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Do you think A.J. Styles is the greatest TNA star of all time?

I know that there have been bigger names like Kurt Angle and Mick Foley, but they all became huge in other places. In terms of who has done the most with TNA, would you consider Styles to be the best TNA has ever had?

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14 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    I truly do believe that AJ Styles is the greatest TNA superstar of all time.

    AJ Styles isn't the greatest wrestler in TNA or the greatest superstar on the mic, but he has always been one of the biggest draws of TNA. Fans who don't watch TNA are curious about AJ Styles and the compliments he receives. AJ Styles is a TNA original that WWE fans actually seem interested in. Wrestlers like Samoa Joe, Eric Young, Christopher Daniels, Homicide, Hernandez, and others aren't even mentioned frequently. AJ Styles is that big of a draw for TNA and he is someone that is worth watching in the ring.

    AJ Styles has always remained loyal to TNA. What makes AJ Styles unique is that fact that he never needed the WWE to become a successful superstar. WWE is the biggest promotion in the world and AJ Styles never used the WWE to elevate his career. WWE can make anyone into a superstar because of its size and popularity and I'm rather impressed with how AJ has had such a great career without the WWE. Many of TNA's superstars such as Kurt Angle, Christian Cage, Booker T, and many others all made names in the WWE, but AJ became big through TNA.

    Look at AJ's accomplishments in TNA. He is the most decorated superstar in TNA and he's TNA's only Grand Slam champion. AJ Styles has been in the bottom of TNA and he's been at the top. AJ Styles has always been a part of TNA.

    When you think TNA, AJ Styles is one of the first names that pop in your mind. AJ Styles IS TNA and he's considered family by the TNA fans. AJ Styles has been at the bottom of TNA working under Kurt Angle and Christian Cage and has been humiliated, but he was always given attention and he is finally TNA's world champion. AJ Styles has truly accomplished everything in TNA and he's had his ups and downs with TNA, but he's always managed to be at the spotlight. AJ Styles didn't get special treatment like Kurt Angle and has worked his way to the top.

    Like I said before, AJ Styles isn't the greatest wrestler in TNA, but he's multi-talented. It's what makes the fans interested in him. He falls behind in wrestling ability to wrestlers like Kurt Angle, Christopher Daniels, and Samoa Joe, but his versatility is simply amazing. AJ Styles has some technical wrestling in his repertoire and he's a decent brawler with several strikes. AJ Styles is also a phenomenal high flier. AJ Styles isn't a spot monkey by doing spots all over the match. He waits for the precise moments to execute his aerial maneuvers. He has good timing and can quicken the pace of a match. He can have great matches in wrestling matches and he can play an excellent role in numerous gimmick matches. His ability and versatility play a factor in how he's well rounded.

    The only thing that has held AJ back is his mic skills. AJ's mic skills have undoubtedly improved drastically over the last several years, but his promos are considered average-decent most of the time. People say that AJ's promos can be either good or horrible. Nobody expects him to be Ric Flair or Chris Jericho on the mic, but its the only major fault that he has. His charisma and connection with the fans overshadow his mic skills though and that's what made AJ Styles into a major superstar. AJ has never depended on the mic to receive pushes or become a champion.

    AJ has a special connection with the TNA fans. He's been there since TNA's been created and he has always remained as a major asset to TNA. The fans always explode with applause and cheers every time he steps into the ring. The TNA fans love AJ Styles and he is probably the most popular TNA superstar in TNA history. Fans who have watched AJ Styles from the beginning have been with him from bottom to top. His emotional promo several weeks ago show how loved AJ Styles is.

    AJ Styles is at his rightful place as the top dog of TNA. AJ Styles should be the centerpiece of TNA. AJ Styles has been with TNA from the beginning and he is young enough to be the face of the company. Kurt Angle is past his prime and Styles is the perfect person to be THE man that TNA uses to draw in fans for the next decade. TNA should depend on their originals like AJ Styles to attract fans. AJ Styles is deserving of the TNA world title and TNA should make him their biggest superstar.

