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matt asked in Family & RelationshipsFamily · 1 decade ago

How to deal with parents constantly fighting...?

Let me start this off by saying that my dad is a very difficult person. Difficult to deal with and difficult to handle. Im not going to use profanity towards him online, but believe me i feel like saying every swear word imaginable to his face. he mistreats my mother (he has never understood what it means to respect women, he just treats her like he would a man) not physically, but verbally. he does it in front of me and my younger sister. When they argue, he always needs to have the last word in, he's always right, and whatever he says goes. I really don't want to sound like I'm complaining, but it has gotten worse ever since he has taken a new job that he hates. He takes out his anger on me, my sister, but especially my mom.

Keep in mind, this opinion is coming from a 17 year old boy, and you'd think I could relate to him better than I could my mom or anyone else. But as far as I'm concerned, I want my relationship with him to be as distant as possible, and it will make seeing my mom later in life difficult.

Thank you for reading this (it was probably a torture, I'm sorry). But do you have any advice?

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Oh. I'm so sorry to hear this. My family was EXACTLY the same way. Here's what I wish I would have done when I was your age... ask both of them to go into the living room. Sit them both down. Tell them that you've contacted the school counselor about all of the fighting in your home and they want to come and ask some questions. (Even though you really haven't said anything to anyone.) If they ask you to tell the person not to come, then say ok but i'm asking you two to get a divorce then because I won't live like this anymore. This will make them either get help or break up. Both are good, because it will stop the yelling and fighting. When abusive people feel like someone is going to find out about their behavior, they usually stop. They like to be abusive when no one is watching because deep down they really know it's wrong. They have no business raising you and your brother like that. They are both too childish and immature to see that though. Now, sadly, you have to be the parent to them. Chin up.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I went through the same thing only it was my mom, She is very difficult and she is the queen of the house! I see where your comming from and you should just say to your dad,WITH YOUR MOM hey i don't enjoy you two fighting and everything and i'm just asking please don't take your anger out on me and everyone else in the house.And let me tell you matt you are old enough to let your opinions or your voice open up to your family. If you don't like what is going on she talk it out with them. And hey this happened to me my mom,she just started throwing hot candle wax across the room, i just walked away called my friends and said hey come pick me up. And i left. I knwo it's hard to get out there and let you feelings shine but when i did it i felt much better inside. I hope everything goes well for you and your family matt! Good Luck!



  • 1 decade ago

    It was not torture reading this. I feel very bad for you, and wish I could give you good advice. I grew up in the same environment except it included physical abuse as well as verbal. I'm much older than you and it took awhile to come to this conclusion, but in order for you to have a relationship with your mom you have to have some type of relationship with your dad. From my experience not having a relationship with my dad made things more difficult for my mom. I'm not saying to get real close with him, just acknowledge him. Good luck to you!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'd say to confront your father when he's in one of his better moods (if ever), and simply to ask WHY he does this. Or, after he cools down a bit, tell him that things really all weren't your mom's/whoever's fault. Try to get him to see your side of things. If this doesn't help, maybe you could try to get him to go to a physicatrist, or possibly take some stress relieving vitamins (or something of the sort).

    Source(s): My dad needed anger management - he would always yell at my mother and blame her for everything. Once he even threatened getting a divorce because the whole family stayed at a friend's house "for an hour too long".
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  • 1 decade ago

    talk to your parents and tell them both how this is affection you as a kid. and tell them to think of their children's best interest.

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