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  • Question For Gay Marriage Opponents?

    If a man abuses his wife, cheats on her with another woman or divorces her, how does gay marriage have anything to do with any of that? You people always squawk about how same-sex marriage will devalue traditional marriage, but unless a man is leaving his wife for another man, the argument holds no water at all. Case in point: How many men did Tiger Woods sleep with?

    And BTW - when you answer the question, try not to foam at the mouth or vomit up Bible quotes please.

  • How "SACRED" Can Traditional Marriage Be...?

    When even a 'good' man like Tiger Woods can't even keep it in his pants? I think the Reich Wingers know that their argument took a real good gut-punch this week, and rumor has it that MORE WOMEN are waiting in the wings for their turn to take a whack at the World's Greatest Golfer, and to snag their fifteen minutes of fame. So I guess now the definition of marriage will have to be amended: "Traditional marriage is between one man and one woman. And ANOTHER woman. And ANOTHER. And ANOTHER. And..."

    Gee, didn't know that Tiger had gone Mormon. Talk amongst yourselves...

  • A Question For Our Resident Trolls On The GLBT Forums...?

    I realize I won't get many hits from our favorite Trolls-and-Ogres crowd here, since, ironically enough, they tend to only come out and post their filthy rants at night. But for the ones who don't burn up and turn to ash in the daylight, a question: Why do you choose to rant and rail and make it your business to harass GLBT people when they want to get married and have or adopt children, but you DON'T do the same with straight people who make a conscious decision NOT to? There are just as many single and partnered men and women who have done away with the Bible's rule of "be fruitful and multiply", because they decided their careers come first. Or they like being single. Or they like being married, but NOT with children. Or maybe they just flat out don't like kids. So, where's your 'movement' to protest against them? Or are you just too afraid of being told by "normal" couples and singles where you can stick your opinion? Discuss.

  • If The Fort Hood Shooter Had Not Been A Muslim...?

    If the Fort Hood shooter had not been a Muslim named "Nidal Malik Hassan", but a white soldier named "Nicholas Mark Harrison", what kind of spin would the Republicans have tried to put on the whole mess, instead of screeching "terrorist attack"?

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Question For Single Men or Women: Do You Find It Shocking...?

    Do you find it shocking and even annoying how people want to get "all up in your business" when they find out that you're single? And how bad it can get when you let them know that you are actually HAPPY being single? Certain people feel that it's a "choice" to be gay or lesbian, but when you express the fact that even though you're straight, you're happy being by yourself, they feel like it's some kind of life mission to prove you wrong...even (and ESPECIALLY if) they are not involved in a relationship themselves? How do you react? What do you do when people suddenly decide they want to play "Dr. Ruth" with you?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Has Anyone Ever Thought About Asking The Anti-Gay Marriage Activists...?

    This question: Even if Prop 8 is successfully upheld and even adopted into most state constitutions, how will that change the continual rise in the number of divorces in this country? GLBT people cannot legally get married in most states, and when they can that marriage is barely recognized in so many others. Yet, on the other side of the fence, the rate of "traditional marriages" that end in divorce is 43% and STILL CLIMBING. So...what about it?

  • What About The Issue Of Divorce?

    43% - that's almost half - of all heterosexual marriages end in divorce. Statistics I heard on a news special about adultery say that 1 in 3 married men and 1 in 4 married women will cheat, therefore leading to that 43% I just mentioned.

    Let's say that there is no more "gay marriage threat". It's been outlawed, abandoned, doesn't even exist. What will happen to the whole problem about divorce? The "non-existence" of gay marriage is not going to make it go away. Spouses will continue to cheat if they are so inclined, and some more than others will have relationships that will not survive it.

    Once nobody can blame anyone or anything else on the problem, HOW does that problem get solved? And is there even a way to solve it?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What IS The Definition Of "White Culture"?

    Glenn Beck decided to stick both cloven hooves in his mouth by calling the President a racist and someone who is against "white culture." When he was called out on his comments by Katie Couric, he refused to define the term. So can anybody here tell me what "white culture" is? Seriously? Because coming from someone like Beck, I'm starting to believe you can only find the answers in the pages of a book more like "Mein Kampf" rather than the Bible.

    21 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If Neo-Con Pro-Lifers Insist That Life Begins At Conception...?

    What's to keep them from taking the next step, and having any male who masturbates to orgasm charged with capital murder? Somebody else asked this question and I found it rather interesting. There is a place in the Bible, I think, that even says that God doesn't approve of people "bopping the bishop" and wasting all that good "seed."

    So could the conservatives actually take this issue into Kurt Vonnegut-style absurdity?

    17 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do You Think We Would See Protestors Taking To The Streets In Record Numbers...?

    If a State-by-State ban were ever approved and applied to the different Constitutions, banning divorce in any form?

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Can You Answer This Question That Nobody Seems To Have A Good Answer For?

    It's a perfectly reasonable question, but nobody wants to answer it, or they have to run right to the Scriptures to do so, like they're afraid to come up with their own answer - something that actually requires a little effort to express.

    If you believe that "marriage is a sacred bond between a man and a woman", and nothing else, here's the question: Why, then, is it so easy to "undo" that "sacred bond" whenever anybody feels like it?

    Does God approve of a couple who gets married on Monday, divorced on Friday and then RE-married to different people a week later? If a man or woman marries eight, nine, ten or more times in their life, are ALL of them "sacred bonds", especially if performed in a church?

