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Does anyone else find this offensive?

Obama's trip to pitch for Olympics to be held in Chicago, his home town? What benifits will the USA receive, if the Olympics are held in Chi-town instead of elsewhere in the world? Doesn't the cost of his trip totally offset any benifits that may be realized? Remember, Airforce One doesn't fly for free, not to mention the gaggle of secret service agents that are not only on the plane, but also on the decoy plane, in addition to the agents already on the ground at the destination. It wouldn't shock me to find out that the cost of this trip is more than the city of Chicago could ever profit from the event being held there. Something more to ponder: Would he (Obama) had made this trip, if the purposed Olympic site been anywhere but his home town? I think not!


It's not what presidents do!Presidents of the USA have sent representatives to these conferences in the past, at more than likely 1% of the cost of this trip! Yes, Maintainence takes place on the aircraft daily, but an actual flight of Airforce 1 and it's decoy runs into millions of dollars. Just one more degrading action for this pres.

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Considering he is ignoring the most important part of our government...the MILITARY! Also with unemployment down at an all time high in 80 years....1.5 MILLION JOBS LOST and over a quarter of a million last month ALONE...he goes to copenhagen with Oprah and others to get what? OLYMPICS that we have to PAY to build up and then tear down when it is done. WHAT IS THAT ? That is not growth and where are we getting the money! ANY JOBS will be temporary and that is not recovery. As for the money will be spent out and nothing really gained. But then the world might come here to see if they can see the village idiot and that might make money!

    I am glad to know though that he thinks other things other than health care is more important...I agree on that one!

    You do notice how he goes in and out of things ...and when the heat gets to be too much he finds another "Pet" project to occupy his time with. It isn't that he DOES IT...he just has to be on TV to BRAG about how he has so many balls in the air...and none on HIM!

    The man is a village idiot and a bully and a global whiney sissy! I am sick of him. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE. THE MAN DOES WHAT HE WANTS and DOES NOT LISTEN TO AMERICA AND DOES NOT LIKE IT! HE has said so..and he certainly shows it in actions!

    The man is despicable as a commander in chief who is ignoring our military. Not just ignoring them but tells them he will deal with them when he gets back from copenhagen while he talks about OLYMPICS! Our military is in bad shape and needs a commanding leader to TAKE CHARGE and SUPPORT THEM..not put them on the back burner after health care and OLYMPICS and LENDING GORE almost 600 million dollars to start a green car company (where is the government supposed to do THAT?).....!

    NEVER IN HISTORY has there ever been a commanding leader that IGNORED HIS ARMY DURING TIME OF WAR!


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    All of this grovelling while only talking to the General in charge of the War on Terror in Afghanistan just once in four months!! I guess it shows where his priorities are (wrongly) placed.

    By the way, after hosting the olympics, Sydney, Australia was more than $2.2 BILLION in debt! Given the infrastructure that would need to be built (and the crime that would have to be covered up [unreported]), how much would the Olympics have to gross for Chicago to break even?

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow, if you think a plane trip, albeit expensive, would be more than the Olympics would pull in you may actually retarded... Not that im supporting Obama or the Olympics being held in Chicago but this is a matter of your absolute stupiduty...

    I wonder if the committee watched that video of the high shool kid being beat to death... Im sure people from around the world can't wait to get to Chicago now....

  • 4 years ago

    it incredibly is sickening that this guy or woman reveals this entire bloodbath relaxing. He needless to say has subjects with women and reveals horrendous violence and bloodbath suitable up his alley. This guy or woman ought to have sociopathic inclinations to impersonate a guy jailed for this way of undesirable crime. they don't have fun the two like he says they seem at it as an afternoon to mirror on violence against women around the globe and to commemorate the deaths of those harmless victims. it incredibly is like asserting human beings have fun Veteran's Day what a nut case he must be.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Presidents are always represented in these meetings, regardless of the Pres's hometown. You would have the same arguement if the city were in Hawaii (the president's birthplace) or in New York (he graduated from Columbia University) or Massachusetts (he went to Harvard Law).

    The President represents us as a nation, not an individual state.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah, thousands of Olympic jobs and millions of dollars for Chicago and the surrounding area is a bummer.

  • 1 decade ago

    Soooo your saying that if you were a president of the U.S.A you wouldn't push your own hometown to host the Olympics?

    Simple fact is no matter where he will pitch the location of the Olympics there will always be heated issues.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I know, but presidential duties are not as fun as globetrotting for photo ops and back door dealings, don't ya know?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Oprah is the president

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's even worse, Chicago didn't pay for his trip...the taxpaying public at large did.

    Many people don't pay taxes, mostly dems, that's why they don't care what O does.

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