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Ruth asked in TravelFranceParis · 1 decade ago

Next year i am going to Paris..?

Also the spending money includes a 3 or 4 day metro ticket/card.


Next July i am going to Paris with college on a music tour. We are going on Fri 2nd July and come back on the Tues 6th July. Every night we are going to a restaurant for an evening meal. Also we are doing some concerts at Disneyland which means we then get in free and at the Eiffel Tower but we are not going in the Eiffel Tower. My question is how much spending money will i need to take. This spending money includes for drinks/food on the coach to Dover, the boat across then while we are there and then coming back. How much will i need?.

Sorry im asking so far in advance its just so i know how much to save.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i just got back from a school trip to paris which was for 5 days. I took 400 euros with me but disneyland, metro and eiffel tower were all included in the money my parents payed for the whole trip.

    i would say about 20 or 25 euros for each evening meal, i cant really help you with how much the boat is as i dont know where you are coming from but probably 15 euros for the coach food, 50 euros if you plan to buy presents or things for yourself and 100 euros contingency just to ensure you wont run out of money.

  • 1 decade ago

    Give yourself $50/day. That doesn't include buying yourself something nice to bring back like a stylish jacket or blouse. Food is much more expensive in Paris, especially if you eat right in the city which you probably will and should. Don't miss having a coffee or a drink at an outdoor cafe!

    Source(s): Lived, worked and studied in France.
  • 1 decade ago

    Figure between 50 and 75 euros a day for meals, snacks and any souveniers

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    I went to Paris 2 years in the past and that i in my opinion did not see lots of a issue. nonetheless, i went with a team of individuals and grow to be not often uncovered to the human beings. i've got heard that french human beings hate individuals, yet i think of maximum of it has to do with the stereotypes they have approximately us from video clips. only attempt to be curtious and once you are able to communicate french to them. it is not honest to be of their usa and assume they communicate a language that may not there very own.

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  • 1 decade ago

    as I heard

    if you ask for how much money it is

    then you can't afford it

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