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Help with my computer..?

Im having a problem with my computer. When ever i try to download a file this thing pops up says chose a file you want to run it with. It never did that before. How do i get rid of it.

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    if whenever you try do download file and same thing pops up that please choose a program u want to run file with or search online for program. than u might not have proper program compitable with files u try to download for ex. u try to download ms word file and u don't have ms word on your pc than this will pops up. so it really depends on your file extension so if u r trying to download word file than u need ms word on your pc sameway if its .pdf file than i need adobe reader. so look for file extension and than search for it on internet.

  • 1 decade ago

    You need to download the setup first. You are probably downloading the launcher.

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