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Lv 5
VAgirl asked in Business & FinanceInsurance · 1 decade ago

Can I get unemployment benefits in VA if...?

I am let go for not working on Saturdays? I work a 32 hour week (M-Th) and when I was hired I told them I can only work the week, no weekends. Now I am being told I have to work weekends and I can not get an approval for working the extra hours and no authoriazation to take the time from Sat off another day. I don't plan to work for free and I made it clear that they need to tell me in the next hour about the approval or I can not get a sitter for the day. My worry is that this company seems to just fire people with no thought - the last 2 property managers they had were let go over really minor things. They assured me when I was hired that they are family friendly and that is why I came here. I have no prior work issues-in fact I have been acknowledged multiple times for outstanding service and performance. I am worried that they are going to fire me and I won't be able to get unemployment benefits. I am printing out all the emails and such I have been sent that show I am asking them to confirm my pay for the hours.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes. If you're scheduled to work Saturdays, and you don't show up, you can be fired for not showing up. That is called, "being fired with cause", and you won't be able to collect unemployment.

  • lucy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Since you still have a job, make sure you keep all documents you can find showing you did a good job.

    Most employers have employees work 40 hours, whereas you are working only 32, so adding saturday would be 40 hours. Granted, you have a sitter problem, but say they ask you to work on Saturday and it is Monday or Tuesday, you would have advance notice to get a sitter.

    As for approval of the extra hours, is this a salary job vs a hourly job? If hourly, they would owe you the extra 8 hours, but if salary, they are getting 8 hours free work from you. Do you have a contract or letter from them stating you will be working 32 hours a week and no weekends? Some employers when they hire you, will send out the letter to you offering the job and what the salary/hourly wages will be.

    Right now, pending all of this happening, I suggest you start looking for another employer while you are still employed.

    Or this could be happening since they are looking for ways to get rid of you and knowing that making you work on Saturdays could be the right push for an incentive to leave them on your own. (Quit) and if you quit, would not qualify for unemployment.

    good luck

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    if they fire you before yo have time to see if you can get a sitter, I would say you would have a case

  • 6 years ago

    I quit

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