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Why Does my Son Fight Diaper changes?

He's 13 months old and has always disliked diaper changes, but lately they have been getting more and more physical!!! Please someone tell me it's just a phase,, he has never been hurt during a diaper change, or had anything bad happen down there. I try talking him through it,, and try to make him comfortable,, but it doesn't help? any ideas how to help him not freak out? Thanks

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are not alone. My 14 month old daughter does the same thing. Every single time. Just like you said, nothing traumatic has ever happened to her during changing. My guess would be that your little guy is probably walking, meaning he has more freedom and independence than ever before. He probably doesn't want to give that up, even for as long as it takes for a diaper change, which is forever in baby What I do is give my daughter a toy, something she never sees except during changes. Since the toy is not something she sees all the time, it's sort of exciting for her, I guess. Switch up the toys so they don't become predictable and boring for him. It works for us for a minute or two, usually just enough time for me to get the clean diaper on. Putting her clothes back on, though, is still a battle, and I'm pretty sure it always will be.

    Hope this helps =)

    Source(s): My daughter does the same thing!
  • 1 decade ago

    It could be just that he's more active now and doesn't like to be still.

    Make sure you stay calm no matter how upset he is about it. Be very matter of fact about the changing process. Don't react or raise your voice, just tell him it's time for a fresh diaper. Have him get the diaper for you or hold the wipes if he will.

    Try singing a song to him while you change him. You could also try giving him a small treat right before the change, something he won't choke on that he really likes. Then he'll be quieter and focus on that and the song and be distracted from the changing process.

    When you are done, tell him good job, compliment him on having a freshie and smelling so nice, and give him a hug and kiss.

    Source(s): Mom of 5 kids
  • 1 decade ago

    My 18-month-old son went through a couple of phases of this. I found that being silly or goofing around with him would get him laughing and he'd forget he was mad just long enough for me to get a new diaper on him. He also would put whatever distraction I handed him (milk, toy, book) right in the way of where I was trying to get him cleaned up - yuck! Now I just hand him a wipe or a diaper to play with and then if he sticks it down there, it's not a big deal. Good luck!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Toddlers LIVE for control. I am fighting this same battle at my house right now. I give my son a choice. I tell him he can wear diapers or underwear. That gives him some control in the matter. He knows if he is wearing underwear he needs to use the potty. We are also try a sticker chart. He gets a sticker each time he uses the toilet. After so many stickers he earns a prize (10 stickers=small toy, 2 stickers=sucker etc) you need to find something that motivates your son. It's hard. Some days go great over here...the next day my son shouts in horror at the mention of the potty. Just know that toddlers want control. Our trick as parents is- We stay in control but let them think they are the ones calling the shots. Good luck!

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  • 1 decade ago

    when you lay him down to change him try giving him his cup with milk or juice in it it will distract his attention long enough to be able to change him with out too much of a problem my son is going to be two next month and fights me and only me on diaper changes and with him if i give him something all he does is want to put it where i am trying to wipe

  • 1 decade ago

    My 22 month old doesn't like diaper changes, but he thinks he is being funny. I told him I was going to pinch his butt if he didn't stop kicking. For some reason that has worked. I have only pinched his butt twice, and it wasn't a pinch it was more like a little squeeze. Not sure it will work for anyone else, but it works for my little guy.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My daughter does the same thing, I try to give her toys or something to occupy her. She will sometimes throw them at me. I dont get it.

    Just try toys and drinks i think its a phase and this to shall pass

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