    AJ Styles is one of the reasons that the X Division championship is so highly regarded as well. He's one of the superstars who carried the X Division and all of TNA in TNA's earlier years. AJ Styles has always remained in the spotlight and TNA has always regarded him highly. I think its time that AJ Styles takes the full spotlight as the biggest superstar of TNA.

  • 1 decade ago

    Most definitely.

    AJ has been there since the company's inception. He's had plenty of classic matches in TNA, while wrestlers come and go he's been there the whole time.

    Not only that, through all that time, AJ has become the biggest face, or the most over face in the company. Sting might've come in and was maybe the biggest face at one time in the company, but no matter what AJ was right there.

    Even when the Main Event Mafia started up, and the vets came in and started hogging the spotlight, AJ was one of the few TNA originals that was still being pushed and trying to be made into a star in the company.

    Though AJ lacks a bit of mic skill, AJ has a whole lot of charisma, he enters the arena and the crowd just goes crazy. His style of athletic, high flying wrestling combined with some technical skill also attracts the fans who are into the wrestling aspect of the sport, not just the entertainment aspect.

    AJ has been there through everything in the company, and he's been the one consistent star. Samoa Joe might be doing well, but Joe came in years after AJ was with the company already.

    AJ's won every title in the company, deservedly, and through the ups and downs of the company he is still the biggest face in the company. AJ has been in ROH, PWG and other indys, but when you think AJ, you automatically think TNA...he carried the company on his shoulders from when it first did the X-division, and even when bigger name wrestlers have come in, AJ is still right there..and the current TNA Champion.

    AJ is the past, present and the future of TNA.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    AJ Styles is the biggest name TNA has, and he holds the federation together more than anyone else. He's more loyal to TNA than any other wrestler they have on the roster, and he's been in the organization since the beginning. AJ Styles is also TNA's only Grand Slam Champion since he won the Legends Title and the TNA World Title without the NWA name attached to it.

  • gayman
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    HBK has staggering wrestling skill, specific he can get overvalued yet he nevertheless is between the basically right wrestlers I even have ever seen, he revolutionized WWE has made the ladder adventure what this is at present, could make everybody look good in the hoop and has wrestled with the basically right there is. in spite of the fact that suitable now he's slowing down, he has had a broken decrease back and is around 50 years previous i've got faith. HBK additionally has marvelous mic skills and air of secrecy, he can play the two a heel and face place somewhat nicely. HBK sells his promos o.k., case in point his "retirement" promo together with his feud against Jericho, you somewhat theory he replaced into going to retire. HBK commonplace is in my precise 5 checklist of all time, he's basically extraordinary in the hoop on the mic and at making the team come alive (they are by no skill silent while HBK is in the hoop) AJ kinds is a huge severe flyer and between the basically right in the hoop at present, has had 5 celebrity suits. he's basically staggering His mic skills are approximately familiar in top HBK is extra effective yet at present AJ kinds is extra effective BQ: i will maintain this area shorter, Jericho in my opinion is a lot extra effective than the Undertaker in the hoop and looks to demonstrate his skill a lot extra, perhaps its basically by way of fact Taker is a significant yet he seems to pass sluggish, he's nice yet no adventure against Y2J.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yea I Think he's Gonna Stay With TNA Until he Retire & TNA Should have a Hall of Fame

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yes if you have a TNA superstar who is the only Grand Slam Champion. won the TNA Heavyweight Championship, won many X Divsion championship, won the Tag Team titles YEAH AJ is the best. then yeah look at his accomplishments over the years. go AJ.

  • Yes!!! he's the TNA original , and stayed with TNA , as long as i can remember, so did Joe and Daniels, but Aj with his wrestling skills, his legacy does make him , in my opinion, the greatest TNA Superstar of all time

  • 1 decade ago

    yes he now has the tna world heavyweight title and he is now the only tna grand slam champ he is finally the greatest superstar in tna

  • I would say yes he is the best "homegrown" talent they have. The only other guy who even comes close in my opinion is Sonjay Dutt, though hes in RoH at the moment.

    Source(s): FEAR THE LEGDROP
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Most loyal-check

    Most charismatic-check

    Athletic highflyer-check

    Good looks-check

    So its a Yes!

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