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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

Religious but...non-religious?

Here's the deal:

I'm religious. Very religious. I believe that God is the one true God. I pray every night and every morning and I'm always trying to learn about my faith.

But at the same time, I think it's very interesting to learn about other faiths. My parents are inter-faith, I love to learn about ancient religions, and I'm constantly looking up other religions.

And it annoys me when one (actually, a few) of my fellow Catholic friends(and a teacher of mine too) goes: "Atheists, they suck, who do they serve?" or "There is only one TRUE God, and everybody else is wrong" and whatnot. I mean, she's basically saying Catholics are above everybody else, and they're not. There are a lot of good people who aren't Catholic.

I guess what I'm asking is when I'm religious, and I don't mind other religious, why do most other religious people mind it?


BTW, I'm NOT an atheist. I'm Catholic.

17 Answers

  • Rover
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Perhaps some religious people don't like other religions, or to learn about them, because they are not confident in their faith. If you were worried you might be attracted to another religion, but feared hell too, you would steer clear of any other religion.

    Mostly, though, it simply intolerance. It is looking down your nose at someone else. It is ego.

  • 1 decade ago

    The problem is you're "religious." Jesus went against religion. He is about a personal relationship, not a religion. And, Catholics are wrong when they say they are the only true church. Jesus' church are His people. They come from lots of different denominations all over the world. They have a personal relationship with Him. They are His body. His bride. Not just the Catholic church. And God is against other false religions as well. You might want to pick up a Bible and read it. All the answers are in there. Read Matthew chapters 22 and 23, and also read the Letters to the Seven Churches in the Book of Revelation. God Bless

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    No, I disagree with that. I'm very tolerant of religion, and I find it even insulting if people are called "moderates". That term already assumes the religion is evil, and it assumes that 'moderate' is not the standard position religions take. This is, of course, not true. Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, etc are all at the core very nice religions. People abuse the religion to hide their own bigotry behind. That has nothing to do with religion, but with education. I'm a strong fighter for secular education. If any belief in whatever god is true, it doesn't need to be mentioned in schools. Schools need to be about facts and understanding, communication and tolerance. If we start there, we will also see a future where people can, again, truly enjoy their religion, because they became more tolerant.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are the start of a new generation. Soon Atheists will be the majority and we can be done with all of these intolerant religious freaks who believe the non-sense they hear. You know what religious believe in god and that's fine. Do you really think anything that was written, 1000 100 or even 10 years ago is relevant today? You are ignorant if you think it's "God's will" for you to push people into your beliefs. New generations are becoming free thinkers and your reign of corruption and intollerance will soon be over. Enjoy it well it lasts. Believe in God that's fine. Don't try to coax others into your beliefs. You are parasites fighting for life. I'm only referring to the fanatics.

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  • 1 decade ago

    This is not a religion issue. We do the same for many things. Racism for instance... We must understand that there is one problem but it shows itself in different ways. I believe we can overcome such things by knowing more about others, discovering that we are not much different than each other, basically by means of dialogue and empathy. My faith is in the center of my life and while discussing with atheists I realized that most of them are unaware of the things I believe. What they refuse to believe is -funny but true- what I do not believe either :) So the problem is not knowing others enough and being intolerant..

  • 1 decade ago

    wow! your open-mindedness impresses me. I'm muslim and i agree with you. I too dislike it when people bash on other peoples religions..especially considering how not everyone completely practices their religion. i hate when people stereotype..about anything. for example, ppl who actually practice Islam in the correct way that Prophet Muhammad preached it to us, we would be such kind and lovely human beings. he taught us that we should always look at everyone around us and think of them as better than ourselves because we never know the true intentions of some1. lots of people show a different face to the public for whatever reason. our prophet always smiled at others, gave charity, helped those in need, was a good husband, loved all classes of society and was kind to them. its just the changing times that are causing so many changed in people - thats my opinion. i like your open-mindedness btw. keep it up..seriously! :)

    Source(s): experience
  • 1 decade ago

    I am Catholic too and I heard that Atheists do not worship the devil. This is why alot of people don't like us. We are always judging. It gets so annoying people are always saying only marry Catholics. And they think other religions judge more. I love God and my religion. But sometimes our people are insane.

  • Matt
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Unfortunately, Catholics are known to think that they are right about God. They become ignorant to other possibilities and begin to mock believers of other religions or non-believers. It's sad, but true.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Religions tend to feel threatened by other religions.

    It's a show of power or dominance and I'm Better Than You. People just feel the need to put down what they feel is somewhat threatening in order to feel better about it- it's weak or stupid, etc.

    You don't find other religions to be threatening so you don't feel the need to do that.

  • 1 decade ago

    If they think atheists suck then they must hate babies, most of Sweden, most of Japan and so on... the aforementioned are atheists.

    It's a good thing you have more sense than your "friends", at least in terms of not ridiculing others.

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