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What IS The Definition Of "White Culture"?

Glenn Beck decided to stick both cloven hooves in his mouth by calling the President a racist and someone who is against "white culture." When he was called out on his comments by Katie Couric, he refused to define the term. So can anybody here tell me what "white culture" is? Seriously? Because coming from someone like Beck, I'm starting to believe you can only find the answers in the pages of a book more like "Mein Kampf" rather than the Bible.


And already we have two answers given which are pretty much non-answers. I won't point the posters out, but it doesn't take much to spot them...

Update 2:

@Smellyfoot(tm): That's not what I said. I was making a point, via Glenn Beck's controversial-as-usual comments. If I am wrong, then provide me with the correct information. Nobody is saying that there can't be such a thing as "white culture". But if there is, what I want to know is why no one can give an accurate definition of WHAT it is, and if not, why you would allow someone like Beck to define it for you?

Update 3:

I find it endlessly amusing when someone accuses me of being childish or having a "high schooler's mentality," and then even if they could validate their point, they don't have the presence of mind to use the Spell Check feature that YA generously provides. I hope you know by now that you come across as flaccid as Hugh Hefner going through a Viagra shortage.

Update 4:

WOW. Reading some of these posts is mind-blowing. The overall impression emerges that the limited view of African-Americans that prevails comes from having overdosed on BET, the CW, TMZ, reality-shows, daytime television or the constipated rants of "Fill In The Blank With Your Favorite FauxNews blowhard". Personal responsibility? Integrity? A strong work ethic? You want to know what the best, bare-bones definition of a racist is? Someone who thinks that those attributes can only be found in members of their own particular racial group, black, white or otherwise. So if the shoe fits...

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    White culture is I would suppose a mixture of European culture. Since that is where White people are from. White American culture would depend on what part of the U.S you live in. The mid-west is a lot different than either coast, and east and west coasts differ from each other.

    Source(s): Lived in all parts of the U.S. All cultures are different.
  • Tom W
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    While its way full of political rhetoric, its still a good question. If I look at the black culture or hispanic culture and to a lesser extreme the Asian culture, it is very that race centric. You don't see black kids wearing Brett Favre's jersy but you see all kinds of white kids who support and idolize black football stars. When I look at me life, Michael Jordan is the greatest sportstar ever, I think Tony Gwynn was the best baseball player of my time, I really like Denzil Washington movies, and I think Lucy Lui is hot beyond belief. If there is a white culture I have no idea where it is, our mainstream culture (if thats white) embraces ethnicity across the board. I also love your Mein Kampf reference, its so childish. Way tired of the right and the left flashing words like socialism, fasciam, Nazism, treason and impeachment around, its just childish. Makes you sound like you might be a high school studient or college freshmen who is playing with new buzzwords while you wait for your face to clear up. Its a good question, but lighten up on the over the top rhetoric and inflammatory buzzwords. So you don't like Glenn Beck, big deal. He is from the right you are from the left....where he is the clincher though..the rest of America is moderate and in the middle and weary of hate talk from either extreme.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's what has been passed down from Scandinavian, Old World, Celtic, Italian, Greek, and Anglo-Saxon culture. The dances, the foods, the music, art, religious beliefs, family traditions etc. It's entirely fair for white culture to remain intact. I'm not sure what Glenn Beck meant. He's known for being incendiary. That may be why he couldn't explain it to Katie Couric, but's a legitimate culture that means a lot to many Caucasian people.

  • 1 decade ago

    One clarification is African Americans/blacks or whatever they want to call themselves now a days; don't know their culture outside of supposedly trying to achieve or get into this new term, "white culture". Blacks in America imitate existing cultures, very poorly I might add.

    In any case, white culture is wrapped up in the American Dream (i.e. white picket fence, job, voting, bearing arms, freedom of speech, all the great American privileges and freedoms as defined by the founding fathers etc...). Beck more than likely feels his basic inalienable (see definition below) rights are under siege and hence his newly termed white culture is under siege. Those exclusive rights are now or will be non-exclusive (i.e. public health care could mean including immigrants/non-citizens) or being assaulted (renewing the patriot act) by the current administration.

