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Ive got a family wedding coming up...?

Hi all,

So my Half sister is getting married on 31ST October at a lovely hotel and all is well. All my mums side of the family are coming so there will be lots of young children including my half sisters 4 and she has just informed me she wants me to look after them all at the wedding meal and reception. I don't want to sound mean but i don't particularly want to miss out on everything to look after them. The thing is if i do i will be upstairs in the bedrooms (we have most of the bedrooms and rooms booked) but the hotel offered the smaller room that's at the side of the main hall for the children to go in to sleep or play while the meal and reception is going on but she said she would use the bedrooms. I am willing to look after them if they were only going to be next door as i could keep popping in and checking on them. How do i tell her that i don't want to do it without it ruining the plans. Oh and the kids ages so you are aware are:

1 six month old

2 one year olds

1 two year old

3 three year olds

2 four year olds.

1 five year old

1 eight year old.



Im only 17 and thanks for all the answers so far. x

13 Answers

  • Cala
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Just explain that you had hoped to go to the wedding as a guest and will be disappointed not to go, because you sure as hell won't be going as the babysitter. Eleven kids! It's unreasonable to expect anyone to look after 11 kids! Put your foot down. Either you are invited to the wedding or you're not, but you certainly aren't going to be the unpaid hired help! How rude is that? People should look after their own kids - they aren't your responsibility.

  • 1 decade ago

    You don't say how old you are, it's likely that if you are under 18, your sister wants you to do the dirty work because she feel you aren't an adult. You need to talk to her and offer her an alternative solution, maybe taking it in turns with 3-4 other people and doing it in shifts so you don't miss out. Explain to your sister that you would like to share in her special day and not end up the babysitter just because you are the youngest.

    I agree with you, it isn't fair and as the eldest of several kids in the family I had the same problem when I was younger.

    Also, I absolutely would NOT be 'popping in and out to check in on' a 6 month old to 3 year old as they can get into trouble when left alone for just a second!

    Why don't you enquire at the hotel before talking to your sister, ask them if they have a babysitting service available, many hotels do this for a small charge.

    I wouldn't sulk about it though, I would talk to your sister and show her you are old enough and mature enough to join in the fun and not be used as a babysitter for her purposes.

    If you are over 18 though, I would tell her where to go!!! The CHEEK!

  • 1 decade ago

    If it were a paid nursery you would have to have 1 carer per 3 kids under 5. You WONT be able to manage all those kids by yourself. Also if they are in different rooms, what happens to the others while you change nappies or feed the little one? The 8 yr old could attend the meal I dont see why that one has to be segregated. As for the rest of them you need AT LEAST 2 other people to help you, full time. How would you feel if a drunken reveler comes in to see the kids while you're in another room, and drops one of the babies? It sounds far fetched but it happened to a friend of mine, the baby's grandma was drunk, brought 5 of her drunk mates into the room to show off her granddaughter to and one of them dropped the baby!

    You need 3 people. Does the hotel know of a childminder or 3 who could come in. Its also not fair to expect you to miss out on the whole wedding. What are you, Cinderella?

  • 1 decade ago

    As youre 17 it doesnt suprise me youre asked to do the job tbh.

    Could you speak to your sister and ask about the other room? Maybe if she sees it from your point of view shell allow you to be near the reception so you at least know whats going on and can be involved.

    Also perhaps suggesting the parents of the children who arent your sisters (obviously she has other things to do) could take turns with you? It's not fair for you to be put in charge of 11 young children. For a start thats too many running about and you cant be responsible for all of them. I'm sure parents would be willing to help.

    As its your sisters wedding maybe you should tell her you want to be there to see whats going on, not stuck upstairs. Atleast nextdoor you can hear whats going on and keep an eye on the little ones.

    Seriously, talk to her or your mum/dad. No reasonable person would put someone of 17 in charge of 11 kids away from anyway else.

    Source(s): 17, been to weddings, babysit
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  • You are joking, Hon, right?

    Not to be mean but your half sister doesn;t sound like she working on all thrusters.

    Babies at 6 months are very you'll have 2 one year olds and a two year old....they are in diapers too at that age so you might as well consider them walking babies.

    So far we've got 4 babies,all very vocal , attention demanding,and mobile and all have extremely short attentions spans and are prone to tantrums because of their age. Never mind all the diaper changes.

    Now you have an additonal 5 kids in the 4-5 age group...better attention span but these kids are also prone to temper tantrums when they don;t get their way, rowdiness in horseplay, and they will hit, kick & bite. They will require constant supervision, just like the babies-can;t take your eyes off of them for a minute.

    The five & eight year old should be better behaved and able to self amuse. BUT they too will get into trouble with the watchful eye of an adult.

    As an adult who as raised 4 kids of her own, and have in the past babysat kids of various age, if anyone asked that of me I would say one thing to them...

    ''What, are you NUTS?!"

    You tell Sis I am sorry but that is too much for anyone to handle unless they are professional day care providers, and even then they have a staff to help. You can not 'pop' in on a group like that-you will HAVE to be with them all the time meaning you will miss the wedding.

    Very unfair of your half sister...and since she has four, she KNOWS she's being grossly unfair.

    She needs to hire at LEAST 3 babysitters to handle that nursery crowd.....or let each parent handle the responsibility of caring for their own kids...what she is asking is rediculous.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What she is expecting from you is outrageous. So tell her so. Cushion the blow by saying that you don't want to miss any part of her happiest day. But make it absolutely clear that you have no intentions of looking after other peoples children when that responsibility is theirs. She is obviously making big plans to ensure that this is a great occasion so tell her to make everyone happy and budget for a babysitter. If she shows little sign of agreeing then tell her that you are bringing a boyfriend and that you will be spending all your time with him. Do not even suggest that you are willing to look after them at all. It is up to her to sort this out.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Either she is taking the Micky or you are.

    The Hotel has a room set aside for the kids.

    if she asks them they probably can also supply staff to look after them.

    she doesn't want to take them up on the offer. so let her have them running all over the place while she has the wedding, especially her four?

    stop being put on and stand up for yourself

    your offer is perfectly reasonable in fact more than and I don't think it is allowed to have so many children and only one person even if your over 18.tell the parents to make there own arrangements and go off and enjoy yourself.respect yourself and others will have to respect you weather they like it or not.and if she doesn't feel bad at putting on you like this why should you feel bad at refusing to be put on.xx

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    First, I'm confused as to how someone who identifies as queer can be your fiance. Nonetheless, there will ALWAYS be tension when a new person is brought in the scene. Relatives, regardless of whether they are conservative or not, feel the need to check out the new family member. You chose him, and if it becomes an issue, you need to make it clear why you chose him. His sexual orientation is a non-issue to you, and you need to make it clear that it will not be a family issue. As for him, you might want to let him now that he shouldn't go out of his way to make your family feel uncomfortable. Not everyday does Thanksgiving dinner conversation turn to your most recent sexual experience. Even very "open" people need to know when certain topics should be avoided. Manners are never out of style.

  • 1 decade ago

    That is an absolutely ridiculous expectation for you to look after eleven children, four of whom are babies. What on earth is she thinking?!

    Put your foot down and tell her she'll have to think of a more satisfactory arrangement than that. She needs a staff of 3 or 4 trained childcare workers. The children will be tired and hyped up and running around and crying and .... oh, it doesn't bear thinking about.


  • Me
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I think your sister is wrong to expect that you will play the role of an employee when you should be a guest.

    You should say something or have your mom talk to her.

    To help her out, do you have some dependable friends that may be willing to be hired as babysitters for the night?

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