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Ruth asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 1 decade ago

I want to lose weight but am really struggling...?

Im not sure of my exact weight but im definitely overweight but i have PCOS and am not receiving treatment for it but a side effect of it is putting on weight well over the past few years i have and im wanting to try and lose some but it just isnt shifting any help or ideas appreciated. ive been doing about 8 hours exercise a week and eating healthily but it will just not shift. please help.

39 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1、Eat more vegetables. Aim for five vegetables a day and gradually add more to your daily menus. Natural, unprocessed foods are best in regards to losing weight. Swap your regular snacks for carrot sticks, cut-up celery and cucumbers or canned vegetables.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Step sporting activities DDR or Stepmania Walking up and down stairs Any cardio sporting activities no less than 30 minutes an afternoon - hold a magazine - set a fair target, broaden it each week or each different week Drop the carbs - do not fear bout the fats.. ease up at the carbs. As consistently - do it quick adequate to be respiring quick, however no longer be out of breath. - respiring quick = burning fats - out of breath = burning sugar & proteins - you desire to burn fats, however no longer sugar & proteins This isn't a speedy repair. 1st 10 lbs misplaced in so much diets is water loss. Where does the water come from? It is caught among glucose (sugar) molecules whilst men and women starve themselves. Once that saved glucose is long gone, not more weight reduction and on most sensible of that.. you have not misplaced any massive fats. To make matters worse, you are going to lose manage of your starvation and binge and you're worse off than wherein you began. Please do not do the hunger vitamin. Exercise to drop pounds.. devour much less & undertaking extra. I advise the Atkins vitamin. :) Get the e-book and skim it.

  • 5 years ago

    Find the right diet for your individual body because there are many ways are there to lose weight just find what works for you

  • 4 years ago

    walk at least 15 mins after your meals

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  • 4 years ago

    better to avoid diet when you re under a lot of stress

  • ?
    Lv 5
    5 years ago

    keeping good posture will not only strengthen your core but will also add a small extra calorie burn because you re working slightly harder to maintain the position

  • ?
    Lv 5
    5 years ago

    a mediterranean diet not only comes with heart benefits studies show it leads to more weight loss than low fat diets

  • 5 years ago

    run 5 percent of a marathon at a 10 minute mile pace

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    listen friend relax your weight will shift green tea will increase your motablsim also remember youre gaining muscle and muscle weighs heavier than fat so it will shift just do jogging if your concerned i never weigh myself i just try on my old clothes the ones that were tight and if the fit im losing weight scales are not accurate

  • 5 years ago

    replace your scale with a tape measure aim for 32 1 2 inches or less for women and 35 inches or less for men

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