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Is it right to be Engaged at 15?

My friend is allowing her 15 year old daughter to get engaged to her 17 year old boyfriend. And she is having a huge engagement party for them! I never thought that my friend would do something like this as she's always seemed so sensible. I think it's wrong, she's far too young and still at school. But I've known the girl all her life and she's really nice. What do I do about the party? I don't want to go as I think the whole idea is ridiculous, but I don't want to fall out with either my friend or her daughter. My daughter suggested that we go away on holiday that week and therefore avoid the issue altogether, but I'd still have the issue of cards, gifts etc.

30 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i agree its too young but the woman is your friend. you should go to the party and enjoy it, you don't have to agree with it. If you decide to go away then send a card with maybe a gift voucher or something. who knows your friend might only be going along with it to avoid falling out with her daughter, at 15 its highly unlikely it'll last but that doesn't mean you can't support your friend.

  • 1 decade ago

    i got "engaged" at 15 to and my fiancee was 17 we had been together over a year by then and we knew we were going to be together forever but we still knew it was very young and i would never have thought to have a party! i personally do think thats a little ridiculous. me and my fiancee are still together we got re-engaged this christmas lol, you know it just seemed more serious now we are older (21 & 23) but we still didnt have a party with presents etc.. maybe a party to celebrate and a card but what sort of presents could you give an engaged 15y/o? they dont live together so its not like you can give them something for the house so really the presents you could give are things that you would give as a birthday present which seems not right to me (do you understand what im trying to say?)

    so i do think its ok to be engaged at 15 but come on a party and everything is a bit much, can they honestly think that even 1 of their guests will actually believe they will ever get married? most of the guests will be in the same boat as you and think this is rather ridiculous (no one believed it when me and my fiancee got engaged at 15 & 17 and i didnt blame them then and i dont now, things change a lot and all that mattered to me is that i believed it was forever, there was no way i expected others to believe that at that age)

    im not saying they wont make it but me and my fiancee are a VERY VERY rare item, it does happen but rarely, so its no wonder people dont believe.

    how long have them been together, if its less than a year then OMG (sorry) but thats even worse. i think you should go on holiday instead, just send a nice card, why on earth do you need to get a present, what could you give them, clothes? CD's? etc... those are not engagement gifts, sometimes people will give money to help with the wedding, but they are not even close to a wedding so they will spend it on clothes etc.. thats not right. it seems more like a 2nd birthday for them both than an engagement party.

  • Ms. X
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I don't condone the engagement of minor children, nor over-permissive "my child can do no wrong" parenting. If I were in your shoes, I would not attend the engagement party, nor send a card or gift. (Engagement parties are not gift-giving occasions anyway). While you like the daughter and want to be there for her, don't play into supporting an engagement and marriage fantasy when she's too young and immature to choose a mate for life or be married. IMO, attending the engagement party is like attending the parade of the emperor who has not clothes and complimenting his fine attire.

    If they have a problem with your behavior of not attending, so what? You have a problem with the behavior of both of them.

    P.S. If at age 15 I told my parents I was engaged, they would have laughed and told me to do my [school] homework.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Maybe you could do as much as you have to but no more to get ready for the party. Then, instead of going to the engagement party, take your friend, your friends' daughter, and your daughter on a "Shopping day" at the mall. Just be sure to check with your friend before you do so.

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  • 1 decade ago

    An 'Engagement' is a semi-official agreement that two people will at some point in the future marry each other.

    Historically in the West and even today in the East, 'children', via their families and for 'astrological' reasoning, as well as for social and economic justifications ( bonds between families make them stronger economically as a result ), have been common, and someone as old as a 15 year old would bordering on an 'Old Maid' ~ traditionally (and folk would likely be asking 'What's wrong with her then'?).

    In today's climate, this situation you describe looks ...silly. However, these things need to be looked at individually and not sweepingly.

    When not simply ''Wish the Happy Couple Well'' ?


  • 1 decade ago

    Its been done, but it may not be the best thing. I know kids can be very strong headed and the more you say no, the more apt they are to do it behind your back. I have known some parents to compromise. They have given their blessings as long as they make a few milestones in their lives, like graduate, got to college, or find a job that would support them. The were exclusive all the way through high school, but they soon realized that other people had more to offer. It is nice to marry your high school sweet heart after you get out of college as long as you can say that I dated many people but always came back.

  • 1 decade ago

    i was engaged at 16 to a 17 year old. I didnt get a party but his mother helped pick out my engagement ring. I am now 20 he is 21 and we are getting married this august and we have a 2 year old daughter. It does seem crazy to get engaged that young but its not like they can go get married either. She has 3 years until she can decide if he is the one she wants. Just calm down and go to the party. Its just a party go and have yourself a good time!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I know someone that is engaged and is 15. She is very happy with the person she is with, but i still think it is too young to be getting engaged as she may be happy but she hasn't had time to meet other people and she isn't going to if she is getting married at this age so she doesn't know who is out there and if he is her so called 'Mr.Wright' or 'Soulmate'. But go to the party as she isn't your daughter and you can not decide what she can and can't do.

    Hope This Helps !!

    Source(s): Expeirence.
  • 1 decade ago

    Um, it is DEFINITELY wrong for a 15 year old, even a 17 year old, to be engaged. I'm 16, and I certainly am no way near that level of maturity, so I doubt this girl is. Is she pregnant or something? This is only going to lead to heartbreak, and the mother should know that. Go to the party anyway, and show your support. They'll realise their own mistakes one day, soon enough.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes it is a stupid thing to do but even if your friend says her daughter cannot get engaged she will do it anyway. I think your friend is going with what her daughter wants just to prove to her that she is far too young. When it all falls apart she will be crying in Mammys arms

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