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Chuck N asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Are so called pro-lifers hypocritical?

I believe that to be pro life means to oppose war, to oppose the death penalty, to oppose starvation, etc. It is not a one issue (anti abortion) position.

16 Answers

  • Nikki
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, good for you!

    Unfortunately, youre a majority of one.

  • 1 decade ago

    To say that pro lifers are hypocritical because they choose to support the death penalty ( after a fair trial and 12 to 15 years of appeals) and war generally fought to preserve life, freedom, to protect. (there are other reasons for war ones I don't support) I oppose starvation I don't think their are many people who like it, makes you seem uneducated.

    I think that to blanket everyone that holds a pro-life position with all the baggage that some has is wrong. Just like not every pro-choicer or death-er as some say is for making all abortions legal. That isn't true either.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think pro-life ie: anti abortion is consistent with supporting war or death penalty, and I think everyone opposes starvation, your question /statement is not thought out well. First an unborn child has no input or chance to have life. I'm sure you enjoy your freedoms unfortunately their is people, countries that

    would take it away as fast as you could blink your eyes. So there is times when peoples have to defend themselves. I don't see people going to Washington marching to have war! As far as the death penalty a person who is being considered for this has done horrendous crimes against society therefore forfeited the rights that society has given them, now with the advent of DNA we can be certain the right person is prosecuted. When I here your argument it sounds like a deflection to support an indefensible position.

  • Joanie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    This is often a miss guided and preposterous defense of the murder of innocents. Even if I were a hypocrite there is absolutely no legitimately justify able reason to abort a life. And don't give me the rape analogy, as my dearly beloved brother was a product of rape. My mom took on her responsibility and loved and nurtured him with no regret. And she is no stronger then any other woman.

    Firstly more pro-lifers give to charitable causes which feed under privileged people (including single mothers). The death penalty is only administered to guilty persons with quite long and costly appeal systems. I know of no guilty fetus nor any board which considers the rights of the unborn accept the pro lifers! As for war. With out war, you would not have the rights you have, including this absurd abortion rights act. Or perhaps your lifestyle would have been unacceptable to those who have threatened your freedom. Which could possibly have lead to your not even being here because those who gave you the blessing of life may have been executed for their religion, lifestyle, ethnicity or unwillingness to submit to an oppressive dictatorship.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    I just finished answering a similar question minutes ago:;_ylt=AsYSb...

    The Texas Republican Death Panel cut off my medicaid this year. When I raised a cry about it here the cons here were split. Half realized how heinous it is to execute the terminally ill disabled by neglect and denied the truth, calling me a liar. The other half said they supported the Republican "die quickly" health policy.

    Hyprocrisy. For sure.

    By the way, I got out of nursing homes in 2004, and since then my medical bills have somewhat consistently been under $10,000 per year to keep me alive. Not really that much to prolong a life possibly for years.

  • 1 decade ago

    Equating believing in the civil rights of the unborn with war, starvation and the death penalty is nonsense.

    You want to talk war and when we should and should not do it, that would be great. Your closed ended question is insinuating people who believe in civil rights for the unborn are crazy hate mongers. You think you might be stereotyping just a little?

  • 1 decade ago

    You are spot on in my opinion.

    I have observed so many who claim to be pro-life to be some of the first to insist on the death penalty!

    There is real difference in pro-choice and abortion - which too many people are still unwilling to acknowledge since it weakens their case on the whole pro-life issue.

  • 1 decade ago

    They aren't. You generalize too much. I hate war and the death penalty but maybe it makes someone think twice before committing such heinous crimes.

    People who are pro abortion and anti dealth penalty are worse than hypocritical. At least the adult who murdered was given a trial and appeals before being sentenced and will be alive and on death row for approximately 7-10 years whereas an unborn hasn't even lived, much less committed a crime and had a fair trial. You tell me.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I say both sides are hypocrties on the life issue. Everyone expects complete respect for their own life yet has a million opinions on what everyone else should do with theirs. Its ridiculous on both ends.

  • 1 decade ago

    Only as hypocritical as the pro-choicers are. They want their choice heard, but don't give a s**t about what others, particularly a child, may choose.

    Given a voice, I doubt that any victim of abortion would say, "Kill me, Mommy. I want you to enjoy yourself. I am not important."

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, the death penalty is what you get for killing someone, in which case, if you kill an unborn baby you should get the death penalty, where's the hypocrisy in that?

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