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Has anyone ever had miraculous experiences in their life?

While I agree that the existence of life itself, the birth of a child, medical advances and many other things we sometimes take for granted are "miraculous", I am talking about events of a more supernatural flavor such as a miraculous healings, visions, predictive dreams and other things that are outside of the "normal" and can be attributed to God. I personally have experienced some of these events and I'm wondering how common they are. If you have experienced a supernatural miracle attributable to God, can you briefly describe the event?


bad moon - you are conflating evolution with science. I am a strong believer/fan of science and evolution is NOT science. Evolution is a religious belief (not a single tenant of evolution has ever been observed) and an adult fairy tale at best - if you kiss a frog and wait a million years it will turn into a prince. Belief in evolution is not atheism? If that is true, then explain to me why 95% of the NAS is atheist or agnostic and 87% of leading scientists in the field of evolution deny the existence of God? It is not my position that relegates these scientists to atheism. They are atheists! You say you believe in God despite the scientific evidence, but my believe in God is strengthened BECAUSE of the scientific evidence! You believe in evolution even though you have not seen it, yet you refuse to believe in creation even though God has plainly told you the truth. If I judge, I do it by the Word of God. But you judge according to the fallible and shifting imaginations of men.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes. I had a miraculous increase in strength on one occasion. I was trying to put a four drawer flat pack cupboard in my car. At first all I could do was tilt it, I could not lift it. Until I prayed. Then I could easily pick it up and put it in the car. When I got home, I easily carried it into the house. The next time I tried to move it, my extra strength had gone and I could barely drag it.

    I have also been in potentially (and actually) violent situations and have been able to bring peace to them with just words. I just opened my mouth and spoke, and the right words came out. Violence became peace.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I have dreams that warn me of something unpleasant to come. I also am alerted at times that make me aware of danger that are not dreams. I have had the best dream when God came to me. I know it was Him although no words were spoken. I was strapped to a plane(small one). I am very scared of those, had a bad experience. I am a photographer and pictures are important to me. In the dream I was strapped to the front of a plane wearing my camera. I began to fall forward and then I was lifted back up. I was strapped their and I could not see what was behind me. He put me there to let me know that He had my back and not to fear because He would not let me fall. Nothing was in front of me to hinder my view of what lied ahead. In the dream I was snapping pictures. There were two beautiful mountains, the prettiest picture I had ever seen. He was showing me that the picture of what lied ahead was beautiful. I was not scared because I knew He would not let me fall. I said in the dream(really thought aloud) "is this a real picture I am looking at?" all of the sudden the picture zoomed in and I could see a stream was flowing in between. It was so very beautiful, I can't describe it enough. That was to show me that it was indeed real. I call this dream "the picture of perfection". Then the plane was landing and I was back to reality. I tried to stop it from landing but I could not. Then I was leaving with some others I did not know. I kept saying hurry andjust take pictures. I did not want it to end. That was to tell me that you can't always be at the top of the mountain there are peaks in between and I am not in control, God is the one in control. He controls the coming and going and everything in between. He never"spoke" a word but the dream spoke volumes and I understood more over the next couple of days after. There was so much more to it than I can even describe.

    I also sense others pain as if it were my own. I feel it. I can sometimes know what they will say next. I don't quite understand but have been told I may have the gift of discernment.

    My dream was a dream full of metaphors. It was truly amazing.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes. Last week the Lord gave me a vision of a Bible and my brother. My brother has never cared about the Bible in his entire life and I had no clue he started reading it, then the Lord told me "pray that your brother gets the correct message about Jesus Christ." The very next day my mother came to me saying "your brother has started reading the Bible and is misquoting it like crazy, could you help him?" It was a neat experience. Not to mention I feel waves of His love everyday. That is always a great feeling.

    Jesus is God and the only way into heaven. Please pray a sincere prayer with all of your heart admitting to Jesus you are a sinner. Have full faith that His blood pays off all of your sins and accept His gift of everlasting life. I pray that God blesses you with peace. Amen.

  • 1 decade ago

    I read your profile..I do not believe what you believe! Belief in evolution is not atheism. Science is science and Creation science is not is in my opinion drivel! I don't say this to offend you, but your position relegates the valid scientists to the category of sin and atheism. I am a scientist and God gave me a brain, but I also know in my heart of the metaphysical world which I cannot pretend to grasp. God has His own rules and His ways are mysterious. I believe despite an inclination through my scientific knowledge to disbelieve. "Blessed are they that have not seen and still believe..". Remember that it is sinful to presume to know the mind of God! Watch carefully how you judge..that is God's purview!

    I had a good example from personal experience, but frankly I edited it out since it was intensley personal. I did not comfortable sharing it.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As a child I was nearly drowned - two friends died in the incident but I was saved.

    In military service I have been shot and stabbed and survived.

    I survived a bad car accident and eventually recovered fully.

    I have a medical condition with a 15% chance of survival for 5 years and had it for over 28 years!!!

    I have on two separate occasions been given 3 months and 6 months to live and come through it all!!

    If I was a Christian I have no doubt there would be claims of several miracles but I am not and have survived with the help of medical science and a healthy lifestyle!!!

    Miracles are only necessary for the weak!!!

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