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For Jehovah's Witnesses: How much to do you love Lone Dissenter?

and why?


EDIT:: oops, I meant, How much DO YOU....

29 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well I don't know Lone Dissenter for his posts since I haven't been on here much and haven't seen any.

    But.... As Jehovah's people we are instructed by our Father and his Son to have love for people. We are, of course, to love Jehovah first with all our hearts, and then our neighbors as ourselves. We are to love our families, our brothers, and even our enemies.

    And this is the point I wanted to make. A week or two ago we had our circuit overseer visit us. At the meeting for service he had us read some scriptures about Paul's conversion. How he was a hater of the Christian congregation. How he persecuted them and how as this hater, this "enemy" he was traveling to do more harm to Jesus' brothers. But while on the way there Jesus struck him blind and told him where to go to get help. Jesus also told Annanis that Paul was to become a special servant of Jesus.

    You see Paul had very much zeal for God, he just didn't have accurate knowledge.

    Now this is the interesting part of what our CO had to say. He said in essence, "imagine you are Paul. You are blind. You are led by the hand to what is essentially the gate of your enemies. You KNOW what you have done to these people and you are helpless. You also know how middle eastern people have a propensity for revenge. You are sitting there in this house waiting for someone to come and see you. How do you know they won't do you harm? "

    But what did Annanis do when he came in? first off he put his hands on Paul in a friendly gesture, and reassuring one. and then he called him "brother". How relieved Paul must have felt.

    The CO's point was that as we go and do our work of preaching and teaching we should view everyone we meet as a potential brother.

    So Lone Disenter? I don't know you, I haven't been reading your posts, I don't know what sort of message you have but IF in your heart you have a genuine zeal for God, IF you truly want to know the truth, if Jehovah is calling to you because he sees something in your heart, your doubts and your concerns will be answered. Jehovah will reassure you with love and comfort that his people can be trusted. That we don't seek "revenge" and that we welcome anyone who truly wants to serve Jehovah with love.

    And to the rest of my brothers and sisters? I know you all do. but keep this in mind. Our job is to love others and to show them by example what it is to be one of Jehovah's people. Love was the message Jesus gave us. Love was the message Jehovah gave us in sending his son. It is the message we too need to give to others. Love for Jehovah first, love for his people, love for our families, our neighbors and even our enemies. Jesus even healed one who came to arrest him. Do you suppose that man later became a disciple? Could have....

  • 1 decade ago

    I can't believe I missed this question 18 hours ago. It must have been between work and meetings. But I have to answer.

    I love LD as much as I love any other person I know. All the JWs on here feel like good friends, but Lone is extra special. I love the grouchiness, the brilliant mind, the biting questions, the way he makes false doctrine sound stupid just by asking a question. Also the humility he has shown by studying the Bible and changing his way of thinking.

    Lone, I'm so glad you're going to stay here with us for at least a while. Keep those questions coming. The only sad thing for me is that we live half a world apart and I so long to meet you. Should you ever come to Florida you'll have quite a welcoming committee.

    Lone Dissenter forever!! And I'm sure you will be.

    Source(s): My love for LD
  • Liz
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago


    All that, I am a grumpy old man, I bite, I am mean, I am rude, I amm.......... OH balderdash I don't believe a word of that. :)

    In all my years of reading the Bible, studying the bible and religion. Comparing, learning, studying on how to preach, practice at home preaching, studying Jesus way of teaching and trying to emulate that.

    Teaching children with special needs, teaching my child, teaching those my own age, reading to the blind or handicapped.

    All the ways THIS imagination can pull up on ways to get a point across, all the reasoning's that will help someone understand,

    Here comes this intelligent person that just..... blows it all out of the water. Easily. Shows how it can be done. Balanced. Comes in with both barrels blazing and shoots down false doctrine like a sharp shooter shooting fish in a barrel.

    His reasoning, teaching, the questions, the logic.

    So simple, so pure. You know the signs of a thinking individual and a humble person to "get it" teach it, and apologize for what THEY thought was lack of humility and kindness?

