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Hey. I'm 17 and i play the trumpet, cornet, flugel horn and tenor horn. I play in a brass band. i love babysitting and i love kids.

  • What to do when spilled 2 drips of liquid on my trackpad?

    Using my laptop i dripped about 2 drips of liquid onto it ive dried it up so what to do?

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks10 years ago
  • Anyone know where i can download...?

    the sheet music for Lies by Mcfly and Summer of 69 by Bryan Adams. I need it for trumpet/cornet if possible but if not piano is fine as i can transpose this. If possible i need it to be free.

    6 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Do you think i should do this...?

    A few weeks ago it was my mum and dads 25th wedding anniversary and i organised a party for them and gave them a little present each. I had ordered something off a website but it was out of stock and is still out of stock so i have cancelled the order now. What should i do for them? I need to get them a joint present of some sort, i know its late but they understand as i told them they would get it when i got paid and i have now been paid. I was thinking maybe treating them to a weekend away but i don't know where to. We live in the UK and my mum isn't allowed to fly so can't be too far.

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Help with activities for a family reunion?

    Hi all,

    A week on Sunday i have a family reunion. As my auntie and i have organized it to be a bigger one than what we have had before i need a few ideas for presents and activities/games to do. Firstly we are wanting to give presents out as this year there are a number of big celebrations for members of the family. We have 2 18Th's (one boy and me), a silver wedding anniversary, a 60th wedding anniversary, a 60th birthday, a 80th birthday and a 40th wedding anniversary Any ideas on presents we could get just to announce at the reunion as we have ordered some cakes that we are going to decorate for each person. Secondly as it is going to be a day/night event we want some activities or games that everyone can join in with. We are spending the afternoon in a hotel and having a meal around 2pm, Then we can stay at the hotel till around 10pm. There will be about 30-35 people not sure on exact numbers yet but we need some activities for all ages please as the youngest that would possibly be able to play will be 3 and the oldest will be nearly 80.

    Thank you.

    Ruth x

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • What to wear with black trousers?

    Hi all,

    A week on Sunday i have a family reunion that i am attending. I'm wanting to wear black trousers with black shoes but can't decide on a top to buy. I'm a uk size 20 so any ideas would be much appreciated.

    Thank You.

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Logarithm question help please?

    Help answer please as i dont have my calculator or notes to find out how to do it.

    1. log to the base 2 of 2

    2. log(pq) in the form alogp+qlogq

    £. log(p^2q^3) in the form alogp+qlogq

    4. Log(p/q) in the form alogp+qlogq

    %. logsquare root(p/q) in the form alogp+qlogq

    Thank you

    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Logarithm questions need help in the next 30 minutes please?

    Question 1:

    Given that log(a)x=m and log(a)y=n find in terms of m and n


    log(a)(xsquared divided by y)

    (a) is the base number of the log.

    thank you

    3 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • I'm trying to plan a party...?

    Hi All.

    It's my mum and dad's silver wedding anniversary on the 4th may and i'm wanting to plan a party for them but it would be on the Saturday after which is the 8th May. I'm not sure where to start really and i'm only 17 so don't have to much money to spend on it. I'm not sure whether i want to hire somewhere like a hall and then cook all the food myself or whether i want to take them to a restaurant with a lot of there friends. I want to get table decorations that will be silver or say 25 on them. Also what food and drink would i need if i hire a hall. Do you think i should hire a hall for afternoon and evening as some people will be working on the day so may only be able to come in the evening but then we have family who have young children who would be coming to. So what do you think?

    Any help is much appreciated.


    Ruth. x

    2 AnswersEntertaining1 decade ago
  • Could someone help me analyse these three songs?

    I have to analyse the instrumentation, structure and effects of The kinks-you really get me going, Jump by Van Halen and are you gonna be my girl by Jet. Then i have to compare them. Please help. :)


    Ruth x

    1 AnswerRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • I find i can't really talk to my mum...?

    Hi all,

    For the past few years i've felt like i can't really talk to my mum as she tells whatever i say to her to my dad, grandma and her friends. So i stopped telling her anything. I started getting closer to the mother of two children i babysit for and i told her everything that was bothering me. I'm now 17 and this has been since i was about 14. The woman i'm on about is a very close family friend by the way but she went through a terrible divorce last year and i had her children all the time. Now she has said i can move in with her until i find a flat for myself as i'm really not happy at home and always am arguing with my mum and my Nana. i feel bad for wanting to move out but it been getting me down and i don't know what to do. I know my mum always tells me to move out when we are arguing but im her only biological child and i feel bad if i move out. How do i tell her i feel this way and would like to move in with Angela (the woman i have got closer to) even if just for a few months to sort myself out. please help,


    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Why am i sleeping so much..?

