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Why are conservatives mad about Obama speaking the truth about FOX?

Complaining about networks not graveling at his feet is one thing, but do you honestly think FOX is innocent? They regularly attack the man (sometimes with misquotes and malicious meritless information), and now you think he shouldn't have the right to defend his own dignity?

It's not like Obama is attacking one of those many, red blooded homegrown, town hall meeting loving, "Obama is a Muslim from Kenya" self righteous, gun happy concealing and carrying (than shooting their husband), concerned citizens of America. Obama is going after an extremely powerful network which has the power to expose, attack and uncover any misstep Obama may make. Fox should be able to roll with any punch Obama might be able to dish out, and if they can't than honestly they fail at politics. I honestly would applaud any politician or anybody who is brave enough to take on Fox, or any other big news network.

Honestly Fox and other networks are so powerful I've seen them destroy many people who in the end may have been proven innocent in the eyes of the law, but when the truth comes out usually you won't even see any real sort of retraction. It's absolutely pathetic how people like Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and even Nancy Grace can spew out absolutely bogus filth, and when they are proven in the wrong you might catch a 10 second retraction at the end of one of their lengthy segments. If it was up to me a serious allegations retracted by one of these powerful people would take up a lot more time, and aim to target that persons audience as a whole. I'm sick and tired of these shock jocks lying, than retracting on their website or on the back of page 6 where nobody will ever see. The accountability that these networks, and the people employed by them receive is absolutely atrocious.

28 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Zap is 100% correct. Fox sued for their right to lie and distort the news and won in Florida. Fox is trash, they have an agenda against the current US President. That amounts to almost treason. With the likes of Beck, O'Reilly, Hannity and the morning morons on Fox, President Obama had every right and spoke the truth.

    Why do conservatives hate America so much?

  • 1 decade ago

    I'll try to answer in order: I don't think conservatives are mad! You think conservatives are mad.... And President Obama has not mentioned FOX news in months! The person "Dunn"who did is definitely a low level press secretary, who was probably duped by the Administration to see if the ploy of subliminal discrimination would fly. It didn't, it won't.

    Next; since the presidency is an elected public office, he is supposed to represent all the citizens to the same degree, no matter their political affiliation (unless it's anti American), by blowing off FOX he is making statement that he does not like all of the FOX people, excuse me: That would be audience and presenters! That is simply not fair! Considering FOX does have a polled notable and established viewer ship that consist of conservative, liberal, moderate and independents, by your stated standards you imply that broadcasters such as Van Sustern, Rivera, and Baier are part of a conservative ploy, when in fact; they are Democrats! Starting to make sense.

    The real problem that the liberal bias won't mention: The opinion based news presented by the Hannity's, Beck's, Olberman, and Maddow's is caustic and doesn't represent a majority...Period! Why? Because they can't afford to look like they might be restricting freedom of speech and the press... You silly:)

    And last, just so you know: Most human beings actually destroy themselves by their actions. It really doesn't take an opinionated broadcaster to bring down an irresponsible pedophile or unfair political advocate, prudence would be a good word for any political arm to observe when placing individuals of their staff.

  • 1 decade ago

    My friend, when the President attacks a news outlet, he is attacking the very heart of our freedoms... a free press. Besides being very unpresidential and inappropriate, such intimidation... which is what it is... stifles what journalists should be doing... and that is NOT believing anything without validation. Journalism SHOULD be about digging beneath the surface of what politicians and other people in positions of authority SAY is true and finding proof that it is indeed true. THAT IS THEIR JOB. Obama diminishes his office by such attacks and creates a sense of fear throughout the media.

    PS: Nancy Grace is NOT on FOX. Rush Limbaugh is NOT on FOX. And while I don't watch Grace, so I don't know about her retractions, just what retractions has Limbaugh ever been forced to make? Because you don't LIKE the opinion, doesn't diminish the validity of it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why don't you try and back up your criticisms of FOX with some real facts. The truth is FOX overall is much more accurate then any other network and they actually do present both sides, whereas the rest of the liberal media just presents their bias. Look at the people that Obama has surrounded himself with and the corruption of organizations like ACORN is appalling to those of us who actually pay taxes. Obama and the democrats are spending us into hole we will be trying to dig out for generations to come and this country is going far away from the principles that once made it the greatest place to live in the world. Each person in this country needs to start taking responsibility for their own welfare and quit looking for the government hand-out and looking to the government to fix everything for us. Blind followers like you are the problem where you think your beloved Obama can do no wrong. It is such a joke that he got the Nobel prize, the man has done nothing in his entire career to warrant where he has gotten.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why are conservatives mad about Obama speaking the truth about FOX?

    Complaining about networks not graveling at his feet is one thing, but do you honestly think FOX is innocent? They regularly attack the man (sometimes with misquotes and malicious meritless information), and now you think he shouldn't have the right to defend his own dignity?

    Why do you pretend that Fox News isn't pointing out legitimate issues about Obama and his administration?

    Why do you pretend that the left isn't guilty of doing the exact same thing regarding President Bush while in office?

    Why do you pretend that MSNBC isn't guilty of doing to Bush what you accuse Fox News of doing to Obama ?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ya know, when I watch Fox, I see graphs, stories, witnesses, representatives from the left for defense of positions taken by Barry

    the marxist. I see connections of people and videos and audios of the people being talked about. When I see Obama or anyone from his staff, I can point out complete fabrications in each and every speech. Indeed, Barry the marxist, in previous speeches has laid out these precise kinds of plans. I have never seen anyone on Fox do anything but invite anyone from the administration to come on the show and debate what they have said. Strangely enough, the chicken crap marxist wienie bastards never have the guts to do so. And don't cry "they only want the ratings."...They don't NEED the ratings. Americans are realizing everyday the left has no truth and avoids it like it's a rattlesnake. ABC,NBC,CBS,CNN, and PBS are living on borrowed time, little person of no intellect.

  • 1 decade ago

    Fox like the Republicans are scared of Obama, in the sense of they never know his plan.This is by far the worse thing that could happen to them.They have always been detailed when a dem takes the white house, only this time they were beheaded.Their like a trapped animal in the corner.They will attack anything that moves in the room.Obama has a plan for this Country , and it terrifies them.They have been out of control for only a short while now and look at what they have done, scared the elderly with telling them your medical coverage will decrease under Obamas plan, there are Death panels to do away with you,when in fact its the Republicans who want to do away with medicare and social security.people who are elderly need to look these things up.The Republicans want the elderly to die young, they think they are a drain on society.I for one am glad to see them taken out of power, and in 2010 we will see more of them removed.It will take many years for them to be trusted again.

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, not all conservatives think alike. That's true of any group. So stop making implied stereotypes.

    Second, you are asking a loaded question, with the un-substantiated(and in my assessment, faulty) premise that Obama is speaking truths about FOX.

    Third, you base your argument that Obama is somehow a noble "crusader" fighting against the "evil" FOX network by using typical and common logical fallacies. Some of these include: ad hominem attacks upon Rush and Hannity; and the aforementioned loaded question to begin with.


  • kpk02
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You type a lot of words, but I see absolutely no substance. Where are your examples of what has been reported that is inaccurate along with your evidence to prove that it's false?

    It's difficult to even try to provide an answer to your question without more details and at least some examples. Your question reads more like a rant.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obama just don't want people to know the truth about what he is doing to America... That is the only reason he bashes FOX- its the only media telling the people the TRUTH! Obama is just like CHAVEZ and CASTRO- He wants to crush our freedom of speech! Obama I think wants to control our lives like those dictators do... Thats scary! I LOVE FOX! They are good christians who DON'T LIE!

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