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Can anyone help with this word/term?
When I was young, children often used to sell their old toys, books, comics etc outside their home. They would spread their belongings out on the pavement at their gate and sell them to passers-by.
Can anyone remember what the word or term was for these sales?
Some friends and I have been racking our brains trying to remember it, and there have been several suggestions from other people, so I know that it isn't any of the following:
jumble sale
yard sale
second-hand stall/sale
charity stall/sale
garage sale
car boot stall/sale
rummage sale
I think it was a word/term that applied specifically to this type of sale - not a general word or term.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
2 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years agoHow do I change the email address on yahoo answers?
I'm not particularly computer literate, so please forgive me if this is a really silly question!
When I got married I set up a new email address in my married name, but I carried on using the old email address as well for business purposes. My Yahoo Answers is linked to the old email address.
I now want to transfer everything to the email address that is in my married name. When I tried to access Yahoo Answers using my new email address, it set me up a new yahoo account - I don't want this. I want to continue using Yahoo with my current user name and to keep my current status.
I simply want to change the email address that the account is linked to. Is it possible to do this?
Any help will be greatly appreciated
1 AnswerPassword and Sign In8 years agoWhat brand of aftershave was the advert for?
Can anyone remember this? It's quite a recent ad - only a few months since it was on.
The ad was in black and white: a good looking, well built guy walks into his lounge, takes off his shirt and lounges on the sofa. Then he turns to the camera, looks surprised to see someone there and then gives a big smile.
Any help would be appreciated.
3 AnswersOther - Television8 years agoNeed advice re gifts from a friend!?
How do I stop my friend from buying me the most awful gifts? She tends to spend quite a lot of money (that she really can't afford) on things that I absolutely hate! We have vastly different tastes. When her birthday comes around I go to the shops that I know she likes and buy her stuff from there. But when she buys for me she buys the stuff that she likes. I don't like her spending so much on me, as I know they don't have a lot of spare cash, and would be much happier with a book or something small. She has already bought me a candelabra, a huge wooden cat, a large display of fake flowers, a clock with flowers at each number, gothic jewellery, etc and it's embarrassing when she comes round and the stuff isn't there on display - but I really can't stand the stuff! I don't want to hurt her feelings as she is a very generous person, so how do I stop her buying things that I don't want. I've known her all my life, so she knows what my taste is like, but I still keep getting these awful things that I don't want and that I know she has had to scrimp to pay for.
The main problem is that she tends to buy ornaments etc and so she will obviously expect to see them when she calls round. I have about 30 years worth of these things sat in the attic! But she's so kind and generous that I really need to tread carefully.
She often calls round so it's not as if I can just get a few things out when she's coming - I don't always know when she's coming.
I'm grateful to have a friend like her - I don't want to hurt her feelings by not having all these things on display, but I really can't live with them! My lounge is cream and green, so why did she buy me 4 hairy, lilac cushions with little crystals on them? What do I do with them without hurting her?
4 AnswersFriends1 decade agoIs this really an acceptable way to speak to customers?
Or am I just getting old and set in my ways? I took my Granddaughter to McDonald's this evening as a treat, and the conversation went like this:
Assistant: Yes pal?
Me: Cheeseburger happy meal with a strawberry milkshake please.
Assistant: What drink do you want with that?
Me: Er, strawberry milkshake please.
Assistant: Strawberry?
Me: Yes
Assistant: that's £1.99 pal.
I hand over a £5 note and get my change as the assistant says "cheers mate".
There was no "please" or "thank you" from the assistant. I clearly didn't have his attention and I'm not his "mate" or his "pal". And I don't think it's a very respectful way to talk to any customer, certainly not a female one who is at least 35 years older than him!
Or is it just a sign of the times and I need to get used to it?
24 AnswersEtiquette1 decade agoNeed a good dog food with plenty of roughage?
We have 2 Jack Russells, 3 years old. We have had them just over 12 months now. Both suffer from sensitive stomachs and it doesn't take much to upset their stomachs. The vet recommended that we feed them on Chappie, which didn't upset their stomach but they simply do not like the stuff and will only eat it when they are starving hungry. The vet then recommended a specialist food that we can only get from him or over the internet, but that works out at £104 per month! So we are looking for a meat with a high roughage content. The only alternative that we have found so far is a dry food diet, but they do love a bit of meat and so we would like to find something that they can enjoy without it upsetting them. We give them mainly biscuits anyway, with just a small amount of meat, but we don't want to deprive them of the meat if we can find another brand that suits them.
