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Lv 4
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Why do the GOP act so differently under a Democrat president?

While Bush was in office none of them cared about providing health insurance to the nation, ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan nor about the health of the economy.

Yet under Obama they are stepping over each other to get out a GOP version of the healthcare bill, they are all about ending the war ASAP and amazingly they are scrutinizing the economy with a fervor I have never seen from them in the past.

Did their hearts grow three sizes in January? Are they now rallying under proper leadership in Washington? Why are they so concerned about traditional left-wing issues suddenly?

15 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They are pathetic, they only care to hand this country over to big business while screwing this country up and digging us deeper and deeper into a hole....

    When America finally woke up and threw them out, they now pretend like these things are all issues that they want to fix.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They, like all Americans, simply want to see something get done. All 0bama offers is assurances and lip service, still nothing gets done.

    It was said, but nobody was listening very hard, 0bama does not make decisions. He didn't even vote on senatorial issues. He doesn't really seem capable of pulling the trigger. He's just not a closer. He wants things done, but he doesn't want to be the guy doing them.

    He is such an easy target for criticism when you think about it. He keeps stalling everyone. Why? Because he picked topics that are necessary as they are, no matter how unpopular, they are the way they are. These are topics that are extremely hard to change, and changing them may produce bigger problems than keeping them in place.

    Gays in the military, Gitmo, Afghanistan, health care, the economy, economic and military support to Africa, Iran, Iraq. These are not partisan issues, some have been out there for years. He wants to tackle them all, but he's incapable of bringing even one home, with any success. Sadly, he will push through health care, no matter how bad it is economically, and then, there will be no winners.

  • 1 decade ago

    I still don't care: all these "crisis's" are contrived by the new socialists as an excuse to grab more government powers. There is no "crisis": where's the "millions denied coverage" when they cannot show ONE? Why else is there suddenly a "healthcare crisis", "energy crisis", "technology crisis", etc. when there is a (Social) Democratic President, if not to take-over these institutions? Bush SOFA agreements ended our tours in Iraq just like they will end them in Afghanistan (or by the time Obama drafts a "policy" while soldiers die) while both Parties allowed the "economic collapse" of last year... but SoDems still cannot admit to it. Give Bush the Nobel.

  • DAR
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    we don't care about 'insurance' why does anyone? health care is the issue, not control and corporate welfare to insurance companies. Ron' Paul's health care bill he has introduced before - except the one to restore medical privacy which wasn't needed before the Dems eviscerated that in the stimulus bill.

    We cared about the wars (Ron Paul GOP) and speaking of that, why does Code Pink now support the Afghanistan war? Partisanship robs the blindly partisan of a voice, no question. APPLY THIS TO YOURSELF.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Its all about misdirection and deception. They need to keep the infighting to make us believe that we have a choice, in fact it is only the illusion of choice. Republican and Democrat=wings of the same bird. They all go to the same parties in private. They want us to fight about inane issues like health care so we are distracted while they strip our freedoms. Vote 3rd party. Live free or die. Don't tread on me!

    Ron Paul '12

    Source(s): Sadly reality.
  • 1 decade ago

    You're quite wrong. Under Bush, there was great concern about Social Security and Medicare going bankrupt but the Democrats fought every effort to reform either program.

    Republicans greatly desired to end both wars. The difference then and still is today that Republicans want to end the wars in victory.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is the problem with the GOP since the '80s: they live in fear.

    When they are in power they are afraid of losing power. When they are out of power they are afraid that they aren't in control. It is a party that reacts because it is afraid... it does not lead.

    Obama, for all his flaws, is leading the issues.... the Republicans are just reacting and opposing.

    Hopefully, they can get some courage in their leadeship and reform itself. That was once a great party.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. We are pulling together our own healthcare bill because your idiot of a president created one that is morally disturbing.

    2. We have ALWAYS been about ending the war in Afghanistan, however, we know that can not be accomplished simply by ripping all the troops out of Iraq at once.

    We are simply fascinated by how hypocritical you democrats are. When Bush was sending in more troops to Iraq you were 100% against it. However, when Obama does it you say it's his only choice.

    You are against the death penalty (the killing of distgusting murderers and criminals), but you are for abortion (the killing of innocent children).

    I could go on and on... Dems please open your eyes to reality.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Its called "political expedience"...the degrees of which will vary in magnitude depending on how much power they have. Currently, they have NEVER been in such an impotent position; hence, the supreme measure of incoherent noise in which we find them.

  • 1 decade ago

    What did the Democrats act so differently under a Republican president?

    The answers to both of our questions are the same.

    Source(s): Politics!
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