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? asked in Politics & GovernmentImmigration · 1 decade ago

Who will pay for the healthcare of the unemployed.?

Nonfarm payroll employment continued to decline in September (-263,000), and

the unemployment rate (9.8 percent) continued to trend up, the U.S. Bureau of

Labor Statistics reported today. The largest job losses were in construction,

manufacturing, retail trade, and government.

Household Survey Data

Since the start of the recession in December 2007 ( the year democrates took control of congress), the number of unemployed

persons has increased by 7.6 million to 15.1 million, and the unemployment

rate has doubled to 9.8 percent.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    This administration is telling us that we are having Economic recovery.....jobless economic recovery (aka Clusterf#@k to the Poor House)

    What kind of recovery is this?

    If this so called recovery continues much longer, we will all be unemployed.



  • Note to GreasyTony.

    You seem to have your facts confused. The Democrats did indeed take control control of the House and Senate in the Nov 2006 election.

    Look it up for yourself on your favorite information site. I do not want to be blamed for giving you a bias website.

    I wonder when the Democrats are going to start accepting any blame as Obama surely has not done anything beneficial to help change anything. About the only "change" he has done is divided our country more so than it has been in years.

    In the Bush years, the debt rose by 700 billion. In the few months that Obama been in Office ( with democratic controlled houses ) he has managed to add another 1 trillion.

    Lets say that again...... Bush.... 8 years 700 billion

    Obama 9 months 1 trillion

    I checked the unemployment stats that were given and they are very close to what I saw.

    Now, do not think for a moment I loved Bush.. I am a conservative and never for a instant have I supported either of the 2 wars and supported Bush just cause he is a Rep.

    I don't understand why Obama does not end the war and bring tour troops home NOW! Seems the majority of people in this country does not support it. I know Bush is making Obama keep them over there.

    Thank you Jimbo for your question.

  • 1 decade ago

    WOW! you area really off base! The Democratic party took control in......uh! 2009, not 07........LOL. Stop trying to stray away from blaming Bush. This recession wasn't started over night, it took years to get us to where we are and you can thank your Bush that he had a great part in it.

    To answer your question, and because it is in the immigration section, I'm going to have to say that illegals pay a lot into the medicare Americans use up.......but why don't people complain about that? Hmmmmmm!

    Illegal immigrants pay taxes, too

    The Social Security Administration estimates that about three-quarters of illegal workers pay taxes that contribute to the overall solvency of Social Security and Medicare.

  • 4 years ago


    Source(s): Get Paid for Surveys
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    who else but the tax payers.any time you except a hand up from the government local or d.c it is money coming from taxes.nothing is free someone is paying for it and that some one is you and me.

  • 1 decade ago

    In Canada, with single payer healthcare, when my neighbours lost their jobs and one got very sick, it didn't matter, he got the same treatment.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Apparently the Chinese.

  • Stop it, your confusing those small minded democrats with facts!

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