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Ruth asked in Food & DrinkEntertaining · 1 decade ago

I'm trying to plan a party...?

Hi All.

It's my mum and dad's silver wedding anniversary on the 4th may and i'm wanting to plan a party for them but it would be on the Saturday after which is the 8th May. I'm not sure where to start really and i'm only 17 so don't have to much money to spend on it. I'm not sure whether i want to hire somewhere like a hall and then cook all the food myself or whether i want to take them to a restaurant with a lot of there friends. I want to get table decorations that will be silver or say 25 on them. Also what food and drink would i need if i hire a hall. Do you think i should hire a hall for afternoon and evening as some people will be working on the day so may only be able to come in the evening but then we have family who have young children who would be coming to. So what do you think?

Any help is much appreciated.


Ruth. x

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think taking them to a restaurant is a good idea. Hiring a hall can be expensive and then you have to sort out food, entertainment/disco, decorations etc. Just invite close friends and family and you can still decorate the table beforehand. Search the internet for decorations/balloons etc. Im sure whatever you do for them they will appreciate.

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