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I need some help with my music tech...?

For music tech we are supposed to be analysing the structure and instruments used in the song shopping by the pet shop boys. It is due in an hour (that's all we have been given for it) but i cant get on anything to be able to listen to it so please help if anyone knows the structure or instruments please help me. thanks

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You were asking that a bit last minute weren't you?

    Shopping is a forgotten classic from the PSB early period, and is true to their original disco synth formula with a vocaliser, a synthesiser and some actual guitar work but I can't help you with structure. I think you need to go youtubing for it.

    Incidentally the tune is about Conservative policy in the 80s/90s of privatising all the nationalised industries such as the british rail and british telecom, setting up quangos and effectively making a quick profit at the expense of the people - an action we're all still paying for in the UK.

    Shopping would have been a new record when I was doing Music at school. God that makes me feel old!

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