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Yesterday i hurt my little finger...?

Hi all,

Yesterday while at college an automatic door suddenly started shutting on me and as i put my hand out to stop it it caught my little finger and it hurt but after a few minutes it seemed okay. Now today ive got a bump right the way across at the first bend and it is really painful. What do you suggest i do?.


3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    might recomend getting a go referal for an x-ray

  • 1 decade ago

    The tendon needs help. Like the rest of them, when there is trauma put to them they seem to recoil, pull back, but get locked in that position. If onions can undo that then that is the way to go. I opt to use the release technique, pressing on the bottom of the tendon, the inside of the hand, in this case the part towards the hand, and hold that pressure for 30 seconds. If you are on the tendon it should release with that.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    cut an onion, and wrap it to your finger.

    Hold 6 hours,

    yes it stinks and it sounds stupid but it helps

    Source(s): bosnian alternative medicine
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