    I get up at 7.30am every weekday morning and go to bed at 10.00pm. Im at college from 8.30am till 4.00pm but then when i get in about 4.30pm im going to bed for a few hours usually till about 6.30. Is this bad for me and could it be to do with my heart murmur?. Thanks

    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Next year i am going to Paris..?

    Also the spending money includes a 3 or 4 day metro ticket/card.

    5 AnswersParis1 decade ago
  • Ive got a family wedding coming up...?

    Hi all,

    So my Half sister is getting married on 31ST October at a lovely hotel and all is well. All my mums side of the family are coming so there will be lots of young children including my half sisters 4 and she has just informed me she wants me to look after them all at the wedding meal and reception. I don't want to sound mean but i don't particularly want to miss out on everything to look after them. The thing is if i do i will be upstairs in the bedrooms (we have most of the bedrooms and rooms booked) but the hotel offered the smaller room that's at the side of the main hall for the children to go in to sleep or play while the meal and reception is going on but she said she would use the bedrooms. I am willing to look after them if they were only going to be next door as i could keep popping in and checking on them. How do i tell her that i don't want to do it without it ruining the plans. Oh and the kids ages so you are aware are:

    1 six month old

    2 one year olds

    1 two year old

    3 three year olds

    2 four year olds.

    1 five year old

    1 eight year old.


    13 AnswersEngagements & Weddings1 decade ago
  • Yesterday i hurt my little finger...?

    Hi all,

    Yesterday while at college an automatic door suddenly started shutting on me and as i put my hand out to stop it it caught my little finger and it hurt but after a few minutes it seemed okay. Now today ive got a bump right the way across at the first bend and it is really painful. What do you suggest i do?.


    3 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • I need some help with my music tech...?

    For music tech we are supposed to be analysing the structure and instruments used in the song shopping by the pet shop boys. It is due in an hour (that's all we have been given for it) but i cant get on anything to be able to listen to it so please help if anyone knows the structure or instruments please help me. thanks

    1 AnswerRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • How to calm nerves...?

    Hi all,

    i play in a brass band and we are doing a contest on sunday.

    I did it last year and i just froze when we got on the stage cos of nerves. This year im already starting to get nervous even though its not for another three days. what can i do to calm my nerves now and what can i do to calm my nerves on the day. oh and i dont want to take any medication to calm me down. :)

    3 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • How do i take photos on this laptop?

    Im at college and i need to take some photos on the college laptop is an apple macbook but i don't know how to take the photos any help is much appreciated.

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • I want to lose weight but am really struggling...?

    Im not sure of my exact weight but im definitely overweight but i have PCOS and am not receiving treatment for it but a side effect of it is putting on weight well over the past few years i have and im wanting to try and lose some but it just isnt shifting any help or ideas appreciated. ive been doing about 8 hours exercise a week and eating healthily but it will just not shift. please help.

    39 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Activities for rainy days for a 2 year old and a 7 year old?


    Atm i have these two children with me and i don't know how long for. Ive asked questions before about them. But like today it is pouring down and i don't know what to do any ideas i will be grateful of.


    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • I really dont know what to do?

    Ive asked questions before about a 2 year old and her brother but now there mum is in hospital having had a serious breakdown and there dad was having them but now he's fed up with them and has dumped them on me. Obviously i don't mind as i love them to bits but i can't tell there mum as she is starting to get better i don't want her to get worse if i tell her so im will to keep them until he wants them back or there mum is out of hospital but my cousin says i should tell social services that he doesn't care and dumps them on me but, don't mean this to sound funny but i don't want social services to put them in care, id much rather keep them. What do you think i should do?

    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago