not-be-named". But now I'm confused because I didn't believe "God" was actually his name...and if so, why is it disrespectful to write it out properly?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This not writing out His name out of "respect" does not come from God or the Bible. The Jewish Bible contains God's name, written "YHWH", without vowels, more than 6,700 times, as can be verified by consulting an Exhaustive Concordance at a library, under "GOD" or "LORD" , then "Jehovah", to see what God's name looks like in Hebrew, then the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia at a library, finding that same verse or any verse with "GOD" or "the LORD" in all capitals in a King James Bible (also available in a library), or better yet, Psalm 83:18, where God's name, Jehovah, is shown. You can find God's name in the original Hebrew text by finding the same verse in the Biblia Hebraica.

    The "G-d" is wrong on two accounts, 1) because "God" is, as you correctly point out, only a title, not a name in the first place, and 2) As you read a Bible that notes God's name, such as the King James Version (it notes it by writing "GOD" or "LORD" in all caps), or Jehovah's Witnesses' New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, you will see that God's faithful servants of ancient times, such as Moses (Exodus 6:3), David (Psalms 83:18), Abigail (1 Samuel 25:29), Abraham's wife, Sarai (the mother of the Jews)(Gen. 16:5), Isaiah (Isa. 42:8) all used God's name, that is, Yahweh or Jehovah in English. None felt that it should not be used or written, in fact they wrote it more than 6,700 times in the original Jewish Bible.

    In fact, God plainly said that the only people who would get written in God's "book" were those "thinking on His name," not, "hiding His name", in Malachi 3:16 in the Jewish Bible:

    "At that time those in fear of Jehovah spoke with one another, each one with his companion, and Jehovah kept paying attention and listening. And a book of remembrance began to be written up before him for those in fear of Jehovah and for those thinking upon his name."

    Please suggest to your friend that they look up these references and see for themselves. Better yet, look them up together. What they have been taught is not the truth. If it were left up to their teachers, no one would even know God's name, since no one would ever say or write it, and after God wrote in the above scripture in Malachi that the ones He would remember were those who knew it and thought about it!

    Hiding God's name is disrespecting it, not respecting it. If someone wrote a biography of you, and the editor took out all references to your name, it wouldn't be because he respected you, would it? When a dog leaves a dropping and turns and tries to cover it up, it isn't out of respect. Similarly, when some try to cover up God's name, it does not show respect for His name, however sincerely they may do it. Abraham, David, Moses, Abaigail, Sarai, and Isaiah didn't disrespect God's name--and they used it all the time.

    Best regards,


    Source(s): God's word, the Bible
  • 4 years ago

    Is God A Name

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Main Street by Bob Seger Street Fighting Man by Rolling Stones

  • 5 years ago

    NOW THE LIST GOES ON AND ON BUT IF THESE gods HAVE NAMES WHY JESUS FATHER GOD DON'T HAVE A NAME? Aphrodite – Goddess of beauty; one of the twelve Olympians

    ◾ Apollo – God of poetry, music, and the sun and the prophecy; an Olympian

    ◾ Ares – God of war; an Olympian

    ◾ Artemis – Goddess of the hunt and of of the moon; an Olympian

    ◾ Athena – Goddess of wisdom, defensive war, and Athens; an Olympian

    ◾ Demeter – Goddess of the harvest and of nature, often considered an Olympian

    ◾ Dionysus – God of wine, he took Hestia's place as an Olympian

    ◾ Eris – Goddess of discord

    ◾ Eos – Goddess of the dawn

    ◾ Gaia – Primordial Goddess of earth, and mother of the Titans

    ◾ Hades – God of the underworld, often considered an Olympian

    ◾ Hecate – Goddess of Witchcraft and crossroads

    ◾ Helios – God who drives of the sun: a primordial

    ◾ Hephaestus – God of smiths and fire; an Olympian

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  • 7 years ago

    Isaiah 42: 8 I am Jehovah. That is my name I give my glory to no one else. Nor my praise to graven images! Pretty much sums it up right here! If you were to call on God in prayer, which God would you be calling on? The name Jehovah distinguishes himself from false god's..

  • 1 decade ago

    God is His title. There is no other god except God --

    The Creator of All Things; also known as The Holy


    (But He's most commonly referred to as "God"); just

    like any U. S. president is most commonly called "Pres-

    ident George Whatever" or "President Harry Whatever"

    or even... "President Barak Whatever."

    I hope that helps in whatever way it can.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    im pretty sure its his title; i was watching the history channel again ( im a history geek) and it said that giving a god a name gives humanity some sort of control over a god, so yeah kinda fits with the christian philosophy that no one is greater than god.

    Source(s): i know it's a little unreliable, but i hope it helps
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    response: G-d is a label

    It's not Yahweh - no "w" in Hebrew

    YHVH isn't spelled out in the Torah and Jews don't try to figure it out (Jehovah is an even worse guess - no "J" either)

    Jews are told not to take god's name in vain. As a precaution, some Jews don't spell out G-d or try to find out what YHVH is. By typing the label/title/name like that, no one can print out the page and misuse god's name.

    It's respectful.

  • 1 decade ago

    Some believe his name is YHWH (sp?) or Yahweh...a passage in the bible simply says "I am who am" (can't remember exact passage). Other than those two "names", I don't know any other (aside from other religious names that are not Jewish or Christian).

    Source(s): Former Catholic
  • 1 decade ago

    God is a term that is used to describe any supreme being

    in the ten commandments it says

    2 I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery;

    3 Do not have any other gods before me.

    (note he doesn't say that we can't have other gods after him)

    some say his name is Elohim, Jahova, and Yahweh Jesus called the Father, Abba. God told Moses to call Him, I AM.

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