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I really dont know what to do?

Ive asked questions before about a 2 year old and her brother but now there mum is in hospital having had a serious breakdown and there dad was having them but now he's fed up with them and has dumped them on me. Obviously i don't mind as i love them to bits but i can't tell there mum as she is starting to get better i don't want her to get worse if i tell her so im will to keep them until he wants them back or there mum is out of hospital but my cousin says i should tell social services that he doesn't care and dumps them on me but, don't mean this to sound funny but i don't want social services to put them in care, id much rather keep them. What do you think i should do?

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If i were in that situation i would keep them and do the best that you can. who knows if you call social services that might even separate them and you would not want that to happen.

    Good Luck

    Source(s): personal experience
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