    Lone is the one person lately that just makes me

    Lone makes me feel... deep joy... Makes me feel humbled and know WHY Jehovah is allowing this HORRIFIC system to linger on well past the time I thought I could endure. Here comes Lone.

    I will forever use his teaching ways. He made it so simple.

    So clear like a 25 foot deep water lake you can see to the bottom of.

    And the personality, refining kindness, continuing and increasing


    I must say, I am truly humbled and yes how much do I love Lone Dissenter?

    Like he has been my brother my whole life. My close brother.

    I have not had much success on the web with people that tell the truth, but if Lone is all he says he is.... I am truly humbled and love him ALREADY like a brother. I could use more brothers! :)

  • Rick G
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    He may be a grumpy old man, but since I am on the way there, (the old part) I would really like to meet him someday. Especially in the Paradise.

    Of course, the hard part will be:

    1. He won't be "old" any longer, just "mature".

    2. He won't be grumpy, because he will have the joy of life in that Paradise.

    I love his questions, even when he was "hunting" us because he reasons, and when we gave a reasonable, understandable, answer, he listened and compare.

    I would love to have him as my brother forever.

    (Have you thought of this? We Witnesses are Dissenters too, to the Satanic system that the world promotes and hold as the BEST WAY LIFE. So, Lone Dissenter has over 7 million partners in his dissent)

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I love Lone Dissenter very much, and wish I could adopt him as a grandfather. If I still allowed contacts, he would be one for sure. I look forward to getting to know him in the paradise. When I start to lose faith in humanity, I think of him and how he with his so-called grumpy (but very sincere) heart came to know and appreciate the truth, and it helps me keep going.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Very, very much! He has made my heart glow with his change and an inspiration.

    Actually, I wonder if he is ok, as I have not seen any questions or answers of late?


    Ah, I have answered my own question!

    Just to add: when I first spotted his question: Jehovah's Witneses, ok, I am willing to give you a go. Or something like that, I did a double take! And I do find it funny that we see him as an old grumpy man, when we have never met him! Also, is he a man or woman? There, I don't really know!

    I am looking really forward to calling him: brother!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As much as we love any one of Jehovah's people/Jesus' sheep who listen to the call of Jehovah to get out of Babylon the Great, and hear the voice of the Great Sheppard, Jesus to gather into the sheepfold.


    Besides, as an individual, Lone Dissenter shows himself to be a courageous person who is also quite logical, reasonable, and intelligent. Who wouldn't love these qualities in a person?

    Jehovah's people are lovers of people. Imperfect, but doing our utmost!

    So people like Lone Dissenter are appreciated, and embraced.

    Why do you ask?..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Lone Dissenter

    Is touched by the kindness of the people who have bothered to answer .

    Lone Dissenter also finds it interesting that the people who are so nice to him are also the people who answer his questions from the bible .

    Lone Dissenter only is sad because he did not meet these people a long time ago.

    I do not know why you asked this question about me , to run me down or lift me up .

    I find it hard to trust you are being nice to me .

    But thanks for letting me see who my friends really are.

    Eh , I will remember that. I know who my friends are now & I count you as one .

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I love him very much, he will, I do not doubt, one day very soon become one of Jehovah's Witnesses and become my spiritual Brother. He has given me much joy as I have watched him over months humbly take in and accept a clearly understanding of Jehovah and Jesus Christ, and Jehovah has drawn him to Himself. Lone's humbleness is a lesson that we all should take to heart because Jehovah God does oppose haughty ones. In the last few answers that I have read of his in replying to people's questions I have discerned his meekness coming through, that he has already begun to put on the "new personality" to which all of us must strive. He will be a credit to whichever congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses that he becomes a member of.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Immensely! For someone to basically admit that he may have made a mistake and humble himself to the point where he can and will accept counsel from Jehovah God, is truly inspiring.

    Note to Lone: PLEASE don't let all of this cause you to think more of yourself than necessary. Agape' love is not adoration and should never be viewed that way. If all of this becomes too much for you to deal with, I for one, will cease making any similar comments. Your 'new' Friend, S.O.

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