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cat asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Side affects, after using carporfen (rimadyl)?

My 9 month old rottweiler was prescribed 50 mg carprofen tablets after he sprained his leg. But today-with just a few days left of his prescription hes started getting redness and itching between his pads on his 2 front paws. I phoned my vet today and they told me to stop giving him the pills and bring him in tomorrow morning. Has anyone else had this kind of reaction using carprofen, with there dog, and did the itching and redness clear up quickly, because my poor pup is going crazy with the itching.

8 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hello Cat! I had a little Chihuahua named Gigi, who passed away from Liver Disease on August 10, 2008. She was only 2 1/2 years old. When Gigi was a puppy, she was playing around with my other Chihuahuas, slipped on my Ceramic Floor and broke her right leg in two places. The vet that she was seeing at the time, put Gigi on Rimadyl for 2 months! We were never told about the severe risks the Rimadyl could cause, although we did ask the vet if there were risks we should be concerned about and what they were and she said that the risks are not bad enough to be concerned about and she said that it was short term, so Gigi would be fine with taking the Rimadyl!. We recently found out, the the Rimadyl is what caused Gigi to get Liver Disease! If the vet would have done what she was supposed to do, by warning us and we would have been told of the risks, we would have never given Gigi the Rimadyl in the first place and she would have still been alive today! We would have found a different medication that was less risky and just as effective. Gigi was having blood drawn while she was on the Rimadyl, but nothing ever showed up until later on, when it was too late to do anything about it. With Liver Disease, there are no symptoms and nothing shows up on bloodwork, until it's advanced too far to be able to treat it! You are supposed to be able to trust your vet! Well I trusted my vet that I had at the time and she took my baby's life! I can't begin to tell you how mad that makes me and how heartbreaking it is, to lose a friend like Gigi, who was so loving, friendly, well behaved and never sick a day in her life, before this whole nightmare happened. We are Suing this Heartless vet and although it sadly won't bring my Gigi back, it will stop this vet from causing the death of another dog! Our lawyer said that we have a great case, because this vet gave Gigi a drug, that she knowingly knew from the very start, what the risks were and still went ahead and gave it to Gigi. For your puppy's welfare, please have the vet take your puppy off of the Rimadyl and find another safer medication, so the same thing doesn't happen to your puppy. RIMADYL IS DEFINITELY NOT SAFE!!! So many dogs that are on this drug are dying and something has to be done to Stop it!

    Rest In Peace, In The Arms Of The Angels, My Sweet Baby Gigi!

    Source(s): Chihuahua Addict
  • I've also heard that Rimadyl is a very dangerous and deadly drug. The vets won't admit to it! The side effects that your puppy is having, can very well be and probably have alot to do with the Rimadyl. Please do not give your dog any more! Rimadyl has killed many dogs and Pfizer, the makers of Rimadyl have lawsuits against them. Type in "Rimadyl Lawsuits" in your searchbar and you will see how many peoples pets have died, because they were taking Rimadyl! Please be very careful!!! There are other safer medications that a vet can give you. When you take your dog to the vet, have them do a bloodtest to make sure that your puppy is ok and that his Liver Enzyme levels have not gone up. I hope you little guy feels better really soon, poor baby! Good Luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    Hi cat,

    The link below covers some of the side effects of rimadyl. Please, if your boy is having it regularly, make sure you keep a check on his bloods for any effects on his liver/kidneys.

    Rotts are often prone to allergies - my girl, rott x, has a long history of chronic allergies reaching back to puppy hood - she is now over 14 years old. I found that giving her a complete diet overhaul and washing any itchy areas daily with lukewarm water, gently drying and rubbing a little aloe vera gel into the area helps her tremendously. Obviously you must check this out with your vet first to see if it would be suitable for your boy, but after nearly losing my girl 2 years ago due to acute kidney failure brought on by the meds to 'help' her allergies, it was decided that anything was worth a go. She can no longer have any medication as her body is no longer strong enough to handle them, but we have found using more natural or alternative methods help her.

    I hope the link is of some use, and that your boy is soon fit and well again. I wish you both a long and lengthy future together. If you feel I can offer any further help, then email me via my profile. Best wishes to you and your boy :-)

  • Jessie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Can you call the vet back and ask if you could give the dog Benadryl to ease the itching?

    If he is allergic to the Carprofen, then it should stop as soon as all of it is out of his system.

    Source(s): mb
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  • 1 decade ago

    NSAIDS such as Rimadyl have nasty side effects.Apart from the side effects which your dog has experienced. Rimadyl can cause internal bleeding Good on you for recognising that you dog was reacting, thankfully your vet is not fobbing you off..Nevertheless you will be charged for another consultation.

    Often when a dog has a sprain it should rest, on the other hand sometimes short walks help, ask your vet.

    Source(s): Dorothy S
  • 1 decade ago

    I would not give rimadyl to such a young puppy. The itching is probably from that, but could also be from an allergy. Bring him to the vets and get it checked out. Research any meds any vet gives your angel. I hope he is fine. Peace be with you.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    well here is the thing, everyones skin and body are different, and you might have differnt reactions to it. you might get a break out, maybe an allergic reaction, maybe your skin will be dry but the probability of that is very low if you use it properly. just be patient and keep using it. unlike the informercials though its not a permanent solution to acne, you need to keep on using it properly and make it a habbit, as soon as you stop your done for and you might even get more acne than you had before. if you dont want that you can check the other answers here for recommendations. if you are good with that then go ahead convince your mom (if you really want to use it, the words will automatically come to what to say when you need to talk to your mom about it)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't know but itching gets worse if the effected area is hot so keep his paws cool with cool wet compresses.

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