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Activities for rainy days for a 2 year old and a 7 year old?


Atm i have these two children with me and i don't know how long for. Ive asked questions before about them. But like today it is pouring down and i don't know what to do any ideas i will be grateful of.


2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm a big fan of crafts (i.e. painting, coloring) for my little ones. I get the Family Fun Magazine by Disney. This magazine has a lot of neat ideas for both ages. Check out the link below to find ideas. If you have a computer for the 7 year old, Disney has a lot of cool games to play online.

  • 5 years ago

    u can play guessing recreation, you could bypass to the park, run with the babies. additionally u can cover percentand/or different lil issues interior the backyard and supply them clues on have been they're. all 3 of them can play them video games wish that help

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