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If you could make one wisest law, and it could be enforced throughout the world, what would it be?

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There might be something that could accomplish some limited, practical goal, that some wise person could come up with. But a wise person would know that until people wake up, there's no law that could do anything significant. You can't force people to love, and love is the only thing that can really change anything for the better.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hello Wynn...

    What would be the wisest choice to be enforced... hmmm.... that mankinds deepest desire would be to follow God's laws as told by Jesus with the Spirit of Love as opposed to the Letter of the Law.

    The Spirit of the Law was administered by Christ Jesus to mankind and was so above the Letter of the Law! The Pharisees delivered judgment because they had a head knowledge and memory of the laws! The power these men had was tremendous, and their knowledge great. However they lacked in love and in wisdom and mostly judged viciously. Christ's words spoke of compassion and love and justice and because He understood God'r real intent; he had the composure of God, His Father to see through the heart of God. Some thing which the Pharisees never understood therefore these men could not govern people with the heart of God for they knew it not!

    So in essence I am suggesting that if we understood the heart of God we could lend ourselves into loving well. So perhaps if we could have the mind and heart of God, which is a gift He has already given us by sending us Christ to be our forerunner...

    Good questions... dear Wynn, hugs and warm blessings to you and yours! ((hugs))


    She Dances With Love


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When you know that you are responsible ONLY for what you believe and what you feel, and when you KNOW that others are responsible only for what they feel and believe, that feelings and beliefs about reality can only come from within, from what each person chooses to believe, there is no longer shame or blame, guilt or self hatred. Then you have the opportunity to believe and create your life in any way you choose - in a good way that works for you. You no longer believe it if others try to blame you, and you no longer blame anyone else for your life. That is being the CREATOR of your life. You choose consciously, not unconsciously, what you want to believe - you perceive yourself and life and others in a way that is positive and allows life to work harmoniously for you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Wise laws need to be taught, not enforced.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Freedom of information throughout everywhere freedom of the monetary system freedom to be able to create anything , freedom of everything~*~

  • 1 decade ago

    Everyone gets one free homicide in their life. With that law I think that everyone would treat each other a whole lot nicer.

  • 1 decade ago

    No action which does not deprive another of life, liberty, or property through either force or fraud shall be considered a crime.

  • 1 decade ago

    That people experience some of what they bring to others' lives directly and indirectly.

  • 1 decade ago

    The golden rule, what else?

    The ethic of reciprocity

  • 1 decade ago

    Respect all kinds of lives, even when the other people do and think the opposite of what you do and think.

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