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Ruth asked in HealthMental Health · 1 decade ago

How to calm nerves...?

Hi all,

i play in a brass band and we are doing a contest on sunday.

I did it last year and i just froze when we got on the stage cos of nerves. This year im already starting to get nervous even though its not for another three days. what can i do to calm my nerves now and what can i do to calm my nerves on the day. oh and i dont want to take any medication to calm me down. :)

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You dont need medication, you need to realize that you wouldn't be in a contest unless you weren't good at what you do. You need to tell yourself, it will only be for a few minutes if that, and the people who are listening, that's just it, they're only people, they're not god, they're not there to tare you apart, they're not better then you, relax, just go out there, just you and your instrument, and play, dont worry about whose looking or watching, just play, and do what you do best, and when its over, take a bow, and you'll be happy you did it. deep breaths you'll be fine, and once you start playing your nerves will calm down, good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    i always find that distracting myself when i'm nervous helps a lot. Just find a hobby and start doing it- writing stories usually distracts me. Sometimes this doesn't work, so i just let myself worry and i find that after i've worried and felt sick for 3-4 hours, it just goes away. I realize that it's not so bad after all.

  • Yuu
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    some quick and easy relaxation techniques does helps, here is a site fyi as well:

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