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Ruth asked in HealthOther - Health · 1 decade ago

Why am i sleeping so much..?

I get up at 7.30am every weekday morning and go to bed at 10.00pm. Im at college from 8.30am till 4.00pm but then when i get in about 4.30pm im going to bed for a few hours usually till about 6.30. Is this bad for me and could it be to do with my heart murmur?. Thanks

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you have a heart murmur the best advice I can give is to see your doctor about any concerns you have regarding sleep or anything else. Instead of visiting the doctor you can phone NHS 24hrs its a free service and the number is free, they will put you through to a specialist nurse or doctor who will be able to answer your question.

    Ps Enjoy your sleep while you can, I'm not getting enough sleep!

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