    Source(s): cul·ture: The totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought. To cultivate: To grow (microorganisms or other living matter) in a specially prepared nutrient medium. in·al·ien·a·ble: That cannot be transferred to another or others: inalienable rights.
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  • 1 decade ago


    Reading your additional details, You seem to have a problem with people being completely frank about this issue.

    I'm a huge supporter of Condaleezza Rice for President. I want all blacks to be like her: driven, insistent upon education, hard working, etc.

    However, statistics do not lie. About 70% (minimum) of blacks are born to single mothers. Where is the personal responsibility or the planning in that? Especially when there is the "morning after" pill that can prevent conception 72 hours after intercourse. Is that too much effort for some people?

    In places like Baltimore a full 75% of black males don't even graduate from High School. Where is the emphasis on education? Where is the personal responsibility?

    One third of the population of black males is at some time in their life in jail.

    So I vigorously stand behind my answer, because unlike people who cravenly turn off their brain and bow to the dictates of Political Correctness, I just tell it like it is.


    Clearly Glenn Beck declined to be entrapped. In the confines of an interview, where the host can interrupt you and edit out what she doesn't like, it was the most prudent decision.

    Had Mr. Beck answered, he would have opened himself up to bogus charges that he is racist, because by explaining the tenets of white culture, he would tacitly be saying that in the black culture, these attributes are generally lacking (which very often they are!)

    Here is how I imagined Mr. Beck would have responded:

    White culture stresses personal responsibility, education, prudence, moderation, and the need to plan ahead to avoid becoming dependent on the government.

    A recent study concluded that all these government programs are a monumental waste of money, and are actually ruining society. What we need to stress to the next generation is this: follow these three simple rules, and based on all empirical data, your chances of living an independent life are excellent:

    1) Finish High School

    2) Don't do drugs

    3) Don't have out of wedlock babies

    Now, I'm certain Mr. Beck would have been far more gracious and circumspect than me in the same situation. I would have railed against Liberals who keep insisting we need more and more government meddling in our lives and said that if anyone can't follow the three rules above, then they don't deserve help.

    So instead of denigrating Mr. Beck, whose advice would quickly transform society from a prevalence of whiny, lazy, greedy entitlement-grubbing leeches into happy, prosperous and independent citizens, you should consider that the road to societal imrovement is as easy as 1-2-3...

    Something so simple even the most intractibly rabid Libby could understand.

  • 1 decade ago

    Main-stream American culture (IMO). It was easier to point to it and say "that's it" when most of America sat down to watch the _The Mary Tyler Moore Show_ in the 70s. It's more diluted now.

    For me, watching what I think of as "Norman Rockwell America" fade away and be replaced by something crass & vulgar has been a source of great sadness...freaks walking down the street with their pants half-way down their rears and metal protruding from their faces and other parts of their bodies. I'm baffled & bewildered that the same race of people who's music was the foundation of classic-rock and who created that truly marvelous Motown-sound has now produced this god-awful rap & hip-hop.

    Rest In Peace U.S.A. & U.K.; you were the last best-hope of western civilization. A few idiots choose to mix fly-sh*it in with the sugar, as the saying goes.

    Source(s): The thoughts of a retired soldier who is growing old and who is dismayed by what he sees.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Just more evidence that Glenn Beck has no clue what he is talking about.

    I have no idea what "white culture" is either and I'm a Heinz 57 product of a dozen or so different european countries.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The culture of white people I would guess.Every race has a cultural identity.I don't listen to any pundits on a regular basis,but Glenn was right on when he was talking about both sides b!tching at each other about BS,while the real enemies continue on in corporations and the government.

    Source(s): Independent American
  • 1 decade ago

    Really? So white people can't have a culture unless it's Nazism?

    Who is the Liberal talking head / blogger who is making it their job to analyze and dismantle Glenn Beck? I'm just curious so I can go and read what you have been reading....I'd really like to understand this anti-Glenn Beck rhetoric that's been spewed on Y!Answers for the last couple weeks.

  • Thalia
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The bit of American culture that is white only, I guess.

    Umm, like, certain private golf courses which no one likes to mention, and, um, can't think of any more. Tap-dancing perhaps? And the KKK, I think that's still all-white.

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