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shannon asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

10 month old shih-tzu need help housebreaking?

i have had this dog every since she was 5 weeks old. i cant seen to house break her. i have been doing the crete training for this long. i let her out every couple of hour except at night. i say lets go potty izzy. she goes to the door and jumps up on the door to ring the bell . i reward her after she potties.

during the day i lock her when when i am not playing with her. when i let her out she goes potty right after being in the crete and if i ask her to go potty. she will not let me know anytime that she needs to go.

she will not go to the door or let me know she has to go. she will use the bathroom right in front of me.

crete training is not working and i am fed up with this dog. i bought a new home and im moving in a couple of weeks and i dont think she is coming. any help would be greatly appreciated

i have a bell and she only rings it when i say lets go potty and im standing by the door. checked her for uti and she doesnt have one.

puppy pads are not an option.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Why did you get a pup when it was only 5 weeks old?

    You should rehome the dog as you clearly don't care about it. Anyone who would think about dumping their dog just because they are moving to a new house doesn't deserve the love and respect of a dog. Do the right thing and find the dog an owner who is willing to train it and give a home FOR LIFE. I am disgusted and appalled by your attitude.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, you are doing very well by rewarding her after peeing. This is a common problem, but if you stick to this method, your dog would be broken forever. I have a shih-tzu who is 2 years old, fully house broken.

    1) Make sure you clean up well, because even if humans can't smell it, dogs can. And this will attract the dog to the same spot again.

    2) when your dog is almost peeing or in the process, jump and shout at the top of your voice just to startle it midflow. Then, move it outside. After a while, your dog will learn to go only outside, anticipating your shout.

    3) Some sources recommend a physical startle, but I would not recommend such as it can make your dog afraid of you and cause other problems (peeing when anxious)

    I hope you resolve your problem, best of luck from PerthDogs

    Source(s): Owner of:
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm not really sure the ringing bell thing is necessary - this may be confusing her. It sounds like your say "go potty" and she thinks "i need to ring the bell" therefore doesn't associated going to the toilet with that command at all.

    why aren't puppy pads an option? this is a great way of training your dog, as you start inside, gradually move towards the door then outside wherever you want her to go, eventually you won't need the pads at all - my shih tzu learnt this way and she is very well toilet trained (she is now 9 months old). My dog also hated the crate and didn't get on with it which is why I went down the puppy pad route.

    consistency with toilet training is everything, scolding her or getting annoyed won't help at all. All dogs are different, some learn really fast others don't, you really need to be more patient.

    you need to be more aware of your puppies signals for going to the toilet, just because she doesn't come directly to you or ring the bell doesn't mean she isn't giving off signals at all - look for pacing around and sniffing the floor, then say to her "pee pee" and take her out, reward when shes done.... I would suggest not using the "go potty" command because of the bell ringing confusion she may have.

  • 1 decade ago

    Try giving her times that she is allowed water. Say no water after 8pm at night. Bring her outside before you go to bed. Basically start a routine of giving her water and going the potty. Soon you will learn how long after a drink she needs to go the toilet. Dogs love routine if you could establish a routine of going outside for the toilet she would soon figure it out and wait to go.

    Source(s): Animal shelter worker
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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    If the issue is going outside, start again from the basics. Get a puppy pad again, and praise her when she uses it. If she missed, hold her nose to the area (do not rub it!) and say firmly "No!" and take her to the puppy pad. She will get the idea more from praise than discipline. When she is retrained with the puppy pad or newsprint, move it closer and closer to the door to outside, you can even take the puppy pad outside to encourage her to go outdoors. Be sure to have treats handy and any bathroom trip outside that ends successfully, praise her much more (with food treats) than the praise for the puppy pad in the house, but DO NOT discipline if she uses the pad in the house when you mean for her to go outside, some puppies just take longer to "get it".

  • 1 decade ago

    House Training

    House training your dog is simple if you follow a few basic rules. Remember that puppies younger than 10 to 12 weeks have little control. Accidents will always happen when teaching puppies to be clean in the house. Be kind and patient, and reward handsomely all outdoor elimination. Always remember that dogs do what works for them. Make outdoor pottying work really well for your puppy.

    1) The puppy must have NO time unsupervised in your home. NONE. If you are not directly watching the puppy, it should be in the crate, or outside in a safe area. You MUST watch the puppy at ALL times when loose in the house. Use baby gates, crates, or tie the leash to your belt.

    2) The puppy should sleep inside the crate by your bedside. This way you can hear if the puppy should happen to need to go out during the night.

    3) You must go WITH the puppy outside for ALL trips for elimination. You must have treats with you. When the puppy is urinating, say "GO PEE PEE" in a nice praise tone of voice the entire time. When she is finished, pop the treat into her mouth at once, and praise praise praise. This should be something she gets at no other time, like tiny pieces of string cheese or boiled chicken. Same for defecation. Say "GO POOP" while she is going, and food reward and praise afterwards. You must observe and reward ALL outdoor potty time.

    4) Keep a schedule. Feed at the same time, and walk outside at the same times. Your pup needs at least 4 trips outdoors each day, and 5 is probably better. Pup needs to go out at wake up time, lunch time, 4-5 PM, after dinner or any other meals, and before bed. Younger puppies may need to go out much more often.

    5) Use a key word each time you go out. I say "Let's go out!!" in a happy tone of voice each time I'm opening the door to go out with the dog.

    6) If you catch the puppy IN THE ACT of eliminating in your house, CLAP YOUR HANDS, say AH AH, OUTSIDE!! And immediately rush her outside. If she finishes there, do your usual food reward and praise.

    The keys to getting your dog reliably housetrained are:

    SUPERVISION: NO loose time in the house if you are not watching

    REWARDS: ALL outdoor elimination MUST be observed and rewarded. If you only do this ONE thing, your puppy will get housetrained.

    PATIENCE: Anger and punishment have no place in dog training. Elimination is a natural and pleasurable experience for your dog. You can teach her to not soil your house, but punishment will NOT help. It will only teach the dog to hide when she needs to eliminate.

    If you have applied these techniques carefully for 4 weeks and you are still finding spots or piles after the fact, it's time for stronger measures. Roll up a newspaper and fasten both ends with a rubber band. Keep it handy. The very next time you find a spot of a pile that the dog has left behind, whip out that newspaper, and hit YOURSELF over the head firmly several times as you repeat "I FORGOT TO WATCH MY PUPPY".

    Works every time.


    This article copyright 2004/2007, RedyreRottweilers. Free for unlimited distribution as long as copyright info remains intact.

  • 1 decade ago

    clean up potty mess with t.p and take her and the t.p outside make her smell it and lay it down and leave it there for a day or so. It worked with my terrier. she did the same thing..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What is a CRETE?

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