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Can atheists tell me why they believe what they believe?

Seriously how can you intelligently tell me or convince me we came from absolutely nothing?


ok so none of you intelligently answered WHY you believe what you believe! Is it the big bang?? I would tell you why i believe in God so go ahead tell me, im curious!

38 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They simply take a more physical view on existence. They don't "believe" evolution like a religion, they believe there is no ethereal being in charge of everything. Existence is the reaction to stimuli in the organism. The organism Seeks survival and propagation of itself. We came from lipid layers that bonded themselves like a magnet in the water, (which does still happen naturally today, Look up phospholipid bi-layer on anything but wikipedia. That made the first cell. A few of them got together and simmer for a few billion years you got humans!

    It's an explanation for existence. And in this day and age they have every right to believe there is no God as much as you have the right to believe there is.

    However I will say atheism has become trendy nowadays.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Atheists simply do not believe in god. The reason is very simple: there is absolutely no evidence to support the existence of god. None.

    Being an atheist does not require any concept of how the Universe began, how life began or how the diversity of life arose.

    If you require an intelligent explanation of how the Universe began I suggest you start by reading up on some Quantum Physics which explains how 'something can come from nothing'. I'd explain it here but I know you've already stopped paying any attention because you have a closed mind.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Jesus is God and the Bible contains the truth.

    Usually the below questions are asked a lot.

    It would be difficult to explain everything in a short answer.

    I would suggest you visit the below website. You will get all the answers, for the below questions and many more.

    1) Did Jesus really exist?

    2) Is Jesus God?

    3)Why should I believe that the Bible is accurate, or the word of God?

    4) What is the Holy Trinity?

    5)What is so special about Jesus? Why cant I just view him as an ordinary man or a teacher or a prophet? Why should I see him as God?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well that isn't actually what I believe, nor is it what the modern sciences suggest so I'm not sure why you're even asking that.

    The current hypothesis is that the big bang was the result of all matter being compressed under great gravitational force until it destabilised. I honestly have no idea how the universe was prior to this and it's unlikely that we'll ever know. It doesn't really concern me in all honesty.

    As for beliefs - why do they always seem to revolve around the origin of us for you people? I don't need beliefs to explain that as modern biology does it for me. I understand the basic concept of abiogenesis and evolution so I don't need beliefs in place of them.

    If you want to know what my beliefs are on a specific matter then BE specific. Don't just leave it open with "what are your beliefs" because that's about as vague as you could possibly get.

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  • 1 decade ago

    You are incorrect in your assessment of what an atheist believes.

    That must be quite a relief for you.

    Now go google the Big Bang and this time pass up the creationist websites and go for the actual science.

    Then, after you have educated yourself as to what is actually being claimed, if you still find some point to debate, come back.

    As it is, we can't tell you why we believe what you think we believe but we don't. Science does not say something came from nothing. Your question is completely flawed.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In the attempt to keep an open and active mind, and avoiding being a fool latched onto beliefs without evidence, I prefer the Scientific Method.

    We did not come from nothing.

    Sub-atomic particles from The Big Bang eventually gathered to make hydrogen. Hydrogen gathered to form stars. The other major elements are created in stars. All the atoms in your body is made of star stuff.

    The Scientific Method is the self-correcting mechanism of science.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe many things. I believe those things because I have good evidence to justify my belief. For instance, I believe that evolution via mutation and natural selection is the best explanation we have for all of the observed facts about the diversity and distribution of life on our planet, and how it is all inter-related. I believe that because I have studied the theories, examined the evidence, and confirmed that this is a nearly unanimous consensus among people who study and work in the field of biology.

    Conversely, there are many things that I don't believe, because I have no good reason to believe them. Again, I have studied the theories and evidence. But in these cases, the evidence is weak at best, the details vary and often conflict depending on who you ask, a consensus doesn't exist, and in many cases the claims simply fly in the face of our best understanding of how the universe works. Among these, I don't believe in fairies, I don't believe in sasquatch, I don't believe in Santa Claus, I don't believe that alien beings are visiting the Earth and abducting people, and I don't believe in gods.

    This is the basis of rationalism. Belief only in that which is justified by the evidence.

  • Atheists don't believe we came from nothing. We just don't believe in a god.

    I personally was driven from the idea of a god because of how crazy organized religion has become and it all just went downhill from there. I've become a believer in science. I personally have found religion and god to be an excuse or a made-up reason in place of what we just don't know.

    While we have many different beliefs of how life came to be (just as how different religions do), most of us believe in evolution and the big-bang theory.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Only you can convince yourself.

    Go read.

    There's no one is this world who will be able to tell you where we came from. There are only theories and the Big Bang by far is the best, and supported by evidence. This theory states that we DON'T know what was before it.

    2. Atheists don't have a belief system. An "atheist" simply means "no belief in gods". You can be spiritual and atheist at the same time.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ok, We DO NOT believe that we came from nothing,, we just dont believe that we came from a god(s). I personally think that it was evolution. But I could say the same thing about you, How could you believe that you came from an imaginary being?

    Why we believe it is because it makes more scents to us, rather than "God"

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