Does anyone know of any brands that fit the bill? We have asked at various pet shops but they only seem to sell well known brands.
6 AnswersDogs1 decade agoA question for people who were adopted at birth?
Earlier today I came across a recently resolved question on Yahoo, regarding adoption. One of the answers stated that it is common knowledge that all adopted people suffer from feelings of rejection and have abandonment issues, and that they all struggle to come to terms with the fact that they were adopted.
It surprised me to read this, because I was adopted at birth and have never felt this way. I'm now almost 50. I never thought of my Mum and Dad as my adopted parents - they were just my parents. I have never felt that my natural Mother abandoned me, I just realised that she had her own reasons for doing what she did. I have met her and we keep in touch from time to time, but she isn't my Mum. It was kind of like finding a long-lost relative, it was good to meet her and I really like her, we get on well, but she isn't my Mum. I have had a great life, my childhood was wonderful, and I would never have wanted anything to be different. My Mum and Dad have both passed away in recent years and I still miss them every day, but I don't feel any need for my natural Mother to take over as my Mum.
Quite simply, being adopted has never been an issue for me. I loved my Mum and Dad so much. Surely I'm not the only adopted child to grow up feeling totally happy and secure, with no issues whatsoever?
9 AnswersAdoption1 decade agoNeed help with colouring my hair!?
When I was a baby I had ginger hair, by the time I was two it had turned to a lovely golden blonde. As a teenager it went progressively darker and now, at 48, I have mid brown hair. The problem is that I have quite a few grey hairs that I need to cover up so I want to colour my hair a medium brown shade. I've found the colour that I want, the problem is that it looks great for the first few days but as soon as the sun comes out it turns a gingery-brown colour and I hate it! I've tried using different brands, Loreal etc, but it just doesn't make any difference - a couple of days of sunshine and I'm gingery again. This doesn't happen to my natural hair, it only happens when I've coloured it. Is it because I was red haired as a child and the pigmentation of my hair is odd, even though there's been no sign of the red for over 45 years? Any help would be appreciated.
7 AnswersHair1 decade agoAnyone else sick of hearing about Michael Jackson?
I accept that a lot of people loved his music etc, but he was a person - not a God! I listen to the radio during the day and can't remember anyone requesting a MJ song for about 3 years. Now it's every second or third song. I feel very sorry for his family and friends, as I would for anyone who has suffered tragic loss, but he was just a person like everyone else.
27 AnswersCelebrities1 decade agoAre teenagers capable of writing anything legible?
Am I the only person to be concerned about the quality of some questions posted on this site? I know that kids text a lot nowadays and therefore use a lot of abbreviations etc, but I just cannot understand a lot of the questions from teenagers. They can't spell, don't know what punctuation is and ramble on without any apparent point! Sometimes I read a really long question and still don't have a clue exactly what they are asking. Does anyone else find this worrying? Is it lack of education or just laziness?
10 AnswersDrawing & Illustration1 decade agoIs it right to be Engaged at 15?
My friend is allowing her 15 year old daughter to get engaged to her 17 year old boyfriend. And she is having a huge engagement party for them! I never thought that my friend would do something like this as she's always seemed so sensible. I think it's wrong, she's far too young and still at school. But I've known the girl all her life and she's really nice. What do I do about the party? I don't want to go as I think the whole idea is ridiculous, but I don't want to fall out with either my friend or her daughter. My daughter suggested that we go away on holiday that week and therefore avoid the issue altogether, but I'd still have the issue of cards, gifts etc.
30 AnswersEngagements & Weddings1 decade agoRelative in 80's no longer fit to drive.?
Just been in the car with an elderley relative. He can no longer judge the space he has around him, he mounted the kerb at one stage, then later slid along a wall and broke his wing mirror. He also has a large dent in the front wing and doesn't know how he got it. He can't judge his speed and alternated between holding all the traffic up then driving well above the speed limit. What do I do? I need to get someone to take his licence away before he hurts someone. Who do I speak to?
8 AnswersSafety1 decade agoWe're off to france soon and are going to look for a property to buy.?
Do we need a visa etc to live in France or, because it's an EU country, can we just buy a property and move over there?
2 AnswersOther - France1 decade agoDoes anyone know who is replacing Grissom on CSI Crime Scene Investigations?
6 AnswersDrama1 decade agoWher in Bolton can I buy cans of Thwaites Mild?
2 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago