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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Would you like to take a quick survey on your trust in the government?

If so, here it is:

1. Do you trust that the actions of the Federal Reserve ** are primarily motivated by what is best for the economy? ** If you live outside of the USA replace “Federal Reserve” with the name of your country’s central (or national) bank.

2. Do you believe that the court system is mostly free of corruption?

3. Do you bother voting? If so why? If not Why?

4. Do you believe in the integrity of international organizations such as the United Nations, NATO and the Organization of American States?

5. What percentage of members of Congress ** do you believe are deeply and irredeemably corrupt? ** If you live outside the USA replace “Congress” with the name of your country’s national legislative body.

6. Do you equate legality with ethics? Why or why not?

7. Under what circumstances would you consider moving to another country?

8. Under what circumstances would you protest a war your country was involved in?

9. Do you think it should be easier or more difficult for the government to obtain a warrant?

10. Do you think “you have nothing to fear (from the government) if you did nothing wrong?

12 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    1) No. I believe that the federal reserve acts in the best interests of the banks who are supported by it. I also believe that the federal reserve has created unsustainable economic bubbles that have been doomed to collapse and hurt us in the long run, the most recent one being the most severe so far.

    2) The court system being free of corruption depends on your locality. I believe that the supreme court has not been corrupt in a long time, particularly since Rehnquist was in. If more of them retire, I fear that it may become corrupt and serve only the interests of the president that appoints the new judges. The Colorado district courts are incredibly corrupt, allowing criminals to go free on frivolous loopholes.

    3) Yes, I vote. I vote because that is the best way to make my voice heard. Regardless of whether my representatives in the republic are listening to my calls and letters, my voice will still make a difference when it comes to deciding whether they stay or go.

    4) I do not believe in the integrity of the UN, NATO, or any other international body. Corruption runs high in those places. The UN peacekeepers in Africa rape the women and do nothing to protect the people from evil dictators. The UN representatives abscond with huge amounts of money from the pockets of the taxpayers in their countries, and little if any help is ever given to the countries they represent. The only good they have done is the virtual eradication of smallpox and polio.

    5) Any of them that have any stake in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

    Any chairman of the Federal Reserve who has ever increased the money supply beyond what we have physical resources allocated as collateral to that money.

    Any of them that cry that the wealthy are too wealthy, especially since they salaried near the top 1%, and after lobbyist money they are distinctly in the top 1%.

    Any of them that vote against welfare reform and entitlement reform.

    6) What is legal and what is ethical SHOULD be the same thing. However, that is not the case because some very unethical things are legal.

    7) If after taxes, I make less money than someone with a lower salary (and they pay their taxes too), then I will know that the system is collapsing. I would move to another country if opportunity there was greater than it is here. If it becomes so difficult to start a business that I am bankrupt by the time I get business and operation permits, I will move somewhere where I can start a business without so much bureaucratic bloat. And if the government decides that what I believe is right is something that I should be punished for, then I will go somewhere else.

    8) I would protest a war that we were in without cause. Vietnam was without cause - we went after them because they wouldn't sign the Geneva convention, and we followed stupid rules and they did not, so we got slaughtered a lot of the time. I believe we were right to invade Iraq, but I do not believe the circumstances were right. We should have gathered the support of the neighboring countries and more support from the locals. Support from the UN is unnecessary because they refuse to support us on the principle that we are a superpower, and the existence of a superpower is against what the UN stands for.

    9) Yes, I believe they should have direct evidence of a crime or irrefutable evidence of intent to commit a major crime. I believe that the government should never have a political prisoner, ever, no matter what they say, unless that person had specific traitorous designs, and there is sufficient evidence of those designs.

    10) I think I have nothing to fear if I did nothing wrong, even if the government is listening to my calls. I don't think that's about to change. If there is a fairness doctrine passed, and something to "balance the internet" passed, then I think that the time will be up, and I may have something to fear if I speak out against the regime that impresses such censorship.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Sorry. . . I will bite on this. gender: FEMALE party affiliation: TYPICALLY VOTE DEMOCRAT age: 38 race: CAUCASIAN educational attainment: MASTERS DEGREE estimate of family income: OVER $100,000 population of your city/town: 70,000 the make of your family car: CHEVY 1. The American economy is in serious trouble. 2 2. Women do not have the same economic opportunities in America as men. 2 3. The Constitution should define marriage as a union between a man and woman. 1 4. Television and popular music are a threat to American culture. 1 5. Canadians/Cubans have better health care systems than the US. 2 6. The US should immediately leave Iraq regardless of the consequences. 2 7. The current Social Security system won't last much longer. 4 8. I would be willing to pay significantly higher income taxes to fund a universal health insurance program. 5 9. Illegal immigration is a threat to the security of the US. 5 10. We should have state-sponsored lotteries and use the money to improve our schools. 4 11. We would be safer if private citizens could not own firearms. 3 12. The US should get approval of the UN before it uses military force, even if the President and Congress feel that force is required. 1 13. Govt. officials and teachers should not be allowed to talk about religion. 5 14. American television and newspapers are biased and I can't trust them. 2 15. Moving manufacturing jobs to foreign countries has severely damaged our economy. 5 16. The govt. should ration gasoline and energy use to stop Global Warming. 1 17. The US is justified in using military action to stop genocide. 5 18. The US's support of Israel is harmful to our foreign policy. 1 19. Income taxes in US are too high and should be lowered. 1 20. The IRS should be abolished and the current tax system replaced by a National Sales Tax or something similar. 1 21. Things would be better in this country if we included a course in ethics and comparative religions in all high schools and colleges. 1 22. The Federal govt should provide scholarships so that all capable students can attend college. 4 23. The welfare system is wasteful, inefficient, and many people who could work are receiving benefits. 1 24. Federal authorities should be able to tap phones and read emails for the purpose of identifying and capturing terrorists. 1 25. Being disrespectful towards our elected leaders is harmful. 1 26. The federal govt. and all states should abolish the death penalty. 1 27. Federal and state authorities aren't concerned with stopping illegal immigration. 5 28. Modern politicians are more interested in their party than the good of the nation. 4 29. We could improve our schools w/o spending more money. 4 30. A lot of people have lost faith in the "American Dream." 5

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. No

    2. No

    3. Yes,I have to at least try(Even though I recognize 99% of them are corrupt)

    4. No

    5. 90% or better

    6. No-Drugs are Illegal,but i see nothing immoral about Drug Use,Abortion is legal but nothing is more immoral than using Genocide as birth control.

    7. Already planning it for Retirement

    8. If I thought it was immoral,or if I thought our leaders were wasting Soldiers lives with no real plan.Guess I'll be joining some group protesting 0bama soon,since he seems to be more worried about how decisions affect him,not the Troops.

    9. More difficult

    10. Ask the people they lit on fire in Waco.Koresh may have been a nut,but they could have arrested him multiple times.No other conclusion can be made,but that someone wanted a confrontation.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1) Yes, they do. They don't always accomplish it, but they're human.

    2) Yes. It's just a game you need to know how to play.

    3) Yes. It's my duty as an American.

    4) NATO, yes. UN & OAS, mostly, but every country is out for their own interests. It makes it hard to get consensus.

    5) 1%

    6) No. Legality is just whatever laws are written, but if you write ethical laws, then it's the same thing.

    7) Retirement, but not permanently live there. Just to get the flavor of a place.

    8) An illegal one (been there already)

    9) I think the Patriot Act needs to go away. The existing standard rules are fine though.

    10) No. One should always be watchful of the watchers.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1 They are in it for themselves.

    2 The court system also exists for itself. Lawmakers, lawyers, judges, etc share one goal: to make the legal system expensive and complex. I have been in business for a few decades now, and I can say this; stay aay from the legal system.

    3 Yes, but in my state it was a waste.

    4 International organizations are fully corrupt

    5 75. Maybe 50, the others are just stupid.

    6 Yes. Laws have to come from somewhere.

    7 My motivation would be financial.

    8 Tough one, coming from old army brass. I would have to support a revolution before that point.

    9 Easier, and they should be used more sensibly and rarely.

    10 If you believe that, then join them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1) The Fed reserve is run by the Gov so NO

    2)Mostly until u get to the Supreme Court I do. MOSTLY

    3)Yes, I want to have a voice and its my civic duty

    4)NOTO is run by a bunch tyrant thugs so NO

    5)95% of Congress and Senate are corrupt by lobbiest and special interes groups.

    6)Yes I do but there is no Ethics in todays Government. But there should be.

    7)NONE, I will revolt before it gets to that point and so will most Americans.

    8) If we help Iran defend its self against Israel I would be against that War. Its hard to imagine the US going to war for a reason I would disagree with.

    9) Come and get me, if the reasons are right. So I guess easier.

    10) NO, I speak out against todays policies and that I fear could be harm to me for the wrong reasons.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1 no

    2 on a small scale yes, on a large scale like trying to convict a top rank official no

    3. i like to vote for anyone but the "mainstream" candidates, it's a small way of showing my defiance

    4. no

    5. everyone but a handful

    6 i would like to, however I believe too many others, especially in politics and in charge of the legalities do not

    7 I would move to another state sooner than moving to another country, I used to think Canada was second best but I have doubts

    8 I try and protest not only the wars my country is in but also the wars my country wants to be in (Iran)

    9 if they legalized drugs they would have no reason to need a warrant

    10 I have nothing to fear so long as I stay the hell out of their way

  • 1 decade ago

    1. NO

    2. Yes

    3. Yes. Not sure. In national elections, my vote doesn't count. If you don't live in Penn., Fla, Ohio, Col, and maybe 1 or 2 others, yours doesn't either

    4. No. Proven corrupt

    5. 90%

    6. Yes. All laws (murder, stealing) are based on ethics of a society

    7. Maybe

    8. If I felt there was no good coming from it for any parties

    9. Same

    10. No

  • 1 decade ago

    it would not be a "quick" survey if one were to ponder each question so as to give you a well thought out response.

    1 generally, yes

    2 mostly kinda maybe yes

    3 yes, it's a privilege i take seriously

    4 yes

    5 75%

    6 yes, with many reservations, too numerous to list here

    7 i'm considering it now; torture, involuntary taxation, earth degradation

    8 when it was a wrong (illegal) one

    9 more difficult

    10 no

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. No

    2. No, but they are better than congress and obama

    3. yes, because it's the only voice i have

    4. absolutely not, the UN is very corrupt

    5. 100%

    6. no, ethics is the discussion of things that are legal but not always right

    7. none

    8. very little, unless it was against canada

    9. i think it's pretty ok right now

    10. no, they still take my money, and I'm afraid they'll take more

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