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Ruth asked in Family & RelationshipsFamily · 1 decade ago

Help with activities for a family reunion?

Hi all,

A week on Sunday i have a family reunion. As my auntie and i have organized it to be a bigger one than what we have had before i need a few ideas for presents and activities/games to do. Firstly we are wanting to give presents out as this year there are a number of big celebrations for members of the family. We have 2 18Th's (one boy and me), a silver wedding anniversary, a 60th wedding anniversary, a 60th birthday, a 80th birthday and a 40th wedding anniversary Any ideas on presents we could get just to announce at the reunion as we have ordered some cakes that we are going to decorate for each person. Secondly as it is going to be a day/night event we want some activities or games that everyone can join in with. We are spending the afternoon in a hotel and having a meal around 2pm, Then we can stay at the hotel till around 10pm. There will be about 30-35 people not sure on exact numbers yet but we need some activities for all ages please as the youngest that would possibly be able to play will be 3 and the oldest will be nearly 80.

Thank you.

Ruth x

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    According to Google, it's somewhat of a gray area, but I'd be happy to do more research if you want to message me. I spent about 10 minutes looking around but it's not an easy answer. Again, feel free to message me and I hope you are successful in what you are looking for.

    Source(s): Searching and looking on Google.
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I understand what you imply approximately gigantic households and plenty of children. I am one in every of forty two grand youngsters on my dad's facet of the loved ones, and whilst you upload within the high-quality-grand youngsters a few of them are older than a few the grand youngsters. A loved ones favourite that everybody loves (even the adults) is a water balloon toss. We most often have a few households convey a couple of coolers stuffed with water balloons then everybody has a couple of to toss. They are a bit of bit of labor however a gigantic hit on a sizzling day. A few different suggestions that I did not see recounted within the different solutions... one million. volleyball making use of a seashore ball - the young ones will even do it, simply decrease the web two. sidewalk chalk if you're at a pavilion three. scavenger hunt - pair the children, an older one with a more youthful one four. make paper airplanes - have a competition, which flies the farthest five. convey craft presents and feature the children make mask of a favourite animal, have parade dressed in the mask after everybody eats or one other easy time while everybody is accumulated 6. the young ones continuously like gambling sizzling potato 7. convey kites, the greater youngsters can support the young ones eight. inform each and every one to convey water weapons if there's a position to fill them Hope this is helping! Have amusing.

  • Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well.

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