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Could someone help me analyse these three songs?

I have to analyse the instrumentation, structure and effects of The kinks-you really get me going, Jump by Van Halen and are you gonna be my girl by Jet. Then i have to compare them. Please help. :)


Ruth x

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i'm not gonna listen to all 3 songs to analyse the structure etc, but in terms of instrumentation/effects...

    As far as I can remember they all generally have a common song structure which includes verses separated by choruses, which are repeated (i think the term is called 'strophic' form). They will obviously vary between each song, so I would listen to each one and try to recognise where they repeat tunes/riffs, etc.

    Effects - Van Halen use synthesisers/electric instruments to help create their sound (as well as guitars, drums, etc) which is typical of 80s music! The Kinks rely more on guitar effects, as do Jet, who are copying a similar 60's-type sound, like the Kinks, The Who, etc.

    They all have a 'riff' which returns throughout the song. It keeps the listener interested and helps to link different parts of the songs together.

    I'm pretty sure that both 'Are you gonna be my girl' and 'you really got me going' use improvised/improv-style guitar solos in addition to the main riffs. I think this gives the effect of making the music feel more 'free'.

    The intro to Jump sounds a bit disjointed because it starts off the song with off-beats.

    All 3 songs are in major keys and have upbeat tempos. This makes them sound 'happy' and make you want to tap your feet!

    All 3 songs are in common time (ie, 4 beats per bar).

    Hope this is of some help.

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