    And please, we already know about "Leviticus", blah blah blah blah blah. Does it put a different perspective on your views about the subject, when you find out your husband is going to leave you for the twenty-year-old executive secretary? Or your wife is meeting her personal trainer at a downtown motel after-hours, even though he's old enough to be her son?

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Your Thoughts About This Guy's Views...?

    I work with this married guy who is very vocal about how he despises the very idea of gays and lesbians getting married. In fact, one time he even said they should make homosexuality a federal crime all the way across the board.

    And YET, in the next breath, he will tell jokes like: "What's the difference between a wife and a hooker? One of them gets a ring." OR: "How can you tell the difference between being a john and being a husband? A john only has to pay the ***** once!"

    So what do you think HIS story is? And no, you can breathe a sigh of relief...He has NOT identified himself as a "Christian." In fact, I doubt he even goes to church.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If You Are Against Gay Marriage Because It "Devalues" Straight Marriages...?

    Then why is it so easy for straight people to get divorces? That goes especially for Catholics, who are really supposed to obtain the approval of the Vatican before a marriage can be declared officially "null and void." Marriage is supposed to be this sacred institution that affirms and strengthens the bond between a man and a woman before the sight of God. RIGHT. So why is there a multi-million dollar industry that keeps divorce lawyers across the country in business 24/7, even in this horrible economy? What, suddenly God's not watching when you both sign that piece of paper that dissolves your "holy bond" and splits up your property, because he couldn't stop jerking off to Playmates and she couldn't control her expensive taste for Manolo Blahniks?

    And BTW - in case anyone's wondering why I'm asking this here - We all know by now the trolls never stay where they belong in R&S...They ALWAYS hang out here.

  • If Anything Should Happen To The President...?

    Would it be much of a shock to hear that shortly after that one night, somebody stepped up behind Glenn Beck and put two in the back of his thick skull?

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • TRUE Christians: Your Opinion Of The Following Statement?

    "A gay man is just a man who hasn't yet found the right woman."

    Not only do I think that is an uneducated view that oversimplifies everything, but it disrespects women even more than someone who tells them they have no right to decide whether or not they want to have children. NOW women are being told that being married to a gay man is better than not being married at all. But that's just what I read into it.

    I'd like to hear what YOU think...Women especially...Would you even care whether or not the man you married preferred other men?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • GLBT Posters - If You've Seen The Movie MULLIGANS Starring Charlie David...?

    Here's my question: if you have seen the movie MULLIGANS starring Charlie David from DANTE'S COVE and the Here!TV series BUMP, do you think that showing the movie to closed-minded heteros will help? Do you think that once they've seen it, they might stop thinking that "A gay man is just a man who hasn't yet found the right woman?"

  • To The Anti-Gay Marriage Crowd: A Simple Answer To A Simple Question...?

    In spite of the number of comments I've heard IN PUBLIC leveled against interracial couples by other couples, both white AND black, you continue to insist that the racial argument in the marriage issue is irrelevant...that a pairing of a black man/white woman or a black woman/white man is still "one man and one woman", and therefore fits YOUR definition of what's "okay."

    So, let's hear from DOMA advocates who can actually chew gum and walk at the same time, as well as spell and complete sentences that can actually make sense. Comparatively speaking, what is it about seeing a long term gay or lesbian couple vs. an interracial couple that makes you say, "Okay, the two guys/two girls are devaluing the worth of my marriage to my wife/husband, but the salt-and-pepper couple is okay."

    I want to hear PERSONAL reasons, not Scripture quotes. (But watch some troll post complete Bible chapters anyway.)

  • Why Are GOPHeads So Perfect At Pointing Out What The Dems AREN'T Doing About Health Care...?

    ...And yet have not one single thing to offer in the way of a viable answer themselves? Maybe they can't recite the list of things because they're out of breath...from lugging around all that kickback money the lobbyists from Big Insurance have stuffed into their back pockets. And in the interest of being fair, there are plenty of Dems suffering from the same condition. But, c'mon! Private health care accounts? REALLY? Didn't Georgie Porgie suggest we do the same exact thing with Social Security? That slurping sound you hear is all of Bernie Madoff's brothers in arms, licking their chops and hoping your suggestion succeeds.

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Now That The Healthcare Push Has Died With Ted Kennedy...?

    Is anybody going to tell the "greedy geezers" the ugly truth? That the "Obamacare" they're terrified of is nothing compared to the way the Repubs will simply allow the insurance companies to pick Medicare and Medicaid apart from the inside, junking them for cash the same way mechanics sell off useless cars for scrap, until nothing is left?

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Christians: Why Are You Allowing Trolls to Speak For You?

    A 'troll' from the R&S forums saw a post of mine in the GLBT section, and kept pestering me with emails about how f@gg0ts like me were going to end up burning in hell if we didn't "renounce" our evil lifestyle and "walk in the Lord's light" by "going straight and properly being with a woman." When I told him I was black and that if I WERE straight, my GF/wife would probably be white, he said that he believed I was hopeless and "my soul would be damned to Hell either way."

    So why are the REAL Christians here allowing these idiots to speak for them? Does the God you believe in really want to have his cake and eat it, too? You can't be gay OR fall in love outside your own race? What's up with that??? Somebody with some common sense please explain...

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago